Project description:Interestingly, the DMP1 cre Mbtps1 knockout mice do not demonstrate a noticeable bone phenotype despite gene expression changes. Only change was in bone stiffness. However, muscles from DMP1 cre Mbtps1 knockout mice did show a phenotype: changes in contractile force (increased); changes in myosin heavy chain expression, and an increase in myocyte regeneration evidenced by centralized nuclei in type I myosin heavy chain expressing cells. As a result, we wanted to know if these physiological changes were accompanied by changes in gene expression. We found that a number of genes were increased---including those associated with improved muscle performance and with activation of satellite cells, e.g., muscle stem cells. These changes in gene expression support our hypothesis which is that the bone (osteocytes) signal a change in muscle function via a cross-talk mechanism.
Project description:Purpose of arrays were to determine what the effect of deletion of Mbtps1 gene was on gene expression of osteocytes in bone in vivo. DMP1 cre driver was used to delete the Mbtps1 gene in osteocytes and osteoblasts in bone. We then isolated osteocyte enriched bone particles from 40 week old male mice to determine the effect of this deletion on gene expression. We have previously shown that Mbtps1 is needed for transcription of Phex, DMP1, and MEPE genes in osteoblasts in culture. Arrays showed these genes were reduced as expected in osteocytes in vivo. Controls represent osteocyte enriched bone from 40 week old littermates. Also, as expected, Mbtps1 expression was reduced in these knockout mice
Project description:We injected LLC1 cells into the tibia of DMP1-Cre Mfn2-/- mice, DMP1-Cre Rhot1-/- mice, and wild-type mice to study the changes in the cellular composition of the cancer microenvironment after knockout of Mfn2 or Rhot1 in osteocytes.
Project description:To determine the gene expression profile of extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus (SO) muscles of wild-type and Ts1Cje mouse model of Down Syndrome (DS). Two types of skeletal muscles (EDL and SO) were harvested from both Ts1Cje and its disomic littermate.
Project description:Analysis of soleus (SOL) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles isolated from Acta1-Cre+/4Fhet (as treatment) and Acta1-Cre-/4Fhet (as control) mice. Results provide unbiased gene expression profile of SOL and EDL muscles after 4F induction.
Project description:For additional details see Ebert et al, Identification and Small Molecule Inhibition of an ATF4-dependent Pathway to Age-related Skeletal Muscle Weakness and Atrophy. Quadriceps femoris muscles were harvested from 22-month-old muscle-specfic ATF4 knockout (ATF4 mKO) mice and littermate controls. mRNA levels in ATF4 mKO muscles were normalized to levels in littermate control muscles.
Project description:In mouse bone marrow, mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) has the potential to form osteocytes, adipocytes and cartilage. In the process of osteogenesis, MSCs differenetiate into stromal cells, such as CAR cells. Osteoblast is responsible for the formation of osteocytes and osteoblasts may be differentiated from a subset of CAR cells. Dmp1-Cre targeted CAR cells are thought to enrich for a osteoblast progenitor population. We used microarrays to detail the gene expression profiles among Dmp1-Cre targeted and non-targeted CAR cells. Gene expression diffferences were compared to support the hypothesis that Dmp1-Cre targeted CAR cells may be enriched for osteoblast progenitors. Dmp1-Cre targeted and non-targeted CAR cells were FACS sorted from three mice. RNA were extracted from these sorted cells and processed for microarray using Affymetrix mogene 1.0 ST chip. Cells from one mouse represent one sample
Project description:To investigate the role of the circadian clock gene Bmal1 in skeletal muscle, we compared the circadian transcriptomes of fast tibialis anterior (TA) and slow soleus (SOL) skeletal muscles from muscle-specific Bmal1 KO (mKO) and their control Cre- littermates (Ctrl). Keyword: Circadian Transcriptome, time course
Project description:ATF4 is a fasting-induced trascription factor that promotes skeletal muscle atrophy. The goal of these studies was to determine how of loss of ATF4 affects skeletal muscle mRNA expression. For additional details see Ebert et al, Stress-Induced Skeletal Muscle Gadd45a Expression Reprograms Myonuclei and Causes Muscle Atrophy. JBC epub. June 12, 2012. Muscle-specfic ATF4 knockout (ATF4 mKO) mice and littermate controls were fasted for 24 hours and then tibialis anterior muscles were harvested. mRNA levels in ATF4 mKO muscles were normalized to levels in littermate control muscles.