ABSTRACT: Global microRNA expression analysis in HaCaT human keratinocytes transfected with p72 or control EGFP in addition to siRNAs for NF2 and LATS2.
Project description:The Hippo pathway is an emerging signaling cascade involved in the regulation of organ size control. It consists of evolutionally conserved protein kinases that are sequentially phosphorylated and activated. The active Hippo pathway subsequently phosphorylates a transcription coactivator, YAP, which precludes its nuclear localization and transcriptional activation. Identification of transcriptional targets of YAP in diverse cellular contexts is therefore critical to the understanding of the molecular mechanisms in which the Hippo pathway restricts tissue growth. We used microarrays to profile the gene expression patterns upon acute siRNA knockdown of Hippo pathway components in multiple mammalian cell lines and identified a set of genes representing immediate transcriptional targets of the Hippo/Yap signaling pathway. Three mammalian cell lines (HEK293T, HepG2, HaCaT) were transfected with scramble siRNA controls or siRNAs against NF2 and LATS2, two core components of the Hippo pathway, simultaneously. Total RNAs were harvested four days after transfection to reveal the gene expression pattern unsing microarry. YAP and TAZ siRNAs were also transfected along with NF2 and LATS2 siRNAs to identify YAP/TAZ-dependent transcriptional targets upon loss of NF2/LATS2.
Project description:Global downregulation of microRNAs (miRNAs) is commonly observed in human cancers and can have a causative role in tumorigenesis. The mechanisms responsible for this phenomenon remain poorly understood. Here we show that YAP, the downstream target of the tumor-suppressive Hippo signaling pathway regulates miRNA biogenesis in a cell density-dependent manner. At low cell density, nuclear YAP binds and sequesters p72 (DDX17), a regulatory component of the miRNA processing machinery. At high cell density, Hippo-mediated cytoplasmic retention of YAP facilitates p72 association with Microprocessor and binding to a specific sequence motif in pri-miRNAs. Inactivation of the Hippo pathway or expression of constitutively active YAP causes widespread miRNA suppression in cells and tumors and a corresponding post-transcriptional induction of MYC expression. Thus, the Hippo pathway links contact-inhibition regulation to miRNA biogenesis and may be responsible for the widespread miRNA repression observed in cancer. Two conditions (transfection of p72 or control EGFP in addition to siRNAs for NF2 and LATS2) were analyzed in duplicate.
Project description:Global microRNA expression analysis in HaCaT human keratinocytes transfected with siRNA(s) for p72, NF2/LATS2, DROSHA/DGCR8, or negative control
Project description:This transcriptome study is intended to discover the effects of MYC and TP63 on human keratinocytes differentiation at the genome level. Human keratinocyte cell line, HaCaT cells were transfected by siRNAs with the help of transfection reagent, INTERFERin. 48 hours post-transfection, total RNA was extracted from cells. We used a non-targeting siRNA as a negative control. siRNA targeting MYC or TP63 was obtained from QIAGEN, and RNAs from wild type HaCaT cells were used as reference samples. We did 3 biological replicates and 2 'dye swap' for each sample. Totally we got 12 samples, with 2 dye-swap for each sample, and 48 arrays used for all hybridization.
Project description:We transfected keratinocytes cell line (HaCaT cells) with si-NC and si-eIF4E, and added M5 into the cell culture medium to reveal the function of eIF4E in the in vitro psoriasis cell model.
Project description:HaCaT human keratinocytes were transfected with pre-miR-483-3p or pre-miR-NC. RNA samples were harvested 48h post-transfection and mRNA profiles were determined with pan genomic arrays. Two biological replicates were performed for each comparison. Data were normalized using a dye-swap method.
Project description:We have develped a novel method of making siRNAs (named pro-siRNA for prokaryotic siRNA). To evaluate off-targeting of pro-siRNA, we compared the mRNA expression profiles of HeLa-d1EGFP cells transfected with 4 nM EGFP siRNAs and pro-siRNAs by microarray.
Project description:The Piwi–piRNA complex (Piwi–piRISC) in Drosophila ovarian somatic cells represses transposons transcriptionally to maintain genome integrity; however, the underlying mechanisms remain obscure. We performed mRNA-seq analysis from OSCs transfected with siRNAs against CG3893, the known piRNA pathway genes, Piwi, Maelstrom, HP1a and Armitage, and the control (EGFP), and PolII ChIP-seqanalysis from OSCs transfected with siRNAs against CG3893, Piwi, Mael and the control (EGFP). This result indicates that CG3893 is a novel factor for primary piRNA pathway in OSCs.