Project description:Emerging data has highlighted the importance of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) on ruminal microbiome and derived metabolism profiling, and ruminal epithelial health and nutritional absorption in ruminants. However, little is known about the roles of SCFAs on ileal microbiome profiles. Here, we combined infusion of three SCFAs, to study their different roles in ileal microbiome succession profiling using a in vivo goat model.
Project description:Emerging data has highlighted the importance of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) on ruminal microbiome and derived metabolism profiling, and ruminal epithelial health and nutritional absorption in ruminants. However, little is known about the roles of SCFAs on hindgut profiles. Here, we firstly combined infusion of three SCFAs, to study their different roles in hindgut microbiome succession and derived metabolism profiling, as well as colonic epithelial transcriptome sequencing patterns using a in vivo goat model.
Project description:Emerging data has highlighted the importance of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) on ruminal microbiome and derived metabolism profiling, and ruminal epithelial health and nutritional absorption in ruminants. However, little is known about the roles of SCFAs on hindgut profiles. Here, we firstly combined infusion of three SCFAs, to study their different roles in hindgut microbiome succession and derived metabolism profiling, as well as colonic epithelial transcriptome sequencing patterns using a in vivo goat model. .
Project description:This is to determine the regulation of gene expression in different T Cell population with short chain fatty acids. This will provide the roles of SCFAs in regulation of adaptive immunity and T-cell-mediated inflammation.
Project description:Acetate, propionate and butyrate are the main short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) that arise from the fermentation of fibers by the colonic microbiota. While many studies focus on the regulatory role of SCFAs, their quantitative role as a catabolic or anabolic substrate for the host has received relatively little attention. To investigate this aspect, we infused conscious mice with physiological quantities of stable isotopes [1-13C]acetate, [2-13C]propionate or [2,4-13C2]butyrate directly into the cecum, which is the natural production site in mice, and analyzed their interconversion by the microbiota as well as their metabolism by the host. Cecal interconversion - pointing to microbial cross-feeding - was high between acetate and butyrate, low between butyrate and propionate and almost absent between acetate and propionate. As much as 62% of infused propionate was used in whole-body glucose production, in line with its role as gluconeogenic substrate. Conversely, glucose synthesis from propionate accounted for 69% of total glucose production. The synthesis of palmitate and cholesterol in the liver was high from cecal acetate (2.8% and 0.7%, respectively) and butyrate (2.7% and 0.9%, respectively) as substrates, but low or absent from propionate (0.6% and 0.0%, respectively). Label incorporation due to chain elongation of stearate was approximately 8-fold higher than de novo synthesis of stearate. Microarray data suggested that SCFAs exert only a mild regulatory effect on the expression of genes involved in hepatic metabolic pathways during the 6h infusion period. Altogether, gut-derived acetate, propionate and butyrate play important roles as substrates for glucose, cholesterol and lipid metabolism. Mice were infused in cecum with stably-labelled isotopes of the three main short chain fatty acids or control solution. After 6 hrs, livers were removed and pooled RNA samples were subjected to gene expression profiling.
Project description:Emerging data has highlighted the importance of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), particularly butyrate, in regulating ruminal homeostasis in vivo isolated epithelial cells. However, little is known about other SCFAs like acetate or propionate, and the interaction between rumen microbes and epithelial immunity are rarely reported. Here, we firstly combined infusion of three SCFAs, to study their different roles in ruminal development, antioxidant capacity, barrier functions, and immunity, as well as cross-talk with ruminal microbiome (16S rRNA sequencing data of rumen digesta) and derived transcriptome (RNA-Seq) and metabolism using an in vivo goat model.
Project description:Emerging data has highlighted the importance of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), particularly butyrate, in regulating ruminal homeostasis in vivo isolated epithelial cells. However, little is known about other SCFAs like acetate or propionate, and the interaction between rumen microbes and epithelial immunity are rarely reported. Here, we firstly combined infusion of three SCFAs, to study their different roles in ruminal development, antioxidant capacity, barrier functions, and immunity, as well as cross-talk with ruminal microbiome (16S rRNA sequencing data of rumen digesta) and derived transcriptome (RNA-Seq) and metabolism using an in vivo goat model.
Project description:We investigated the influence of SCFAs on human, monocyte derived DCs that represent a reliable in vitro model to study circulating DCs, one of the key regulators of our immune system. We studied the individual effect exerted by SCFA, the main metabolic end-products of fermentation by anaerobic bacteria in the gut, on the gene expression of immature and mature DC, exploring the potential of circulating bacterial metabolites to directly influence immune system cells. We found that SCFAs have little effect on the transcriptome of immature DC, whereas the transcriptome of mature DC was highly perturbed especially by butyrate and propionate. Our findings show an overall down-regulation of LPS-induced inflammatory responses and provide new insights into host-microbiome interactions. In this dataset, we include the expression data obtained from immature and matured (via lipopolysaccharide, LPS) human monocyte-derived dendritic cells untreated and treated with 1mM of acetate, butyrate, or propionate.
Project description:Intestinal epithelial cells and the intestinal microbiota are in a mutualistic relationship that is dependent on communication. This communication is multifaceted, but one aspect is communication through compounds produced by the microbiota such as the short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) butyrate, propionate and acetate. Studying the effects of SCFAs and especially butyrate in intestinal epithelial cell lines like Caco-2 cells has been proven problematic. In contrast to the in vivo intestinal epithelium, Caco-2 cells do not use butyrate as an energy source, leading to a build-up of butyrate. Therefore, we used human induced pluripotent stem cell derived intestinal epithelial cells, grown as a cell layer, to study the effects of butyrate, propionate and acetate on whole genome gene expression in the cells. For this, cells were exposed to concentrations of 1 and 10 mM of the individual short-chain fatty acids for 24 hours. Unique gene expression profiles were observed for each of the SCFAs in a concentration-dependent manner. Evaluation on both an individual gene level and pathway level showed that butyrate induced the biggest effects followed by propionate and then acetate. Several known effects of SCFAs on intestinal cells were confirmed, such as effects on metabolism and immune responses. The changes in metabolic pathways in the intestinal epithelial cell layers in this study demonstrate that there is a switch in energy source from glucose to SCFAs, thus induced pluripotent stem cell derived intestinal epithelial cell are responding in a similar manner to SCFAs as in vivo intestinal tissues.
Project description:Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are the end-products of bacterial fermentation of dietary fibre, and can play a crucial role in regulating immunity and metabolism in the gut and peripheral tissues. Here we show that butyrrate, an SCFA, displayed antiviral effects in chicken respiratory epithelial cells, likely via the regulation of interferon-stimulated genes, particularly OASL. The observed antiviral signaling mechanism would involve HDAC inhibition and Sp1-dependent regulation of the OASL promoter, shedding light on new mechanisms through which the GM regulates poultry mucosal immunity along the gut-lung axis in the chicken.