Project description:A transgenic line cmlc2:TRAP was made to express EGFP-fused ribosomal protein L10a (EGFP-L10a) in zebrafish cardiomyocytes. Then ribosome-associated RNAs were immuoprecipitated from uninjured and injured adult cmlc2:TRAP fish to determine the differential expression changes during zebrafish heart regeneration. A nine chip study with cardiomyocyte ribosome associated RNAs purified from three separate isolation of uninjured adult cmlc2:TRAP fish hearts, three separate isolation of 1 day post amupation (dpa) adult cmlc2:TRAP fish hearts, and three separate isolation of 7 dpa adult cmlc2:TRAP fish hearts.
Project description:H3K27me3 deposition over sarcomeric and cytoskeletal promoters is required for cardiomyocyte cytokinesis and wound invasion during zebrafish heart regeneration [ChIP-seq]
Project description:H3K27me3 deposition over sarcomeric and cytoskeletal promoters is required for cardiomyocyte cytokinesis and wound invasion during zebrafish heart regeneration [RNA-seq]