Project description:Leber2015 - Mucosal immunity and gut
microbiome interaction during C. difficile infection
This model is described in the article:
Systems Modeling of
Interactions between Mucosal Immunity and the Gut Microbiome
during Clostridium difficile Infection.
Leber A, Viladomiu M, Hontecillas R,
Abedi V, Philipson C, Hoops S, Howard B, Bassaganya-Riera
PLoS ONE 2015; 10(7): e0134849
Clostridium difficile infections are associated with the use
of broad-spectrum antibiotics and result in an exuberant
inflammatory response, leading to nosocomial diarrhea, colitis
and even death. To better understand the dynamics of mucosal
immunity during C. difficile infection from initiation through
expansion to resolution, we built a computational model of the
mucosal immune response to the bacterium. The model was
calibrated using data from a mouse model of C. difficile
infection. The model demonstrates a crucial role of T helper 17
(Th17) effector responses in the colonic lamina propria and
luminal commensal bacteria populations in the clearance of C.
difficile and colonic pathology, whereas regulatory T (Treg)
cells responses are associated with the recovery phase. In
addition, the production of anti-microbial peptides by inflamed
epithelial cells and activated neutrophils in response to C.
difficile infection inhibit the re-growth of beneficial
commensal bacterial species. Computational simulations suggest
that the removal of neutrophil and epithelial cell derived
anti-microbial inhibitions, separately and together, on
commensal bacterial regrowth promote recovery and minimize
colonic inflammatory pathology. Simulation results predict a
decrease in colonic inflammatory markers, such as neutrophilic
influx and Th17 cells in the colonic lamina propria, and length
of infection with accelerated commensal bacteria re-growth
through altered anti-microbial inhibition. Computational
modeling provides novel insights on the therapeutic value of
repopulating the colonic microbiome and inducing regulatory
mucosal immune responses during C. difficile infection. Thus,
modeling mucosal immunity-gut microbiota interactions has the
potential to guide the development of targeted fecal
transplantation therapies in the context of precision medicine
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Project description:Morphine and its pharmacological derivatives are the most prescribed analgesics for moderate to severe pain management. However, chronic use of morphine reduces pathogen clearance and induces bacterial translocation across the gut barrier. The enteric microbiome has been shown to play a critical role in the preservation of the mucosal barrier function and metabolic homeostasis. Here, we show for the first time, using bacterial 16s rDNA sequencing, that chronic morphine treatment significantly alters the gut microbial composition and induces preferential expansion of the gram-positive pathogenic and reduction of bile-deconjugating bacterial strains. A significant reduction in both primary and secondary bile acid levels was seen in the gut, but not in the liver with morphine treatment. Morphine induced microbial dysbiosis and gut barrier disruption was rescued by transplanting placebo-treated microbiota into morphine-treated animals, indicating that microbiome modulation could be exploited as a therapeutic strategy for patients using morphine for pain management. In this study, we establish a link between the two phenomena, namely gut barrier compromise and dysregulated bile acid metabolism. We show for the first time that morphine fosters significant gut microbial dysbiosis and disrupts cholesterol/bile acid metabolism. Changes in the gut microbial composition is strongly correlated to disruption in host inflammatory homeostasis13,14 and in many diseases (e.g. cancer/HIV infection), persistent inflammation is known to aid and promote the progression of the primary morbidity. We show here that chronic morphine, gut microbial dysbiosis, disruption of cholesterol/bile acid metabolism and gut inflammation; have a linear correlation. This opens up the prospect of devising minimally invasive adjunct treatment strategies involving microbiome and bile acid modulation and thus bringing down morphine-mediated inflammation in the host.
Project description:Opioids analgesics are frequently prescribed in the United States and worldwide. However, serious side effects such as addiction, immunosuppression and gastrointestinal symptoms limit their use. It has been recently demonstrated that morphine treatment results in significant disruption in gut barrier function leading to increased translocation of gut commensal bacteria. Further study indicated distinct alterations in the gut microbiome and metabolome following morphine treatment, contributing to the negative consequences associated with opioid use. However, it is unclear how opioids modulate gut homeostasis in the context of a hospital acquired bacterial infection. In the current study, a mouse model of C. rodentium infection was used to investigate the role of morphine in the modulation of gut homeostasis in the context of a hospital acquired bacterial infection. Citrobacter rodentium is a natural mouse pathogen that models intestinal infection by enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) and causes attaching and effacing lesions and colonic hyperplasia. Morphine treatment resulted in 1) the promotion of C. rodentium systemic dissemination, 2) increase in virulence factors expression with C. rodentium colonization in intestinal contents, 3) altered gut microbiome, 4) damaged integrity of gut epithelial barrier function, 5) inhibition of C. rodentium-induced increase in goblet cells, and 6) dysregulated IL-17A immune response. This is the first study to demonstrate that morphine promotes pathogen dissemination in the context of intestinal C. rodentium infection, indicating morphine modulates virulence factor-mediated adhesion of pathogenic bacteria and induces disruption of mucosal host defense during C. rodentium intestinal infection in mice. This study demonstrates and further validates a positive correlation between opioid drug use/abuse and increased risk of infections, suggesting over-prescription of opioids may increase the risk in the emergence of pathogenic strains and should be used cautiously. Therapeutics directed at maintaining gut homeostasis during opioid use may reduce the comorbidities associated with opioid use for pain management.
Project description:Postoperative ileus (POI) is a common clinical condition after abdominal surgical procedure, leading to increased patient morbidity and prolonged hospitalisation.The mechanism of POI is not very clear until now. At the end of the 20th century, the inflammatory-mediated ileus hypothesis was introduced. But the initial trigger of the inflammatory cascade is unclear.Previous study demonstrate a clear association between colonic transit time, gut microbiota composition and urinary metabolic phenotype. Here the investigators suggest that the perioperative gut microbiota may contribute to POI.
Project description:The postnatal period is one of the important windows for developing the gastrointestinal tract's structure-function and associated mucosal immunity. Recent studies suggest a promising contribution of gut microbiota in maintaining host health, immunity, and gut development. However, the function of postnatal gut microbiota dynamics concerning intestinal mucosal development needs to be better understood. To decipher the causal role of gut microbiota on barrier integrity and intestinal epithelium development, we executed an antibiotic-mediated perturbation and tracked the kinetics in postnatal mice. We observed a postnatal age-related impact of antibiotic-mediated gut microbiota perturbation with a substantial decrease in total bacterial load on P14D and also in the barrier integrity and IECs marker. To enhance our knowledge of the mechanisms behind this, we employed a global transcriptomics approach to see the alterations in the mucosal innate immunity and other relevant pathways.
Project description:Group 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILC3s) sense environmental signals that are critical for gut homeostasis and host defense. However, the metabolite-sensing G-protein-coupled receptors that regulate colonic ILC3s remain poorly understood. We found that colonic ILC3s expressed Ffar2, a microbial metabolite-sensing receptor, and that Ffar2 agonism promoted ILC3 expansion and function. Deletion of Ffar2 in ILC3s decreased their in situ proliferation and ILC3-derived IL-22 production. This led to impaired gut epithelial function characterized by altered mucus-associated proteins and antimicrobial peptides and increased susceptibility to colonic injury and bacterial infection. Ffar2 increased IL-22+ CCR6+ ILC3s and influenced ILC3 abundance in colonic lymphoid tissues. Ffar2 agonism differentially activated AKT or ERK signaling and increased ILC3-derived IL-22 via an AKT and STAT3 axis. Our findings demonstrate that Ffar2 regulates colonic ILC3 proliferation and function in a cell-intrinsic manner and identifies an ILC3-receptor signaling pathway regulating gut inflammatory tone and pathogen defense.
Project description:The adult human gut microbial community is typically dominated by two bacterial phyla (divisions), the Firmicutes and the Bacteroidetes. Little is known about the factors that govern the interactions between their members. Here we examine the niches of representatives of both phyla in vivo. Finished genome sequences were generated from E. rectale and E. eligens, which belong to Clostridium Cluster XIVa, one of the most common gut Firmicute clades. Comparison of these and 25 other gut Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes indicated that the former possess smaller genomes and a disproportionately smaller number of glycan-degrading enzymes. Germ-free mice were then colonized with E. rectale and/or a prominent human gut Bacteroidetes, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, followed by whole genome transcriptional profiling of both organisms in their distal gut (cecal) habitat as well as host responses, high resolution proteomic analysis of cecal contents, and biochemical assays of carbohydrate metabolism. B. thetaiotaomicron adapts to E. rectale by upregulating expression of a variety of polysaccharide utilization loci (PULs) encoding numerous glycoside hydrolase gene families, and by signaling the host to produce mucosal glycans that it, but not E. rectale, can access. E. rectale adapts to B. thetaiotaomicron by decreasing production of its glycan-degrading enzymes, increasing expression of selected amino acid and sugar transporters, and facilitating glycolysis by reducing levels of NADH, in part via generation of butyrate from acetate, which in turn is utilized by the gut epithelium. This simplified model of the human gut microbiota illustrates niche specialization and functional redundancy within members of major gut bacterial phyla, and the importance of host glycans as a nutrient foundation that ensures ecosystem stability. The interactions between E. rectale and B. thetaiotaomicron were characterized by performing whole genome transcriptional profiling of each species after colonization of gnotobiotic mice with each organism alone, or in combination. E. rectale was also profiled during in vitro growth.
Project description:The increased consumption of various beverages has been paralleled by an epidemic of several intestinal diseases around the world, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and colorectal cancer. Mounting evidence have shown that excessive consumption of beverages increases the risk of IBD and IBS. In addition, sugar-sweeter, food additives and food ingredients were identified to play important roles in these conditions. Consuming cold beverage is common among some people, especially in the youngsters. However, whether the cold stress contribute directly to host metabolism, gut barrier and gut-brain axis is unclear. In an intestinal function disorder model induced by cold water in mice, we investigated changes in gut transit, anxiety and depression like behavior. To evaluate the effect of cold water on gut barrier, we investigate the tight junctions in the colon. In addition, we employed RNA sequencing transcriptomic analysis to identify genes potentially driving the gut injury, and in parallel, examine the gut microbiota and metabolites in the feces.In an intestinal function disorder model induced by cold water in mice, we investigated changes in gut transit, anxiety and depression like behavior. To evaluate the effect of cold water on gut barrier, we investigate the tight junctions in the colon. In addition, we employed RNA sequencing transcriptomic analysis to identify genes potentially driving the gut injury, and in parallel, examine the gut microbiota and metabolites in the feces.
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE11944: Mucosal Glycan Foraging Enhances the Fitness and Transmission of a Saccharolytic Human Distal Gut Symbiont GSE11953: Mucosal Glycan Foraging Enhances the Fitness and Transmission of a Saccharolytic Human Distal Gut Symbiont: ECF mutant GSE11962: Growth of B. thetaiotaomicron on purified host mucosal glycans and glycan fragments Refer to individual Series