Project description:The experiment was designed to study the transcriptomic response of the centric diatom Skeletonema marinoi to the presence of cues from the grazer Calanus finmarchicus. Samples were collected in triplicate after 65 and 89 hours of exposure of diatom cells to the copepods. Control samples with no copepods were collected at the same time points.
Project description:Physiological changes in response to environmental cues are not easily documented in pelagic copepods using traditional methods. Molecular biological tools provide new approaches to the investigation of difficult to sample organisms such as oceanic zooplankton. Here, we describe the development of a species-specific microarray for high-throughput studies of the physiological ecology of the North Atlantic copepod Calanus finmarchicus. An EST database was generated for this species using a normalized cDNA library derived from adult and sub-adult individuals from the Gulf of Maine. Sequence data were clustered into contigs and annotated using Blastx. Target transcripts were selected, and unique, 50 base-pair long, oligomer probes were designed and synthesized for 995 genes. Bioinformatic processing using Blast2GO software provided detailed information on gene function. The selected targets include a broad representation of biological processes, cellular components, and molecular functions. The microarray was tested on both experimental and ecological samples, i.e. food abundance and two morphotypes exhibiting distinct lipid stores, respectively. Differentially regulated transcripts were identified for both comparisons. Two comparisons were performed: 1) Lipid-rich (fat) and Lipid-poor (thin) morphotypes 2) Copepods kept under high food and low food experimental conditions
Project description:Thermal discharge-induced elevated seawater temperature alters richness, community composition and interactions of bacterioplankton assemblages in a coastal ecosystem.
Project description:Comparative genomic hybridization of 9 Norwegian E. faecalis baby isolates with E. faecalis V583 as a reference strain using an E. faecalis V583 oligo array. Total gene content was analyzed by whole genome microarrays.
Project description:Chemical contamination is a common threat to biota thriving in estuarine and coastal ecosystems. In particular, trace metals tend to accumulate and exert deleterious effects on small invertebrates such as zooplankton, which are essential trophic links between phytoplankton and higher-level consumers in aquatic food webs. Beyond the direct effects of the contamination, we hypothesized that metal exposure could also affect the zooplankton microbiota, which in turn might further impair host fitness. To assess this assumption, copepods (Eurytemora affinis) were sampled in the oligo-mesohaline zone of the Seine estuary and exposed to dissolved copper (25 µg.L-1) over a 72-hour time period. Copepod response to copper treatment was assessed by determining transcriptomic changes in E. affinis along with shifts in its microbiota. Unexpectedly, very few genes were differentially expressed in copper-treated copepods compared to controls, with most of the reported differences involving genes upregulated in males compared to females. In contrast, copper increased the taxonomic diversity indices of the microbiota and resulted in substantial compositional changes at both the phyla and genus levels. Phylogenetic reconstruction of the microbiota further suggested that copper mitigated phylogenetic relatedness of taxa at the basal tree structure of the phylogeny, whereas it strengthened it at the terminal branches. Increased terminal phylogenetic clustering in copper-treated copepods concurred with higher proportions of bacterial genera previously identified as copper resistant (e.g., Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, and Alkanindiges) and a higher relative abundance of the copA gene encoding a periplasmic inducible multi-copper oxidase. Overall, these results revealed very contrasting responses of E. affinis and its microbiota to copper exposure. The enrichment in micro-organisms likely to perform copper sequestration and/or enzymatic transformation processes, underlines here the need to follow the microbial component during the evaluation of the vulnerability of the zooplankton to the metallic stress.
Project description:The adult human gut microbial community is typically dominated by two bacterial phyla (divisions), the Firmicutes and the Bacteroidetes. Little is known about the factors that govern the interactions between their members. Here we examine the niches of representatives of both phyla in vivo. Finished genome sequences were generated from E. rectale and E. eligens, which belong to Clostridium Cluster XIVa, one of the most common gut Firmicute clades. Comparison of these and 25 other gut Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes indicated that the former possess smaller genomes and a disproportionately smaller number of glycan-degrading enzymes. Germ-free mice were then colonized with E. rectale and/or a prominent human gut Bacteroidetes, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, followed by whole genome transcriptional profiling of both organisms in their distal gut (cecal) habitat as well as host responses, high resolution proteomic analysis of cecal contents, and biochemical assays of carbohydrate metabolism. B. thetaiotaomicron adapts to E. rectale by upregulating expression of a variety of polysaccharide utilization loci (PULs) encoding numerous glycoside hydrolase gene families, and by signaling the host to produce mucosal glycans that it, but not E. rectale, can access. E. rectale adapts to B. thetaiotaomicron by decreasing production of its glycan-degrading enzymes, increasing expression of selected amino acid and sugar transporters, and facilitating glycolysis by reducing levels of NADH, in part via generation of butyrate from acetate, which in turn is utilized by the gut epithelium. This simplified model of the human gut microbiota illustrates niche specialization and functional redundancy within members of major gut bacterial phyla, and the importance of host glycans as a nutrient foundation that ensures ecosystem stability. We assessed how E. rectale and B. thetaiotaomicron were affected by changes in host diet. Groups of age- and gender-matched co-colonized mice were fed one of three diets that varied primarily in their carbohydrate and fat content: (i) the standard low-fat, plant polysaccharide-rich diet used for the experiments described above (abbreviated âLF/PPâ for low-fat/plant polysaccharide), (ii) a high-fat, âhigh-sugarâ Western-type diet (abbreviated HF/HS) that contained sucrose, maltodextrin, corn starch as well as complex polysaccharides (primarily cellulose) that were not digestible by B. thetaiotaomicron or E. rectale, and (iii) a control diet that was similar to (ii) except that the fat content was 4-fold lower (âLF/HSâ for low-fat, high-sugar; n=5 mice per group).