Project description:PF-04287881 induced varying degrees of liver necrosis and phospholipidosis in a 34-inbred strain Mouse Diversity Panel (MDP) study. Four strains with differing susceptibilities to these phenotypes (MA/MyJ, NZW/LacJ, SM/J, WSB/EiJ) were selected for analysis of gene expression changes in the liver. The objective of this study was to identify gene expression changes that drive PF-04287881-induced liver injury.
Project description:PF-04287881 induced varying degrees of liver necrosis and phospholipidosis in a 34-inbred strain Mouse Diversity Panel (MDP) study. Four strains with differing susceptibilities to these phenotypes (MA/MyJ, NZW/LacJ, SM/J, WSB/EiJ) were selected for analysis of gene expression changes in the liver. The objective of this study was to identify gene expression changes that drive PF-04287881-induced liver injury. Thirty-one total samples were analyzed: N=4 per treatment and strain, except PF-04287881-treated WSB/EiJ (N=3) where one animal died before the completion of the study due to gavage error. Two strains exhibited findings of PF-04287881-induced Kupffer cell vacuolation and were coded as phospholipidosis responders (MA/MyJ and NZW/LacJ). One strain exhibited findings of single cell necrosis and was coded as a necrosis responder (NZW/LacJ).
Project description:The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of EZH2 inhibitor (EZH2i) PF-06821497 on CD45+ cells isolated from MC38 tumors at day 17 post implantation. Mice were either treated for 7 days prior to endpoint or 16 days prior to endpoint with the EZH2i or with vehicle control. CD45+ cells were isolated and scRNA-Seq was performed on cells
Project description:SOD1*G93A transgenic mice were treated with PF-04457845 (a FAAH inhibitor)or vehicle . PF-04457845 extended survival of SOD1*G93A transgenic mice and resucued loss of motor neurons.
Project description:SOD1*G93A transgenic mice were treated with PF-04457845 (a FAAH inhibitor)or vehicle . PF-04457845 extended survival of SOD1*G93A transgenic mice and resucued loss of motor neurons.
Project description:We used Adamts12−/− and wild-type mice generated and genotyped by El Hour et al. 2010 (PMID: 20208563). eight-week-old females were treated by intraperitoneal injections of CCl4 (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) diluted at 3% v/v in olive oil. A single dose of CCl4 0.3 ml/kg of mouse body weight was administered (acute treatment) and mice were sacrificed after 4h, 12h, 24h or 7 days. Control mice were treated with the vehicle (olive oil). Liver samples were collected, weighed and treated as previously described (Kesteloot et al. 2007, PMID: 17929299). We performed gene expression profiling analysis using data obtained from liver samples of wild-type or Adamts12_KO mice at different time points after CCl4 (or vehicle) injection.
Project description:Purpose: The goal of this study is to identify doxycycle-responsive genes in mouse kidney inner medullary collecting duct cell line mIMCD3. To explore compreshensive profile of doxycycline-mediated gene expression, transcriptomes of doxycycline-responsive genes at two different time points (3 days and 6 days) were profiled and analyzed. Methods: Total RNAs were isolated from mIMCD3 cells treated with doxycycline or vehicle at different time points (3 days and 6 days). Four replicates for vehicle- or doxycycline-treated group were generated at each tested time point. cDNA libraries were prepared using a Nextera DNA library preparation protocol. The sequence reads from Illumina HiSeq3000 platform were qualified and quantified at the transcript level using Salmon (0.14.1). Differential expression analysis were performed using edgeR. Results: mRNA profiles of mouse kidney inner medullary collecting duct mIMCD3 cells treated with doxycycline or vehicle (DMSO) for 3 days and 6 days were generated using an optimized RNA-Seq workflow. Transcript level quantification using a pseudo-alignment quantification method (Salmon) was performed to calculate transcript abundance in each sample. Then differential expression analysis identified the differentially expressed genes at each time point comparison (DOX vs vehicle). Conclusions: This study revealed comprehensive transcriptomic changes of doxycycline-responsive gene expression in mouse kidney inner medullary collecting duct cells.
Project description:The RNA sequencing data are part of a study reporting and investigating a mouse model of the Say-Barber-Biesecker-Young-Simpson (SBBYS) syndrome (OMIM:603736) and demonstrating proof-of-principle efficacy of postnatal treatment with sodium valproate (VPA) or acetyl-carnitine (ALCAR). The KAT6B gene encodes a histone lysine acetyltransferase. The RNA sequencing experiments identified genes that are differentially expressed between Vehicle treated Kat6b+/– and Kat6b+/+ cortical neurons and the subset genes that are restored to normal expression after treatment with ALCAR or VPA. Cortical neurons were isolated from four Kat6b+/– and four Kat6b+/+ E16.5 mouse cerebral cortex. Cells from each cortical neuron isolate were cultured with 1 mM ALCAR, 1 mM VPA or untreated medium (Vehicle) for 4 days.