Project description:Gut microbiome research is rapidly moving towards the functional characterization of the microbiota by means of shotgun meta-omics. Here, we selected a cohort of healthy subjects from an indigenous and monitored Sardinian population to analyze their gut microbiota using both shotgun metagenomics and shotgun metaproteomics. We found a considerable divergence between genetic potential and functional activity of the human healthy gut microbiota, in spite of a quite comparable taxonomic structure revealed by the two approaches. Investigation of inter-individual variability of taxonomic features revealed Bacteroides and Akkermansia as remarkably conserved and variable in abundance within the population, respectively. Firmicutes-driven butyrogenesis (mainly due to Faecalibacterium spp.) was shown to be the functional activity with the higher expression rate and the lower inter-individual variability in the study cohort, highlighting the key importance of the biosynthesis of this microbial by-product for the gut homeostasis. The taxon-specific contribution to functional activities and metabolic tasks was also examined, giving insights into the peculiar role of several gut microbiota members in carbohydrate metabolism (including polysaccharide degradation, glycan transport, glycolysis and short-chain fatty acid production). In conclusion, our results provide useful indications regarding the main functions actively exerted by the gut microbiota members of a healthy human cohort, and support metaproteomics as a valuable approach to investigate the functional role of the gut microbiota in health and disease.
Project description:DNA, RNA and protein were extracted from the culture and subjected to massive parallel sequencing and nano-LC-MS-MS respectively Combination of these methods enabled the reconstruction of the complete genome sequence of M oxyfera from the metagenome and identification of the functionally relevant enzymes and genes
Project description:Although the composition of the human microbiome is now well-studied, the microbiota's >8 million genes and their regulation remain largely uncharacterized. This knowledge gap is in part because of the difficulty of acquiring large numbers of samples amenable to functional studies of the microbiota. We conducted what is, to our knowledge, one of the first human microbiome studies in a well-phenotyped prospective cohort incorporating taxonomic, metagenomic, and metatranscriptomic profiling at multiple body sites using self-collected samples. Stool and saliva were provided by eight healthy subjects, with the former preserved by three different methods (freezing, ethanol, and RNAlater) to validate self-collection. Within-subject microbial species, gene, and transcript abundances were highly concordant across sampling methods, with only a small fraction of transcripts (<5%) displaying between-method variation. Next, we investigated relationships between the oral and gut microbial communities, identifying a subset of abundant oral microbes that routinely survive transit to the gut, but with minimal transcriptional activity there. Finally, systematic comparison of the gut metagenome and metatranscriptome revealed that a substantial fraction (41%) of microbial transcripts were not differentially regulated relative to their genomic abundances. Of the remainder, consistently underexpressed pathways included sporulation and amino acid biosynthesis, whereas up-regulated pathways included ribosome biogenesis and methanogenesis. Across subjects, metatranscriptional profiles were significantly more individualized than DNA-level functional profiles, but less variable than microbial composition, indicative of subject-specific whole-community regulation. The results thus detail relationships between community genomic potential and gene expression in the gut, and establish the feasibility of metatranscriptomic investigations in subject-collected and shipped samples.
Project description:The main goal of the project is the study the associations between the gut metagenome and human health. The dataset contains data for n=7211 FINRISK 2002 participants who underwent fecal sampling. Demultiplexed shallow shotgun metagenomic sequences were quality filtered and adapter trimmed using Atropos (Didion et al., 2017), and human filtered using Bowtie2 (Langmead and Salzberg, 2012).
Project description:The main goal of the project is the study the associations between the gut metagenome and human health. The dataset contains data for n=7211 FINRISK 2002 participants who underwent fecal sampling. Demultiplexed shallow shotgun metagenomic sequences were quality filtered and adapter trimmed using Atropos (Didion et al., 2017), and human filtered using Bowtie2 (Langmead and Salzberg, 2012).
Project description:Accumulating evidence suggests that humans could be considered as holobionts in which the gut microbiota play essential functions. Initial metagenomic studies reported a pattern of shared genes in the gut microbiome of different individuals, leading to the definition of the minimal gut metagenome as the set of microbial genes necessary for homeostasis and present in all healthy individuals. This study analyses the minimal gut metagenome of the most comprehensive dataset available, including individuals from agriculturalist and industrialist societies, also embodying highly diverse ethnic and geographical backgrounds. The outcome, based on metagenomic predictions for community composition data, resulted in a minimal metagenome comprising 3412 genes, mapping to 1856 reactions and 128 metabolic pathways predicted to occur across all individuals. These results were substantiated by the analysis of two additional datasets describing the microbial community compositions of larger Western cohorts, as well as a substantial shotgun metagenomics dataset. Subsequent analyses showed the plausible metabolic complementarity provided by the minimal gut metagenome to the human genome.
Project description:This project contains raw data, intermediate files and results is a re-analysis of the publicly available dataset from the PRIDE dataset PXD005780. The RAW files were processed using ThermoRawFileParser, SearchGUI and PeptideShaker through standard settings (see ‘Data Processing Protocol’). This reanalysis work is part of the MetaPUF (MetaProteomics with Unknown Function) project, which is a collaboration between EMBL-EBI and the University of Luxembourg. The dataset was selected with the following conditions: 1. It has been made publicly available in PRIDE and focuses on metaproteomics of the human gut; 2. The corresponding metagenomics assemblies were also available from ENA (European Nucleotide Archive) or MGnify. The processed peptide reports for each sample are available to view at the contig level on the MGnify website. In total, the reanalysis identified 15,417 unique proteins from 15 samples.