Project description:Purpose: The goal of this study is to complare the transcitpional profiles of freshly isolated, murine splenic and hepatic memory B cells (B220+ CD73+) sorted as CD11b, CD11c double negative and CD11b, CD11c double positive cell populations induced by Ehrlichia muris infection.
Project description:We performed bulk RNA sequencing on murine CXCR3+ and CXCR3-negative live singlet IgM+ IgD-neg CD19+ CD138-neg (B1 B cell-like) peritoneal cavity B cells to compare the transcriptomes of the two populations following i.p. infection with the intracellular bacterium Ehrlichia muris. Total RNA was extracted and sequenced, followed by pseudoalignment, quality assessment, normalization, and analysis of differential gene expression. The CXCR3+ B1 B cell-like population was highly enriched for genes involved in proliferation, metabolism, and cell division, whereas the CXCR3- B1 B cell-like population transcriptionally resembled canonical B1 B cells and did not appear to be proliferative. These results suggest local proliferation of CXCR3+ B cells occurs in the peritoneal cavity during acute infection with an intracellular bacterium.
Project description:We report here the complete genome sequence of Ehrlichia muris strain AS145(T), which was isolated from a wild mouse in 1983 in Japan. E. muris establishes persistent infections in laboratory mice and is widely used as a surrogate pathogen in a murine model of ehrlichiosis.
Project description:Trichuris muris is very closely related to the human parasite T. trichiura sharing cross reactive antigens. Moreover, it is a remarkably tractable model system for dissecting immune responses and host parasite relationships and is actively being investigated in a number of laboratories worldwide. T. muris is a naturally occurring nematode parasite of mice which resides in the caecum and colon and has a direct oral faecal life cycle. High-throughput sequencing of Trichuris muris transcriptome for de novo assembly of transcripts. The main objective of this project is to recognize genes expressed in given life stages. This data is part of a pre-publication release. For information on the proper use of pre-publication data shared by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (including details of any publication moratoria), please see
Project description:In order to study the transcriptome of the pathogen, Ehrlichia ruminantium, specific microoarray was designed and validated using genomic DNA of Gardel and Welgevonden strains. Gardel strain was isolated in Guadeloupe and Welgevonden strain in South Africa. DNA from Ehrlichia ruminantium was extracted from cell culture infected with Gardel passage 40 and Welgevonden passage 11, using QIAmp kit (Qiagen). Ehrlichia ruminantium DNA was labeled using BioPrime array CGH labeling system kit (Invitrogen) and Cy3-dCTP (Amersham). Arrays were incubated at 60°C for 20 hours in hybridization chamber. After hybridization, arrays were washed according to the Agilent protocol. Arrays were scanned and the signal intensity of all spots were quantified by Genepix pro 6.0 (Molecular Device Corporation) and data were saved for further analysis.