Project description:Global warming seriously threats world food supply. However, very few approaches have succeeded in genetically enhancing crop heat tolerance without growth penalty. To reveal the underlying molecular mechanism of Erecta action in response to thermal stress, we performed transcriptional profiling of Col-0 and mutant er-105 plants with or without 40℃ heat treatment on a global scale using the Affymetrix Arabidopsis ATH1 GeneChip.
Project description:We performed a transcriptomic analysis of Pi starvation responses in Arabidopsis thaliana (Columbia-0) phr1 mutant plants expressing PHR1 in presence of cicloheximide, that inhibit protein translation, thus preventing any effect of PHR1 on the expression of indirect targets. Results show the primary target genes of PHR1 in the responses to Pi starvation.
Project description:We performed a transcriptomic analysis of Pi-starvation and recovery after resupplying Pi in Arabidopsis thaliana (Columbia-0) wild type plants and double mutant spx1,spx2. Results show that SPX1 is a Pi-dependent inhibitor of the transcription factor PHR1, a central regulatory protein in the control of transcriptional responses to Pi starvation.
Project description:To reveal the underlying molecular mechanism of GH3.5 action in modulating the SA and auxin pathways, we performed transcriptional profiling of gh3.5-1D plants after infection with or without Pst DC3000(avrRpt2) on a global scale using the Affymetrix Arabidopsis ATH1 GeneChip Experiment Overall Design: Each 3 leaves of plants of 5-week-old wild type Columbia-0 and mutant gh3.5-1D (heterozygous) were inoculated with Pst DC3000(avrRpt2)at 105 cfu mL-1. Leaves were harvested at 0 h (uninoculated) and 48 hours after inoculation. Three biological repeats were performed on Columbia-0 (wild-type, Col-0) and gh3.5-1D (mutant) after infection with or without Pst DC3000(avrRpt2), respectively.
Project description:RNAseq transcriptome of anthers of Arabidopsis thaliana Columbia-0 grown under control (1/2 Hoagland) and Fe deficiency conditions.
Project description:We performed a transcriptomic analysis of Pi starvation responses in Arabidopsis thaliana (Columbia-0) wild type plants under phosphate starvation stress and in plants with altered PHR1(-like) activity, comparing mutants of phr1 and phr1-phl1 grown in phosphate-lacking medium. Results show the central role of PHR1 and functionally redundant members of its family in the control of transcriptional responses to Pi starvation.
Project description:RNAseq transcriptome of leaves and roots of Arabidopsis thaliana Columbia-0 grown under control (ES media) and Fe-deficiency (-Fe +100 µM FRZ) conditions.
Project description:Inflorescence architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana is regulated by ER-EPFL4/6 signaling module. To analyze the genes governed by this module, the transcriptional profiles of er-2 (allelic to er-106) mutant and epfl4 epfl6 double mutant were investigated. 9 samples are included in this study. Three biological replicates of 33 d post germination inflorescence tips of er-2 (allelic to er-106, Lease et al., 2001) and epfl4 epfl6 were compared with wild type (Col-0) sample for changes in gene expression.
Project description:Identification of new elements (non-coding-RNA) controlling root growth in response to phosphate.-Plants (Columbia er 105, or Landsberg erecta) were grown one week on media with Phosphate (+P) and then transfered on media without (-P = P starvation) for 1h or 2h. Root apices were harvested and total RNA extracted for RNA sequencing.
Project description:Inflorescence architecture of Arabidopsis thaliana is regulated by ER-EPFL4/6 signaling module. To analyze the genes governed by this module, the transcriptional profiles of er-2 (allelic to er-106) mutant and epfl4 epfl6 double mutant were investigeted.