Project description:The goal of this project was to identify strain-dependent expression of miRNAs in lung tissue from Collaborative Cross founder strains that were sensitized and challenged with house dust mite allergen (Der p 1). We analyzed whole lung RNAs from the eight Collaborative Cross founder strains (n=4/strain, all males) using Affymetrix miRNA 2.0 arrays
Project description:The goal of this project was to identify strain-dependent expression of miRNAs in lung tissue from Collaborative Cross founder strains that were sensitized and challenged with house dust mite allergen (Der p 1).
Project description:The Collaborative Cross (CC) recombinant inbred panel was conceived as an ideal resource for mammalian system genetics. The pre-CC is a proof-of-concept experiment involving CC lines that have undergone at least five generations of inbreeding. Siblings from these lines were each involved in one of four distinct phenotyping arms, then genotyped on a high-density Affymetrix platform. These mice were initially described in the following reference. Genome Research 2011 Aug;21(8):1213-22 (PMID: 21406540). The goal of this specific project was to identify gene expression QTL using lung tissue from pre-CC mice that were sensitized and challenged with house dust mite allergen (namely, Der p 1). We analyzed whole lung RNAs from 138 pre-Collaborative Cross mice using Illumina WG6v2 arrays. Pre-Collaborative Cross (CC) mice are partially inbred strains created by intercrossing eight founder (parental) strains: 129S1/SvImJ, (129S1), A/J (AJ), C57BL/6J (B6), CAST/Ei (CAST), NOD/LtJ (NOD), NZO/H1LtJ (NZO), PWK/Ph (PWK), and WSB/Ei (WSB). Sister-brother mating in 220 families was done for 5-12 generations. One animal was sampled from 138 unique pre-CC strains, each designated by the prefix OR which denotes Oak Ridge National Laboratory as the original source of these mice. The parental strains are not part of this submission. Hybridizations were performed at the National Human Genome Research InstituteM-bM-^@M-^Ys Gene Expression Core Facility.The resulting data were initially processed using Illumina Genome Studio software and then imported into R (v2.9.2) for post-processing. Normalization was conducted using RMA with quantile normalization and log2 transformation.
Project description:Our research aims to chart the circRNA expression profile and assess their impact on the lung PMN. We developed a lung PMN model and employed comprehensive RNA sequencing to analyze the differences in circRNA expression between normal and pre-metastatic lungs.Overall, our study highlights the crucial role of circRNAs in the formation of lung PMNs, supporting their potential as diagnostic or therapeutic targets for lung metastasis.
Project description:The Collaborative Cross (CC) recombinant inbred panel was conceived as an ideal resource for mammalian system genetics. The pre-CC is a proof-of-concept experiment involving CC lines that have undergone at least five generations of inbreeding. Siblings from these lines were each involved in one of four distinct phenotyping arms, then genotyped on a high-density Affymetrix platform. These mice were initially described in the following reference. Genome Research 2011 Aug;21(8):1213-22 (PMID: 21406540). The goal of this specific project was to identify gene expression QTL using lung tissue from pre-CC mice that were sensitized and challenged with house dust mite allergen (namely, Der p 1).
Project description:To characterize the genetic basis of hybrid male sterility in detail, we used a systems genetics approach, integrating mapping of gene expression traits with sterility phenotypes and QTL. We measured genome-wide testis expression in 305 male F2s from a cross between wild-derived inbred strains of M. musculus musculus and M. m. domesticus. We identified several thousand cis- and trans-acting QTL contributing to expression variation (eQTL). Many trans eQTL cluster into eleven ‘hotspots,’ seven of which co-localize with QTL for sterility phenotypes identified in the cross. The number and clustering of trans eQTL - but not cis eQTL - were substantially lower when mapping was restricted to a ‘fertile’ subset of mice, providing evidence that trans eQTL hotspots are related to sterility. Functional annotation of transcripts with eQTL provides insights into the biological processes disrupted by sterility loci and guides prioritization of candidate genes. Using a conditional mapping approach, we identified eQTL dependent on interactions between loci, revealing a complex system of epistasis. Our results illuminate established patterns, including the role of the X chromosome in hybrid sterility.