Project description:Isoniazid induced varying degrees of hepatic steatosis in an inbred strain Mouse Diversity Panel (MDP) study. RNA was isolated from all animals for analysis of gene expression changes in the liver. The objective of this study was to identify gene expression changes that drive isoniazid-induced steatosis. 235 total samples from 31 strains were analyzed: N=4 per treatment and strain, except isoniazid-treated LP/J (N=3), PL/J (N=3), SM/J (N=2), NON/LtJ (N=3), LG/J (N=3), MA/MyJ (N=2), RIIIS/J (N=3), SEA/GnJ (N=2), and A/J (N=2) animals where animals that died before the completion of the study were excluded from data analysis; 13 of 31 strains exhibited findings of isoniazid-induced steatosis and were coded as responders.
Project description:Analysis of gene expression levels between CCl4 induced mouse fibrotic liver tissues and vehicle treated mouse control liver tissues.
Project description:We used Adamts12−/− and wild-type mice generated and genotyped by El Hour et al. 2010 (PMID: 20208563). eight-week-old females were treated by intraperitoneal injections of CCl4 (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) diluted at 3% v/v in olive oil. A single dose of CCl4 0.3 ml/kg of mouse body weight was administered (acute treatment) and mice were sacrificed after 4h, 12h, 24h or 7 days. Control mice were treated with the vehicle (olive oil). Liver samples were collected, weighed and treated as previously described (Kesteloot et al. 2007, PMID: 17929299). We performed gene expression profiling analysis using data obtained from liver samples of wild-type or Adamts12_KO mice at different time points after CCl4 (or vehicle) injection.
Project description:Exploratory RNA sequencing of pro-inflammatory (Ly6C high) and resolutive (Ly6C low) macrophages in mouse liver during fibrosis regression. Mice were treated with a MAIT antagonist or its control vehicle for 2 days after the last CCl4 injection. Ly6C high and Ly6C low macrophages were sorted by ARIA III.
Project description:Isoniazid induced varying degrees of hepatic steatosis in an inbred strain Mouse Diversity Panel (MDP) study. RNA was isolated from all animals for analysis of gene expression changes in the liver. The objective of this study was to identify gene expression changes that drive isoniazid-induced steatosis.