Project description:To explore the expression pattern of circular RNAs (circRNAs) and their biological functions in malignant pleural effusion, we surveyed the circRNA expression profiles of 3 lung adenocarcinoma-associated malignant pleural effusion (LA-MPE) and 3 tuberculous pleural effusion (TPE) from clinical patients using Clariom D human microarray.
Project description:Pleural effusion (PE) occurs as a consequence of various pathologies. Malignant effusion due to lung cancer is one of the most frequent causes. Methods for accurate differentiation of malignant from benign PE cases are an unmet clinical need. Proteomics profiling of PE has shown promising results. However, mass spectrometry (MS) analysis typically involves the tedious elimination of abundant proteins before analysis, and clinical annotation of proteomics profiled cohorts is limited. In this study, PE from 97 patients was investigated by applying label-free state-of-the-art liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) to find potential novel biomarkers that correlate with immunohistochemistry assessment of tumor biopsy or survival data. The data set consists of 214 LC-MS runs.
Project description:By using RNA sequencing plat, we employed malignant pleural effusion as research model to performed RNA sequencing of naïve B cells and Breg cells in the immune microenvironment of MPE.
Project description:We profiled the exosomal circRNA in lung adenocarcinoma-associated malignant (LA-MPE) and tuberculous (TPE) pleural effusion samples by circRNA microarray to determine the potential functions and diagnostic value of the differential expressed circRNAs (DECs)
Project description:A four-dimensional independent data acquisition (4D-DIA) proteomic was performed to determine the differentially expressed proteins in pleural effusion samples collected from ung adenocarcinoma MPE, BPE (tuberculosis pleural effusion (TPE) and parapneumonic effusion (PPE)).
Project description:Background: Malignant pleural effusion (MPE) is a common condition that indicates advanced malignancy, incurability and short life expectancy. While MPE incidence is increasing worldwide, prognostic biomarkers to plan treatment and to understand the underlying mechanisms of disease progression remain unidentified. Objective: To discover, validate, and prospectively assess biomarkers of survival and pleurodesis response in MPE. To combine clinical, radiologic, and pleural fluid biologic parameters in order to build a score that forecasts survival. Conclusions: The PROMISE score is the first prospectively validated prognostic model for MPE that combines biological and clinical parameters to accurately estimate 3-month mortality.
Project description:By using 10X genomics single-cell RNA sequencing plat, we employed malignant pleural effusion as research model to performed single-cell RNA sequencing to map the immune microenvironment of MPE. Meanwhile we performed TCR and BCR sequencing for immune receptor repertoire analysis.
Project description:We screened pleural effusion proteomes of mesothelioma and lung adenocarcinoma patients to identify novel soluble mesothelioma biomarkers. We performed quantitative mass spectrometry-(MS-) based proteomics using isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantification (iTRAQ) and used narrow range immobilized pH gradient/high resolution isoelectric focusing (IPG/HiRIEF; pH 4 to 4.25) prior to analysis by nano liquid chromatography-coupled MS/MS. Pleural effusions from patients with malignant mesothelioma (n=6), lung adenocarcinoma (n=6), or benign mesotheliosis (n=7) were analyzed, and more than 1,300 proteins were identified.