Project description:Mapping the occupancy of ArcA throughout the genome of Escherchia coli MG1655 K-12 using an affinity purified antibody under anaerobic and aerobic growth conditions. As a control, we also performed ChIP-chip onArcA in a ∆arcA mutant strain of Escherchia coli MG1655 K-12. Described in the manuscript The response regulator ArcA uses a diverse binding site architechture to globally regulate carbon oxidation in E. coli
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes in a Escherichia coli MG1655 K-12 M-bM-^HM-^FarcA mutant, compared to the wild-type strain. The mutations engineered into this strain produce a strain lacking the ArcA protein. The results are further described in the manuscript The response regulator ArcA uses a diverse binding site architechture to globally regulate carbon oxidation in E. coli A six chip study using total RNA recovered from three separate cultures of Escherichia coli MG1655 K-12 WT and three separate cultures of the M-bM-^HM-^FarcA mutant strain. Each chip measures the expression level of 4,661 genes from Escherichia coli MG1655 K-12 with eight 60-mer probes per gene, with each probe represented twice on the array.
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes in a Escherichia coli MG1655 K-12 ∆arcA mutant, compared to the wild-type strain. The mutations engineered into this strain produce a strain lacking the ArcA protein. The results are further described in the manuscript The response regulator ArcA uses a diverse binding site architechture to globally regulate carbon oxidation in E. coli
Project description:Mapping the occupancy of ArcA throughout the genome of Escherchia coli MG1655 K-12 using an affinity purified antibody under anaerobic and aerobic growth conditions. As a control, we also performed ChIP-chip onArcA in a M-bM-^HM-^FarcA mutant strain of Escherchia coli MG1655 K-12. Described in the manuscript The response regulator ArcA uses a diverse binding site architechture to globally regulate carbon oxidation in E. coli Mapping of occupancy of ArcA in the genome of Escherchia coli MG1655 K-12 during anaerobic fermentation and aerobic respiration. Immunoprecipitated DNA compared to INPUT for each sample.
Project description:Mature tRNA pools were measured using an adaptation of YAMAT-seq (Shigematsu et al., 2017; doi:10.1093/nar/gkx005 ) and further described in (Ayan et al., 2020; doi:10.7554/eLife.57947) in 10 strain-medium combinations (all strains dervied from the model bacterium E. coli MG1655). The aim of the experiment was to investigate the effect of reducing tRNA gene copy number on mature tRNA pools in rich and poor media.
Project description:Expression profiles of wild-type and SgrR mutant E. coli strains under aMG and 2-DG-induced stress. Expression profiles of E. coli overexpressing SgrS sRNA.
Project description:Expression profiles of wild-type and SgrR mutant E. coli strains under aMG and 2-DG-induced stress. Expression profiles of E. coli overexpressing SgrS sRNA. Illumina RNA-Seq of total RNA extracted from wild-type, SgrR/SgrS mutant and SgrS overexpressing E. coli strains grown in different conditions.