ABSTRACT: Affymetrix profiling of IMIDIA biobank samples from organ donors and partially pancreatectomized patients [partially pancreatectomized patient cohort]
Project description:DNA methylation profiling of normal prostates from organ donors and prostate cancer metastases from a rapid autopsy cohort of lethal metastatic prostate cancer Metastases from prostate cancer patients. Normal prostate samples from organ donors
Project description:DNA methylation profiling of normal prostates from organ donors and prostate cancer metastases from a rapid autopsy cohort of lethal metastatic prostate cancer Multiple anatomically distinct metastases from each of five patients. Normal prostate samples from organ donors
Project description:Gene expression profiling of normal prostates from organ donors and prostate cancer metastases from a rapid autopsy cohort of lethal metastatic prostate cancer Multiple anatomically distinct metastases (18) from each of five patients. 21 normal prostate samples from organ donors
Project description:Sixteen pre-treatment samples of pathologically confirmed solitary fibrous tumors (SFT) were available for RNA profiling. They were collected from 16 patients who underwent initial surgery and/or diagnostic biopsy. Samples were macrodissected by pathologists, and frozen within 30 min of removal in liquid nitrogen in our biobank (Biobank authorization number 2008/70, APHM). All profiled specimens contained more than 70% tumor cells. Each patient gave written informed consent for molecular analysis, and the study was approved by our institutional ethics committee. Total RNA was extracted from frozen samples by using the All-In-One Norgen Biotek kit (Thorold, Canada) and integrity was controlled by Agilent analysis (Bioanalyzer, Palo Alto, CA). Gene expression profiling was done with Affymetrix U133 Plus 2.0 human oligonucleotide microarrays with labeling kit and protocol from manufacturer.
Project description:The study investigated the abberrent DNA methylation in correlation with gene expression in cytogenetic normal acute myeloid leukemia. CN-AML blasts isolated from patient bone marrow aspriation were compared to CD34+ cell population from healthy donors by DNA methylation array and affymetrix gene expression microarray. Bisulfited genomic DNA from patients and normal materials were hybirdized to Illumia Infinium Human Methylation 450K Beadchip. Gene expression profiling on selected patient cohort are publish aviable.
Project description:DNA methylation profiling of normal prostates from organ donors and prostate cancer metastases from a rapid autopsy cohort of lethal metastatic prostate cancer
Project description:Gene expression profiling of normal prostates from organ donors and prostate cancer metastases from a rapid autopsy cohort of lethal metastatic prostate cancer
Project description:DNA methylation profiling of normal prostates from organ donors and prostate cancer metastases from a rapid autopsy cohort of lethal metastatic prostate cancer