Project description:Identfification of MEF2A target genes using ChIP-exo in skeletla muscle and primary cardiomyocytes. Identfification of MEF2A target genes using ChIP-exo and RNA-seq in skeletal muscle and primary cardiomyocytes. MEF2 plays a profound role in the regulation of transcription in cardiac and skeletal muscle lineages. To define the overlapping and unique MEF2A genomic targets, we utilized ChIP-exo analysis of cardiomyocytes and skeletal myoblasts. Of the 2783 and 1648 MEF2A binding peaks in skeletal myoblasts and cardiomyocytes, respectively, 294 common binding sites were identified. Genomic targets were compared to differentially expressed genes in RNA-seq analysis of MEF2A depleted myogenic cells. MEF2A target genes were identified in 48 hr DM C2C12 myoblasts cells and primary cardiomyocytes using ChIP-exo. Binding profiles on MEF2A in each cell type were compared. Cross sectional-analysis between ChIP-exo identified targets and RNA-seq analysis of MEF2A deplted myoblasts was also done.
Project description:Identfification of MEF2A target genes using ChIP-exo in skeletla muscle and primary cardiomyocytes. Identfification of MEF2A target genes using ChIP-exo and RNA-seq in skeletal muscle and primary cardiomyocytes. MEF2 plays a profound role in the regulation of transcription in cardiac and skeletal muscle lineages. To define the overlapping and unique MEF2A genomic targets, we utilized ChIP-exo analysis of cardiomyocytes and skeletal myoblasts. Of the 2783 and 1648 MEF2A binding peaks in skeletal myoblasts and cardiomyocytes, respectively, 294 common binding sites were identified. Genomic targets were compared to differentially expressed genes in RNA-seq analysis of MEF2A depleted myogenic cells.
Project description:We report that the cell of origin plays an important role in this metastatic tropism. Following injection into the arterial circulation of mice, each of the identically transformed cell types gave rise to different metastatic patterns. Using gene expression analysis, we identified the chemokine receptor CXCR4 as being instrumental in determining the distinct metastatic patterns between skeletal muscle precursor cells and skeletal myoblasts. 3 independent cell lines of primary human skeletal myoblasts, primary skeletal muscle cell precursors, and each of these cell lines transformed with hTERT, the early region of SV40 encoding T-Ag and t-Ag, and RasG12V analysis of primary human skeletal myoblasts, primary skeletal muscle cell precursors, and each of these cell lines transformed with hTERT, the early region of SV40 encoding T-Ag and t-Ag, and RasG12V
Project description:GATA4 occupancy on the mouse genome of satellite cell-derived primary myoblasts. Proliferating myoblasts cultured in growth medium were immunoprecipitated with anti-GATA4 antibody or control IgG. Precipitated genomic DNAs were subjected to next generation sequencing. Paired-end 150 bp sequence reads of GATA4-ChIP and IgG-ChIP using mouse skeletal muscle myoblasts.
Project description:Identfification of MEF2A target genes using ChIP-exo and RNA-seq in skeletal muscle and primary cardiomyocytes. MEF2 plays a profound role in the regulation of transcription in cardiac and skeletal muscle lineages. To define the overlapping and unique MEF2A genomic targets, we utilized ChIP-exo analysis of cardiomyocytes and skeletal myoblasts. Of the 2783 and 1648 MEF2A binding peaks in skeletal myoblasts and cardiomyocytes, respectively, 294 common binding sites were identified. Genomic targets were compared to differentially expressed genes in RNA-seq analysis of MEF2A depleted myogenic cells. The effect of MEF2A gene silencing on gene expression in myoblasts was assessed at 48 hr DM. Up and downregulated genes were then compared to MEF2A target genes identified in ChIP-exo analysis of 48 hr DM C2C12 myoblasts cells and primary cardiomyocytes.
Project description:Expression profiling of proliferating primary myoblasts obtained from vastus lateralis muscle biopsises from healthy individuals and stimulated with Vitamin D (100 nM 1,25(OH)2D3) or vehicle for 24h.
Project description:Identfification of MEF2A target genes using ChIP-exo and RNA-seq in skeletal muscle and primary cardiomyocytes. MEF2 plays a profound role in the regulation of transcription in cardiac and skeletal muscle lineages. To define the overlapping and unique MEF2A genomic targets, we utilized ChIP-exo analysis of cardiomyocytes and skeletal myoblasts. Of the 2783 and 1648 MEF2A binding peaks in skeletal myoblasts and cardiomyocytes, respectively, 294 common binding sites were identified. Genomic targets were compared to differentially expressed genes in RNA-seq analysis of MEF2A depleted myogenic cells.
Project description:Satellite cells play an important role in post-natal growth and regeneration of skeletal muscle. They can be defined as a population adult muscle stem cells based on their self renewal capability and ability to differentiate into skeletal muscle fibers. Functional Retinoblastoma protein (pRb) is essential for the process of skeletal muscle differentiation in satellite cell derived primary myoblasts. Furthermore, the biochemical function of pRb is largely associated with its ability to interact with chromatin modifying factors such as histone deacetylases (HDACs) and histone methyltransferases thus inhibiting transcription of target gene promoters. Hence, expression profiling of pRb null primary myoblasts and myotubes will provide a global picture of the downstream targets of pRb transcriptional regulation in relation to cell cycle control, apoptosis inhibition, and muscle differentiation. Experiment Overall Design: This experiment includes 4 samples with 3 replicates each on 2 platforms for a total of 24 Samples.