Project description:Comparative gene expression profiling of thymocytes at the DP, CD4 SP and CD8 SP stage derived from FoxN1-Gpr177 mice (FoxN1-Cre mediated deletion of (Exon3 of) Gpr177/Wtls) or C57Bl/6N mice as comparison. Objective was to test the influence of TEC-secreted Wnt ligands on the transcriptome of thymocytes at the respective developmental stages. Total RNA extracted from FACS-sorted primary mouse thymocytes. CD4/8 double positive (DP) thymocytes, CD4 single positive (CD4 SP) thymocytes and CD8 single positive (CD8 SP) thymocytes were FACS-sorted from conditional knock-out mice (FoxN1-Gpr177) and C57Bl/6N mice as comparison.
Project description:H3K27Ac ChIP-seq in wild type and cohesin-deficient thymocytes Rad21 was deleted in CD4+ CD8+ double positive (DP) thymocytes by crossing a Rad21 floxed allele with a Cd4-driven Cre transgene. DP positive thymocytes were FACS-sorted from control and Rad21-/- littermates, which were then used to perform chromatin immunoprecipitation for histone H3 acetylated on lysine 27 (H3K27Ac).
Project description:T-cell-specific deletion of USP8 (USP8ffCD4Cre) revealed that USP8 is required for thymocyte transition to the CD4+ and CD8+ single positive (SP) stages. To evaluate underlying mechanisms, gene expression profilling was performed in CD4+CD8+ double pos thymocytes derived from control (USP8ff and USP8ffCD4Cre) mice.
Project description:Subpopulations of human fetal thymocyte and circulating naïve T cells were obtained through FACS sorting, including CD3-CD4+CD8- intrathymic T progenitor cells (ITTP), CD3intCD4+CD8+ "double positive" thymocytes (DP), CD3highCD4+CD8- "single positive" thymocytes (SP4), CD3+CD4+CD8-CD45RA+CD62L+ naïve T cells from cord blood (CB4+), and CD3+CD4+CD8-CD45RA+CD62L+ naïve T cells from adult blood (AB4+).
Project description:T-cell-specific deletion of USP8 (USP8ffCD4Cre) revealed that USP8 is required for thymocyte transition to the CD4+ and CD8+ single positive (SP) stages. To evaluate underlying mechanisms, gene expression profilling was performed in CD4+CD8+ double pos thymocytes derived from control (USP8ff and USP8ffCD4Cre) mice. Microarray analysis of two groups of USP8fl/fl and USP8fl/flCD4Cre thymocytes. Material from two mice was combined for each group (eight mice in total).
Project description:Single cell suspensions of total thymocytes were obtained from Pten enhancer (PE) wild-type or knockout mice. This single-cell suspension was enriched in CD4-CD3- immature thymocyte progenitor cells. CD4-CD3- enriched thymocytes were then mixed 1:1 with single-cell suspensions from total unenriched thymocytes and subsequntly loaded in a 10x Chromium instrument for single-cell RNAseq analyses. Our results revealed Pten levels are signifcantly decreased in CD4-CD8- double negative (DN) thymocytes, CD8+ intermediate single positive (ISP) thymocytes and CD4+CD8+ double positive (DP) thymocytes in PE knockout mice, compared to PE wild-type mice.
Project description:Subpopulations of human fetal thymocyte and circulating naïve T cells were obtained through FACS sorting, including CD3-CD4+CD8- intrathymic T progenitor cells (ITTP), CD3intCD4+CD8+ "double positive" thymocytes (DP), CD3highCD4+CD8- "single positive" thymocytes (SP4), CD3+CD4+CD8-CD45RA+CD62L+ naïve T cells from cord blood (CB4+), and CD3+CD4+CD8-CD45RA+CD62L+ naïve T cells from adult blood (AB4+). Keywords = Microarray Keywords = gene expression Keywords = thymocytes Keywords = naïve CD4+ T cell Keywords = recent thymic emigrants Keywords: other
Project description:Mouse thymocytes can be classified into four major subsets based on expression of CD4 and CD8 co-receptors. CD4-CD8- (double negative, DN) cells become CD4+CD8+ (double positive, DP) cells following productive T cell receptor (TCR) beta chain rearrangement. A small proportion of DP cells are selected through interaction of clonal TCRalpha/beta and MHC self peptide complex expressed on thymic stromal cells. DP cell expressing MHC class I-restricted TCR become CD4-CD8+ cells, which will finally differentiate into cytotoxic T cells, while MHC class II restricted selection generates CD4+CD8- helper lineage T cells. We used microarrays to identify genes important for thymocyte differentiation and lineage determination by profiling gene expression in different thymocyte subsets. Mouse thymocytes were divided into four subsets based on CD4, CD8a, and TCRb expression and purified by flw cytometry. FACS purified DN (CD4-CD8a-TCRb-), DP (CD4+CD8a+), CD4SP (CD4+CD8a-TCRbhi) and CD8SP (CD4-CD8a+TCRbhi) populations were lysed in Trizol, and provided to the Genomics Core Facility of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) for quality control, quantification, reverse transcription, labeling and hybridization to MOE430A 2.0 microarray chips (Affymetrix). Arrays were scanned per the manufacturer’s specifications for the Affymetrix MOE430v2 chip.
Project description:Mouse thymocytes can be classified into four major subsets based on expression of CD4 and CD8 co-receptors. CD4-CD8- (double negative, DN) cells become CD4+CD8+ (double positive, DP) cells following productive T cell receptor (TCR) beta chain rearrangement. A small proportion of DP cells are selected through interaction of clonal TCRalpha/beta and MHC self peptide complex expressed on thymic stromal cells. DP cell expressing MHC class I-restricted TCR become CD4-CD8+ cells, which will finally differentiate into cytotoxic T cells, while MHC class II restricted selection generates CD4+CD8- helper lineage T cells. We used microarrays to identify genes important for thymocyte differentiation and lineage determination by profiling gene expression in different thymocyte subsets.
Project description:To investigate gene targets of the E-proteins HEB and E2A during the CD4+CD8+ double positive (DP) stage of T cell development. We examined E-protein function by simultaneous removal of both HEB (Tcf12) and E2A (Tcfe2a) genes at the DP stage. This was done by crossing mice containing HEB floxed and E2A floxed alleles to a CD4Cre background (Tcf12f/fTcfe2af/fCD4Cre mice). Microarray analysis was used to compare gene expression in HEB and E2A double deficient DP thymocytes (Cre+) to Cre- control DP thymocytes. Keywords: genetic modification