Project description:Gene expression Arabidopsis 24h cold-treated, 4c, seedlings to identify a *gold-standard* set of cold-responsive transcripts. Most of the CBF overexpression lines are in WS, therefore, it is necessary to identify a consistent set of transcripts that are detectible as cold-induced on the ATH1 platform for both WS and Columbia, so that appropriate comparisons can be made to determine the effects of low temperature in CBF overexpressing or loss of function plants in a WS background and an attempt can be made to compare the results of altered CBF function to published microarray studies. We aimed to identify a set of *gold-standard* cold responsive transcripts that were induced in multiple different experiments performed by different researchers and were detectible in both the WS and Col-0 ecotypes. This series contributes the 24h cold-treated WS ecotypes, along with additional Col-0 cold-treated and control samples for normalization purposes. Keywords: Expression profiling by array
Project description:Investigation of the ecotype difference between Columbia-0 (Col) and Wassilewskija-0 (WS) on whole gene expression level, of PME17 mutation effect (compared to background WS) and of the aphid infestation effect on Col, WS and pme17 (infested plants compared to non-infested plants).
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of arsenic-induced toxicity and tolerance in Arabidopsis plants of different ecotypes Arsenic (As) is a toxic metalloid found ubiquitously in the environment and has widely been known as an acute poison and carcinogen. As toxicity is a major factor leading to root growth inhibition in plants. However, the molecular mechanisms of plants in response to As has not been extensively characterized. In this study, Arabidopsis ecotypes that are As-tolerant (Col-0) and -sensitive (Ws-2) were used to conduct a transcriptome analysis of the response to As (V). To begin elucidating the molecular basis of As toxicity and tolerance in Arabidopsis, seedlings of Col-0 and Ws-2 were subjected to As treatment. The root elongation rate of Col-0 was significantly higher than that of Ws-2 when exposed to As. The tolerant ecotype (Col-0) demonstrated lower accumulation of As when compared to the responses observed in the sensitive Ws-2. Subsequently, the effect of As exposure on genome-wide gene expression was examined in the two ecotypes. Comparative analysis of microarray data identified groups of genes with common and specific responses to As between Col-0 and Ws-2. The genes related to heat responses and oxidative stresses belonged to common responses, indicating conserved stress-associated changes across two ecotypes. The majority of specific responsive genes were those encoding heat shock proteins, heat shock factors, ubiquitin and transporters. The data suggested that metal transport and maintenance of protein structure may be important mechanisms for toxicity and tolerance to As. This study presents comprehensive surveys of global transcriptional regulation and identifies stress- and tolerance-associated genes in response to As. Comparison of Arabidopsis ecotype Col-0 and Ws-2 in response to As with the Affymetrix GeneChip were performed by the Affymetrix Gene Expression Service Lab (, supported by Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of arsenic-induced toxicity and tolerance in Arabidopsis plants of different ecotypes Arsenic (As) is a toxic metalloid found ubiquitously in the environment and has widely been known as an acute poison and carcinogen. As toxicity is a major factor leading to root growth inhibition in plants. However, the molecular mechanisms of plants in response to As has not been extensively characterized. In this study, Arabidopsis ecotypes that are As-tolerant (Col-0) and -sensitive (Ws-2) were used to conduct a transcriptome analysis of the response to As (V). To begin elucidating the molecular basis of As toxicity and tolerance in Arabidopsis, seedlings of Col-0 and Ws-2 were subjected to As treatment. The root elongation rate of Col-0 was significantly higher than that of Ws-2 when exposed to As. The tolerant ecotype (Col-0) demonstrated lower accumulation of As when compared to the responses observed in the sensitive Ws-2. Subsequently, the effect of As exposure on genome-wide gene expression was examined in the two ecotypes. Comparative analysis of microarray data identified groups of genes with common and specific responses to As between Col-0 and Ws-2. The genes related to heat responses and oxidative stresses belonged to common responses, indicating conserved stress-associated changes across two ecotypes. The majority of specific responsive genes were those encoding heat shock proteins, heat shock factors, ubiquitin and transporters. The data suggested that metal transport and maintenance of protein structure may be important mechanisms for toxicity and tolerance to As. This study presents comprehensive surveys of global transcriptional regulation and identifies stress- and tolerance-associated genes in response to As.
Project description:Cold stress is one of the most severe environmental conditions which cause huge losses in crop production worldwide. We identified an essential regulator of cold-responsive genes and used the Affymetrix whole-genome arrays to define downstream targets of this important protein. We used the microarrays to reveal the effect of rcf1-1 mutation on global gene expression with or without cold stress at 4°C. A set of genes differentially expressed in rcf1-1 with or without cold stress are identified.
Project description:Using MethylC-Seq to provide single-base resolution of DNA methylation status in Ws background wild-type (WT), ape1l-1 (Ws background), arp-1 (Col-0 background) and zdp-1 (Col-0 background) mutants
Project description:The aim of this project is to highlight the differentially abundant proteins in Col-0 and WS aboveground tissue under normal growth conditions and salt stress using a global proteomic approach. This study provides new insights on the molecular network existing between these two accessions under environmental changes.
Project description:Arabidopsis Affymetrix ATH1 GeneChips were used to compare the mRNA profiles of root tissues of the grf1/grf2/grf3 triple mutant and transgenic plants overexpressing miR396-resistant variants of GRF1 (P35S:rGRF1) or GRF3 (P35S:rGRF3) with those of the corresponding wild-type (Col-0 or WS). Wild-type (Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes Col-0 and Ws), the triple mutant grf1/grf2/grf3, and transgenic plants overexpressing rGRF1 or rGRF3 were grown in vertical culture dishes on modified Knop’s medium for 2 weeks and then root tissues were collected for RNA extraction. ****[PLEXdb( has submitted this series at GEO on behalf of the original contributor, Tarek Hewezi. The equivalent experiment is AT109 at PLEXdb.]
Project description:Background: Skewing root patterns provide key insights into root growth strategies and mechanism that produce root architectures Roots exhibit skewing and waving when grown on a tilted, impenetrable surface, and while the genetics guiding these morphologies have been examined, the underlying molecular mechanisms of skewing and waving remain unclear. In this study, transcriptome data were derived from two Arabidopsis ecotypes, WS and Col-0, under three tilted growth conditions in order to identify candidate genes involved in skewing. WS is a skewing ecotype. Col-0 is a non-skewing ecotype. Results: This work identifies a number of genes that are likely involved in skewing, using growth conditions that differentially affect skewing and waving. Comparing the gene expression profiles of WS and Col-0 in different tilted growth conditions identified 11 candidate genes as potentially involved in the control of skewing. These 11 genes are involved in several different cellular processes, including sugar transport, salt signaling, cell wall organization, and hormone signaling. Conclusions: Many of the 11 identified genes are involved in signaling and perception, rather than the physical restructuring of roots, leading to the conclusion that root skewing is enabled through diverse environmental signaling pathways. These findings revealed further insights into the molecular mechanisms behind root skewing. This work investigated the transcriptional differences between skewing and non-skewing roots. Comparisons within WS revealed gees that that responded to the angle of growth (Agp) during the process of skewing. These genes were cross referenced with transcripts differing between the WS and Col-0 genotypes to refine the list of genes that are most probably be involved in root skewing. More of the highly probable skew gene candidates (HPSGC) are associated with environmental sensing (e.g. salt, sugar, hormones, darkness) than with physical growth differences (e.g. cell wall remodeling, cell division, cell elongation). Thus, the root behavior of skewing appears to be primarily driven by pathways that respond to disparate signals from the root local environment. Future studies could investigate the HPSGC to find the specific pathways and molecular mechanisms contributing to root skewing.