Project description:Background: Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for 81% of all cases of lung cancer and they are often fatal because 60% of the patients are diagnosed at an advanced stage. Besides the need for earlier diagnosis, there is a great need for additional effective therapies. In this work we investigated the feasibility of a lung cancer progression mouse model, mimicking features of human aggressive NSCLC cancer, as biological reservoir for potential therapeutic targets and biomarkers. Results:RNA-seq profiling was performed on total RNA extracted from lungs of 30 week-old p53R172H∆g/KrasG12D and wild type mice to detect fusion genes and gene/exon-level differential expression associated to the increase of tumor mass. Fusion events were not detected in p53R172H∆g/KrasG12D tumors. Differential expression at exon-level detected 33 genes with differential exon usage. The study provides a complete transcription overview of the p53R172H∆g/KrasG12D mouse NSCLC model
Project description:Microarray expression data generated to compare the biological impact of KrasG12D allelic duplication in p53null mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). The RAS/MAPK-signalling pathway is frequently deregulated in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), often through activating mutations in KRAS. Mouse models demonstrated that activation of a single endogenous mutant Kras allele is sufficient to promote lung tumour formation, but acquisition of other genetic alterations is required for malignant progression. Using a well-established lung cancer mouse model we recently demonstrated that advanced KrasG12D-driven spontaneous tumours frequently exhibit enhanced MAPK signalling and KrasG12D allelic enrichment (KrasG12D/Kraswild-type>1), implying that mutant Kras copy gains are positively selected during lung cancer progression. To compare the oncogenic impact of a single mutant allele versus additional mutant Kras copy gain, we carried out a comprehensive analysis of mutant Kras homozygous and heterozygous MEFs and lung cancer cells and show that these genotypes are phenotypically distinct. Title: Mutant Kras copy number defines metabolic reprogramming and therapeutic susceptibilities Authors: Emma M Kerr, Edoardo Gaude, Frances K Turrell, Christian Frezza and Carla P Martins
Project description:Background: Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for 81% of all cases of lung cancer and they are often fatal because 60% of the patients are diagnosed at an advanced stage. Besides the need for earlier diagnosis, there is a great need for additional effective therapies. In this work we investigated the feasibility of a lung cancer progression mouse model, mimicking features of human aggressive NSCLC cancer, as biological reservoir for potential therapeutic targets and biomarkers. Results:RNA-seq profiling was performed on total RNA extracted from lungs of 30 week-old p53R172HM-bM-^HM-^Fg/KrasG12D and wild type mice to detect fusion genes and gene/exon-level differential expression associated to the increase of tumor mass. Fusion events were not detected in p53R172HM-bM-^HM-^Fg/KrasG12D tumors. Differential expression at exon-level detected 33 genes with differential exon usage. The study provides a complete transcription overview of the p53R172HM-bM-^HM-^Fg/KrasG12D mouse NSCLC model Lung mRNA profiles of 30-week old wild type (WT) and p53R172HM-bM-^HM-^Fg/KrasG12D mice were generated by deep sequencing, in duplicate using Illumina HiSeq2000.
Project description:Microarray expression data generated to compare the biological impact of KrasG12D allelic duplication in p53null mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). The RAS/MAPK-signalling pathway is frequently deregulated in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), often through activating mutations in KRAS. Mouse models demonstrated that activation of a single endogenous mutant Kras allele is sufficient to promote lung tumour formation, but acquisition of other genetic alterations is required for malignant progression. Using a well-established lung cancer mouse model we recently demonstrated that advanced KrasG12D-driven spontaneous tumours frequently exhibit enhanced MAPK signalling and KrasG12D allelic enrichment (KrasG12D/Kraswild-type>1), implying that mutant Kras copy gains are positively selected during lung cancer progression. To compare the oncogenic impact of a single mutant allele versus additional mutant Kras copy gain, we carried out a comprehensive analysis of mutant Kras homozygous and heterozygous MEFs and lung cancer cells and show that these genotypes are phenotypically distinct. Title: Mutant Kras copy number defines metabolic reprogramming and therapeutic susceptibilities Authors: Emma M Kerr, Edoardo Gaude, Frances K Turrell, Christian Frezza and Carla P Martins For MEF generation, KrasLSL-G12D/+ ;p53Fx/Fx mixed background (C57Bl/6/129/Sv) animals were interbred and embryos collected at day E12.5 to overcome KrasLSL-G12D/G12D embryonic lethality and Cre-mediated recombination performed immediately after MEF generation. Cells were cultured in DMEM supplemented with 10% FBS, 2 mM L-Glutamine for one passage and then infected with adenovirus-Cre (5âÃâ107âplaque-forming units/1 x 106 cells). Recombination of LoxP sites was confirmed by PCR analysis. Three independent embryos per genotype were analysed using GPL6887 Illumina MouseWG-6 v2.0 expression beadchip.
Project description:Recent data suggests that repression of the Type II TGF-B Receptor (Tgfr2) repression in human lung adenocarcinoma is important for progression from noninvasive to invasive adenocarcinoma. To test this hypothesis in a animal model of non-invasive lung cancer, we generated an inducible, lung specific Tgfbr2 knockout model in the oncogenic Kras mouse. LSL-KrasG12D positive mice were simultaneously backcrossed to C57/Bl6 mice and to the Tgfbr2 flox/flox mice. To induce tumors, 100 _l of saline containing 3x10e10 particles of an adenovirus containing the Cre recombinase (Ad.Cre) was administered to each LSL-KrasG12D mouse intra-nasally. Mice were sacrificed at 7 weeks after administration of Adeno-Cre. We used laser capture microdissection to acquire tumor cells from KrasTgfbr2-/- and KrasTgfbr2 wt mouse tumors.
Project description:Recent data suggests that repression of the Type II TGF-B Receptor (Tgfr2) repression in human lung adenocarcinoma is important for progression from noninvasive to invasive adenocarcinoma. To test this hypothesis in a animal model of non-invasive lung cancer, we generated an inducible, lung specific Tgfbr2 knockout model in the oncogenic Kras mouse. LSL-KrasG12D positive mice were simultaneously backcrossed to C57/Bl6 mice and to the Tgfbr2 flox/flox mice. To induce tumors, 100 _l of saline containing 3x10e10 particles of an adenovirus containing the Cre recombinase (Ad.Cre) was administered to each LSL-KrasG12D mouse intra-nasally.
Project description:Recent data suggests that repression of the Type II TGF-B Receptor (Tgfr2) repression in human lung adenocarcinoma is important for progression from noninvasive to invasive adenocarcinoma. To test this hypothesis in a animal model of non-invasive lung cancer, we generated an inducible, lung specific Tgfbr2 knockout model in the oncogenic Kras mouse. LSL-KrasG12D positive mice were simultaneously backcrossed to C57/Bl6 mice and to the Tgfbr2 flox/flox mice. To induce tumors, 100 ul of saline containing 3x10e10 particles of an adenovirus containing the Cre recombinase (Ad.Cre) was administered to each LSL-KrasG12D mouse intra-nasally.
Project description:Recent data suggests that repression of the Type II TGF-B Receptor (Tgfr2) repression in human lung adenocarcinoma is important for progression from noninvasive to invasive adenocarcinoma. To test this hypothesis in a animal model of non-invasive lung cancer, we generated an inducible, lung specific Tgfbr2 knockout model in the oncogenic Kras mouse. LSL-KrasG12D positive mice were simultaneously backcrossed to C57/Bl6 mice and to the Tgfbr2 flox/flox mice. To induce tumors, 100 ul of saline containing 3x10e10 particles of an adenovirus containing the Cre recombinase (Ad.Cre) was administered to each LSL-KrasG12D mouse intra-nasally. We evaluated the tumor microenvironment response to Tgfbr2 deficient tumor cells. We compared lung tumor cell and stromal cell transcriptional profiles from five-week KrasTgfbr2 -/- and nine-week KrasTgfbr2 WT mice. We used mice at these time points to allow comparison of the stromal compartment of similarly advanced tumors.