Project description:Lipomyces genome scale model based on the Lipomyces starkeyi NRRL-11557 genome.
Published in:
Genome-Scale Model Development and Genomic Sequencing of the Oleaginous Clade Lipomyces
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
Industrial Biotechnology
Volume 12 - 2024 | doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2024.1356551
Project description:Recent advances in nucleic acid sequencing now permit rapid and genome-scale analysis of genetic variation and transcription, enabling population-scale studies of human biology, disease, and diverse organisms. Likewise, advances in mass spectrometry proteomics now permit highly sensitive and accurate studies of protein expression at the proteome-scale. However, most proteomic studies remain limited to the analysis of canonical reference proteomes. Here, we develop ProteomeGenerator2 (PG2), based on the scalable and modular ProteomeGenerator framework. PG2 integrates genome and transcriptome sequencing to incorporate protein variants containing amino acid substitutions, insertions, and deletions, as well as non-canonical reading frames, exons, and other variants caused by genomic and transcriptomic variation. PG2 can be integrated with current and emerging sequencing technologies, assemblers, variant callers, and mass spectral analysis algorithms, and is available open-source from
Project description:The CHARM (Cancer Health Assessment Reaching Many) study will assess the utility of clinical exome sequencing and how it affects care in diverse populations. The study population includes adults at risk for hereditary cancer syndromes.
The primary objective is to implement a hereditary cancer risk assessment program in healthy 18-49 year-olds in primary care settings within a vertically integrated health delivery system (Kaiser Permanente) and a federal qualified health center (Denver Health). The investigators will assess clinical exome sequencing implementation and interpretation, as well as tailored interactions for low health literacy including a contextualized consent process, and a modified approach to results disclosure and genetic counseling. The investigators will also assess the clinical utility (healthcare utilization and adherence to recommended care) and personal utility of primary and additional results from clinical exome sequencing, and evaluate the ethical and policy implications of considering personal utility of genomic information decisions for health care coverage.
| 2265388 | ecrin-mdr-crc
Project description:Population genomic sequencing of argali
Project description:We used DNA content-based flow cytometry to distinguish and isolate nuclei of clonal tumor populations from resected triple negative breast cancer tissues. We then interrogated each sorted tumor population with whole genome aCGH and next generation sequencing (NGS). The genomic data was correlated with IHC staining for PD-1 and PD-L1.
Project description:Proteogenomic analysis and genomic profiling, RNA-sequencing, and mass spectrometry-based analysis of High hyperdiploid childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
2020-01-29 | MSV000084862 | MassIVE
Project description:Streptococcus pyogenes Emm28 population genomic sequencing
Project description:The Guthrie 903 card archived dried blood spots (DBS) are a unique but terminal resource amenable for individual and population wide genomic profiling. The limited amounts of DBS-derived genomic DNA (gDNA) can be whole-genome amplified (WGA) producing sufficient gDNA for genomic applications, albeit with variable success, and optimizing the isolation of high-quality DNA from these finite, low-yield specimens is essential. Visual automated fluorescence electrophoresis (VAFE) is a novel QC technology affording precise quality, quantity and molecular weight of double-stranded DNA from a single microliter of sample. The VAFE QC data were correlated with subsequent sample performance in PCR, sequencing, and high-density comparative genome hybridization array.
Project description:Primary objectives: Characterization of the macrophage population subset that is modulated by enteric neurons
Primary endpoints: Characterization of the macrophage population subset that is modulated by enteric neurons via RNA sequencing