Project description:BackgroundIn recent years, the wildlife/livestock interface has attracted increased attention due to disease transmission between wild and domestic animal populations. The ongoing spread of African swine fever (ASF) in European wild boar (Sus scrofa) emphasize the need for further understanding of the wildlife/livestock interface to prevent disease spill-over between the wild and domestic populations. Although wild boar may also act as a potential source for other infectious disease agents, ASF is currently the most severe threat from wild boar to domestic pigs. To gather information on the wild boar situation at commercial pig producing farms in Sweden, a digital questionnaire survey was distributed through the animal health services.ResultsMost pigs produced for commercial purposes in Sweden are raised without outdoor access. Of the 211 responding pig producers, 80% saw wild boar or signs of wild boar activity in the vicinity of their farm at least once during the year. Observations were significantly correlated with geographical region, but there was no correlation between farm characteristics (farm size, main type of production, outdoor access) and observed wild boar presence or proximity. However, a reported higher frequency of wild boar observations was positively correlated with the observations being made in closer proximity to the farm. Hunting and strategic baiting were the most common mitigation strategies used to keep wild boar at bay. Of the 14 farms raising pigs with outdoor access, 12 responded that these pigs could be raised solely indoors if needed. Pigs with outdoor access are required to be fenced in, but double fencing in these outdoor pig enclosures was not practiced by all. A perimeter fence surrounding any type of pig farm was very rare. More than half of the producers that grew crops with intended use for pigs reported crop damage by wild boar.ConclusionThis study shows that although pigs raised for commercial purposes in Sweden are, to a large extent, kept indoors the potential for indirect contact with wild boar exists and must be considered. Variable local situations regarding wild boar abundance may require an adaptive approach regarding biosecurity efforts.
Project description:Balanced chromosomal rearrangements, mainly reciprocal translocations, are considered to be the causative agent of several clinical conditions in farmed pigs, resulting in hypoprolificacy and economic losses. Literature suggests that reciprocal translocations are heritable and can occur de novo. The prevalence rate of these balanced structural rearrangements of chromosomes differs from country to country and varies between 0.5% and 3.3%. The Australian pig population is descendent of a small founder population and has since been a closed genetic group since the 1980s. Hence, any incident of reciprocal translocation along with the pedigree of boars that contribute sperm for artificial insemination has the potential to have an economic consequence. To date, there has been no published account for screening of reciprocal translocation associated with hypoprolificacy in the Australian pig population. In this study, we performed standard and molecular cytogenetic analyses to identify evidence of chromosome rearrangements and their association with hypoprolificacy in a representative 94 boar samples from a commercial nucleus herd. We identified three novel rearrangements between chromosomes 5 and 14, between chromosomes 9 and 10, and between chromosomes 10 and 12. In addition, we also detected a reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 3 and 16 that has previously been detected in pig herds in France. The prevalence rate was 6.38% within the samples used in this study. All four rearrangements were found to have an association with hypoprolificacy. Further study and routine monitoring will be necessary to identify any further rearrangements that will allow breeders to prevent the propagation of reciprocal translocations from generation to generation within the Australian pig population.
Project description:BACKGROUND:Several studies have independently evaluated the occurrence of hepatitis E virus (HEV) and enteroparasites in swine, but no surveys have been conducted to jointly assess the prevalence and genetic diversity of enteroparasites in pigs and wild boars, their sympatric transmission between hosts, and their potential interaction with HEV. METHODS:We prospectively collected serum and faecal samples from black Iberian domestic pigs and wild boars from southern Spain between 2015?2016. We evaluated for HEV in serum and faeces, and for the presence of enteroparasites (Giardia duodenalis, Cryptosporidium spp., Blastocystis sp., Neobalantidium coli and Strongyloides spp.) in the same faecal samples. The prevalence of each intestinal parasite species was calculated. RESULTS:A total of 328 animals (56.7% black Iberian pigs and 43.3% wild boars) were included in the study. The overall global prevalence of HEV in serum was 16.8%. The overall global prevalence of each enteroparasite species was 19.5% for G. duodenalis, 8.2% for Cryptosporidium spp., 41.8% for Blastocystis sp., 31.4% for N. coli, and 8.8% for Strongyloides spp. HEV-infected animals showed a significantly lower prevalence of G. duodenalis (3.2 vs 20%; P?=?0.002) and Blastocystis sp. (38.7 vs 80%; P?<?0.001) than those uninfected by HEV. Animals carrying G. duodenalis and Blastocystis sp. infections showed a significantly lower rate of HEV infection than those not harbouring these enteroparasites (P?<?0.001). CONCLUSIONS:Our study found a high prevalence of enteroparasites in black Iberian pigs and wild boars in southern Spain, suggesting a sympatric co-transmission of some of the species investigated. It is suggested that extracellular G. duodenalis and Blastocystis sp. might have a protective effect on HEV acquisition in swine.
Project description:In this study, we applied the isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ) technique to detect alterations in the proteomic profile of the jejunal mucosa using a porcine model in which piglets were offered the protein-limited (PL) diet. Protein identification and quantification for iTRAQ experiments were performed using ProteinPilot (v4.0.8085) software. The LC-MS/MS data were searched against the UniProtKB (sus scrofa). To minimize the false discovery rate (FDR), a threshold for protein identification was applied, with the confident value > 95% (amount to the confident value “unused ProtScore” > 1.3 in ProteinPilot software), and at least one unique peptide was considered for protein identification. Proteins that were quantified with fold change > 2.0 were considered to be differentially expressed proteins. We identified 5275 proteins, 202 of which were differentially expressed. Furthermore, we adopted function annotation analysis of all identified proteins and function enrichment analysis of all differentially expressed proteins to explore more meaningful proteins and pathways.
Project description:The necrophilous insect fauna on carcasses varies seasonally and geographically. The ecological succession of insects arriving to decaying neonate pig carcasses in central North Carolina during late summer was sampled using a novel vented-chamber collection method. We collected six blow fly species, flesh flies, house flies and 10 beetle taxa, including four species of scarab beetles. Necrophilous fly activity dominated the early decomposition stages, whereas beetle numbers remained low until day 4. By day 7, more than 50% of the pig carcasses were skeletonized and they attracted few insects. Differences in the taxa and successional patterns documented in this experiment and a previous study in the same location highlight the ecological variation in such investigations, and underscore the need for standardization, as well as for ecological succession studies on finer geographic scales.