Project description:In humans with UC, low-grade dysplasia also develops predominantly in the distal colon, progresses more rapidly to neoplasia than proximal colon low-grade dysplasia and associates with worse patient prognosis. In a mouse model of colitis-associated carcinogenesis induced by administration of the mutagen AOM and the luminal toxin DSS, tumors also develop exclusively in the distal part of the large intestine. We monitored global changes in the transcriptome of mouse proximal and distal colon during exposure to AOM/DSS with the aim to define biological pathways and processes that characterize regional responses of the large intestine to colitis-associated carcinogenesis.
Project description:To find out which miRNAs are significantly differential expression and potentially involved in the process of inflammation promoting carcinogenesis of colorectal cancer (CRC). We established a colitis-associated CRC (AOM/DSS, Azoxymethane/Dextran sulfate sodium salt) model, colitis (DSS) model and high dose carcinogen (AOM, about 5 times AOM amount given than AOM/DSS model) model. At day 100 when tumor formed in AOM/DSS bearing mice (colitis-associated CRC mice) but no tumor was found in AOM (high dose carcinogen) and DSS model, we employed miRNA microarray as a discovery platform to identify genes with the potential to involve in the progression of CRC promoted by inflammation. 5-7 weeks female BALB/c mice, (1) AOM/DSS group: AOM 12.5mg/kg i.p. at day 1, DSS drinking 5d/21dx3circles from day 5; (2) AOM group: AOM 10mg/kg i.p. 1/weekx6 from day 1; (3) DSS group: DSS drinking 5d/21dx3circles from day 5. The distal colon epithelial tissues were collected at day100 when tumor formed in AOM/DSS bearing mice. The miRNA microarray experiments were performed together.
Project description:To find out which mRNAs are significantly differential expression and potentially involved in the process of inflammation promoting carcinogenesis of colorectal cancer (CRC). We established a colitis-associated CRC (AOM/DSS, Azoxymethane/Dextran sulfate sodium salt) model, colitis (DSS) model and high dose carcinogen (AOM, about 5 times AOM amount given than AOM/DSS model) model. At day 100 when tumor formed in AOM/DSS bearing mice (colitis-associated CRC mice) but no tumor was found in AOM (high dose carcinogen) and DSS model, we employed whole genome microarray expression profiling as a discovery platform to identify genes with the potential to involve in the progression of CRC promoted by inflammation. 5-7 weeks female BALB/c mice, (1) AOM/DSS group: AOM 12.5mg/kg i.p. at day 1, DSS drinking 5d/21dx3circles from day 5; (2) AOM group: AOM 10mg/kg i.p. 1/weekx6 from day 1; (3) DSS group: DSS drinking 5d/21dx3circles from day 5. The distal colon epithelial tissues were collected at day100 when tumor formed in AOM/DSS bearing mice. The whole genome microarray expression profiling experiments were performed together.
Project description:This study identifies a novel mechanism linking IL-17A with colon tissue repair and tumor development. Abrogation of IL-17A signaling mice attenuated tissue repair of DSS-induced damage in colon epithelium and markedly reduced tumor development in AOM/DSS model of colitis-associated cancer. The goal of these studies is to identify genes associated with IL-17RC deficiency during AOM-DSS induced tumorigenesis
Project description:Inflammatory conditions can contribute to tumor formation. However, any clear marker predicting progression to cancer are still lacking. The aim of our study was to analyze microRNA modulations accompanying inflammation-induced tumor development to determine whether these microRNA may jointly affect the expression of genes involved in cancer. For this purpose, we used the well-established azoxymethane (AOM)/dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced mouse model of colitis-associated cancer. We performed a microRNA microarray to establish microRNA expression profiles in mouse whole colon at early and late time points during inflammation and/or tumor growth. Chronic inflammation and carcinogenesis were associated with distinct changes in microRNA expression. Nevertheless, prediction algorithms of microRNA-mRNA interactions and computational analyses based on ranked microRNA lists consistently identified putative target genes that play essential roles in tumor growth or belong to key carcinogenesis-related networks or signaling pathways. Hence, inflammation, through microRNA, may affect unexpected genes or signaling pathways, thereby contributing to carcinogenesis. The present method can lead to the identification of novel genes or signaling pathways involved in cancer development. miRNA microarray profiling in whole mouse colon at 4 time points during AOM/DSS treatment. Controls : PBS, DSS alone or AOM alone, at two time points; 10 experimental conditions, 5 replicates per experimental conditions, one replicate per array hybridized in dual color with a commercial reference (Universal Reference, Miltenyi Biotec GmbH)
Project description:Purpose : The goals of this study are to compare NGS-derived transcriptome profiling (RNA-seq) of colon samples of intestinal epithelial cell specific Axin1 Knockout mice and WT controls that were submitted to DSS-induced colitis and AOM/DSS-induced colorectal carcinogenesis. Methods : DSS-induced colitis was performed on Axin1flfl (WT) and Vil CreERT2;Axin1fl/fl (Axin1KOΔIEC) mice by giving 3% DSS dissolved in drinking water for 7 days and subsequently placed on regular water for recovery before sacrifice at Day 7 and D13. Methods : AOM/DSS-induced colorectal tumorigenesis was performed on Axin1flfl (WT) and Vil CreERT2;Axin1fl/fl (Axin1KOΔIEC) mice that were sacrificed at day 100 post-AOM injection to collect colorectal tumors. Methods : Colonic mRNA profiles of WT and Axin1KOΔIEC mice were generated by deep sequencing using Illumina NextSeq 500 instrument (150base-lengths read V2 chemistry in a paired-end mode)
Project description:Inflammation is highly associated with colon carcinogenesis. Epigenetic mechanisms play an important role in the initiation and progression of colon cancer. Curcumin is a dietary cancer preventive phytochemical with promising effect in suppressing colitis-associated colon cancer (CAC) in azoxymethane (AOM) and dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) mouse model. In the present study, we confirmed the effect of curcumin in suppressing colon cancer. Using Agilent SureSelect Methyl-seq and RNA-seq, we obtained single-base methylation profile and transcriptome analyses of epithelial cells from control group, AOM and DSS induced group (AOM+DSS), and AOM and DSS induced plus curcumin treated group (AOM+DSS+Curcumin) in a 18 weeks long-term colon cancer mouse model. The average DNA methylation levels of the three groups are significantly different also. Based on differential methylation patterns of three groups, several pathways of genes were identified including IL-8 signaling, LPS-stimulated MAPK signaling and colorectal cancer metastasis signaling. Among these methylated pathways and genes, Tnf, an inflammatory gene stood out with decreased DNA CpG methylation in the AOM-DSS as compared to the control group and interestingly curcumin reversed the CpG methylation (validated by pyrosequencing). The functional role of DNA methylation of Tnf was confirmed by in vitro luciferase transcriptional activity assay. In addition, we found that a group of genes associated with the inflammatory responses and their methylation level was decreased in AOM+DSS group but restored in the curcumin treated group. Taken together, in this study, aberrant DNA CpG methylation of the inflammatory response was found in colitis-associated colon cancer and curcumin restored their CpG methlyation, which could potentially explain the inflammatory and cancer protective effects of curcumin. (Note this GEO/dataset is the DNA methyl-seq part of the study.)
Project description:To find out which miRNAs are significantly differential expression and potentially involved in the process of inflammation promoting carcinogenesis of colorectal cancer (CRC). We established a colitis-associated CRC (AOM/DSS, Azoxymethane/Dextran sulfate sodium salt) model, colitis (DSS) model and high dose carcinogen (AOM, about 5 times AOM amount given than AOM/DSS model) model. At day 100 when tumor formed in AOM/DSS bearing mice (colitis-associated CRC mice) but no tumor was found in AOM (high dose carcinogen) and DSS model, we employed miRNA microarray as a discovery platform to identify genes with the potential to involve in the progression of CRC promoted by inflammation.
Project description:To find out which mRNAs are significantly differential expression and potentially involved in the process of inflammation promoting carcinogenesis of colorectal cancer (CRC). We established a colitis-associated CRC (AOM/DSS, Azoxymethane/Dextran sulfate sodium salt) model, colitis (DSS) model and high dose carcinogen (AOM, about 5 times AOM amount given than AOM/DSS model) model. At day 100 when tumor formed in AOM/DSS bearing mice (colitis-associated CRC mice) but no tumor was found in AOM (high dose carcinogen) and DSS model, we employed whole genome microarray expression profiling as a discovery platform to identify genes with the potential to involve in the progression of CRC promoted by inflammation.
Project description:Adamts12-deficient mice undergo more severe colitis than WT mice after induction with DSS. We used microarrays to determine the gene expression differences between Adamts12-deficient and WT mice during ulcerative colitis induced with DSS (dextran sodium sulfate) Fragments of distal colon from DSS-treated (2% DSS during 7 days and 1 day of recovery) and untreated Adamts12-deficient and WT mice were obtained for RNA extraction and hybridiztion with Affymetrix microarrays