Project description:Plant nutrition takes advantage by the simultaneous presence of more N forms in the rhizosphere. In the last decades the interplay between ammonium and nitrate acquisition systems in roots has been deeply investigated. Although widely used as fertilizers, the occurrence of cross connection between urea and ammonium nutrition has been scarcely studied in plants, especially at molecular level. In a recent paper we provided evidence that maize plants fed with urea and ammonium mix showed a better N-uptake efficiency than plants fed with ammonium or urea alone. To elucidate the molecular mechanism underlying this response, transcriptomic and metabolomic changes occurring in maize plants were investigated. Transcriptomic analyses indicated that several transporters and enzymes involved in N-nutrition were found upregulated by all three N-treatments (AMT1.3, NRT1.1, NRT2.1, GS1, GOGAT, GDH), confirming that urea is a direct source of N for plants. Depending on N-form available in nutrient solution a peculiar response at transcriptomic and metabolomic level was observed, especially after 24 hours of treatment. In comparison to one single N-form, urea and ammonium mix induced a prompt assimilation of N, characterized by an overaccumulation of main amino acids in shoots, and an upregulation of ZmAMT1.1. Moreover even a peculiar modulation of aquaporins, carbonic anydrases, glutamine synthetase, amino aspartate, as well as the glycolysis-TCA cycle was induced in roots by urea and ammonium mix. Depending on N-form available in the external media, even changes in phytohormone’s composition were observed in maize (CKs, ABA, JA); in particular, already after 24 hours of treatment, urea induced the accumulation of trans-zeatin in shoots. Through a multiomics approach, we provide for the first time molecular characterization of maize response to urea and ammonium nutrition. This study paves the way to formulate guidelines for the optimization of N fertilization of crops to improve the N use efficiency in plants and therefore limit N losses in the environment.
Project description:In this study RNA-sequencing was used to monitor gene expression changes in four tissues (meristematic zone, elongation zone, and cortex and stele of the mature zone) of maize (Zea mays L.) primary roots in response to water deficit to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying drought tolerance.
Project description:In this study a transcriptomic approach (RNA-sequencing) was utilized to elucidate molecular responses of maize (Zea mays L.) primary roots of the inbred line B73 to water deficit to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying drought tolerance. Kernels of the maize inbred line B73 were germinated in paper rolls soaked with distilled water until seedlings had a primary root length of 2 to 4 cm. For mild and severe water deficit conditions, seedlings were transferred to PEG8000 solution with water potentials of -0.2 MPa and -0.8 MPa, respectively. Water deficit treatment was applied for 6 h and 24 h. Each treatment was performed in four biological replicates each consisting of 10 roots.
Project description:It was investigated the changes in protein expression in maize roots in response to treatment with Herbaspirillum seropedicae. To identify maize proteins whose expression levels were altered in the presence of bacteria, a label-free quantitative proteomic approach was used.
Project description:Maize (Zea mays L.) was hydroponically grown for 14 days and then stressed with hypoxia. Maize roots were sampled after 24 hours and analyzed by mass spectrometry.
Project description:Iron deficiency is a yield-limiting factor and a worldwide problem for crop production in many agricultural regions, particularly in aerobic and calcareous soils. Graminaceous species, like maize, improve Fe acquisition through the release of phytosiderophores (PS) into the rhizosphere and the following uptake of Fe(III)-PS complexes through specific transporters. Transcriptional profile obtained by roots 12-d-old maize plants under Fe starvation for 1 week (Fe-deficient; 19-d-old plants) were compared with the transcriptional profile obtained by roots of 12-d-old maize plants grown in a nutrient solution containing 100 μM Fe-EDTA for 1 week (Fe-sufficient; 19-d-old plants).
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of Yellow stripe 1 (ys1) and ys3 mutants. ys1 and ys3 are recessive mutants of maize (Zea mays L.) that result in symptoms typical of Fe deficiency, i.e., interveinal chlorosis of the leaves. The objective of the present work was to identify the genes involved in the ys1 and ys3 phenotypes, so as to extend our understanding of Fe homeostasis in maize.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of 4 maize varieties comparing genetic root response under control temperature conditions with genetic root response under low temperature conditions
Project description:qPCR gene expression profiling of Yellow stripe 1 (ys1) and ys3 mutants. ys1 and ys3 are recessive mutants of maize (Zea mays L.) that result in symptoms typical of Fe deficiency, i.e., interveinal chlorosis of the leaves. The objective of the present work was to identify the genes involved in the ys1 and ys3 phenotypes, so as to extend our understanding of Fe homeostasis in maize.