Project description:Despite their key role in immunity our understanding of primary and secondary lymphoid stromal cell heterogeneity and ontogeny remains limited. Here, using genome-wide expression profiling and phenotypic and localization studies, we identify a functionally distinct subset of BP3-PDPN+PDGFRβ+/α+CD34+ stromal adventitial cells in both lymph nodes and thymus that is located within the perivascular niche surrounding PDPN-PDGFRβ+/α-Esam-1+ITGA7+ pericytes. In re-aggregate organ grafts adult CD34+ adventitial cells gave rise to multiple thymic and lymph node mesenchymal subsets including pericytes, FRC-, MRC- and FDC-like cells, the development of which was lymphoid environment dependent. During thymic ontogeny pericytes developed from a transient population of BP3-PDPN+PDGFRβ+/α+CD34-/lo anlage-seeding progenitors that subsequently up-regulated CD34 and we provide evidence suggesting that similar embryonic progenitors give rise to lymph node mesenchymal subsets. These findings extend the current understanding of lymphoid mesenchymal cell heterogeneity and highlight a role of the CD34+ vascular adventitia as a potential ubiquitous source of lymphoid stromal precursors in postnatal tissues. To comprehensively study the differences and similarities between mesenchymal stromal subsets in the thymus and lymph nodes, global gene expression analysis was performed on sorted PDPN-, BP-3-PDPN+ and BP-3+PDPN+ PDGFRb+ lymph node mesenchymal cells (LNMC) as well as PDPN- and BP-3-PDPN+ PDGFRb+ thymic mesenchymal cells (TMC) from 2 w old mice by microarray. Total RNA was prepared from TMC and LNMC (pooled inguinal, brachial and axillary LN) subsets sorted from 3 (TMC) and 10-11 (LNMC) 2 weeks old mice per experiment. Isolated RNA from 3 individual experiments was amplified and prepared for hybridization to the Affymetrix Mouse Gene 1.1 ST Array at a genomics core facility: Center of Excellence for Fluorescent Bioanalytics (KFB, University of Regensburg, Germany)
Project description:Despite their key role in immunity our understanding of primary and secondary lymphoid stromal cell heterogeneity and ontogeny remains limited. Here, using genome-wide expression profiling and phenotypic and localization studies, we identify a functionally distinct subset of BP3-PDPN+PDGFRβ+/α+CD34+ stromal adventitial cells in both lymph nodes and thymus that is located within the perivascular niche surrounding PDPN-PDGFRβ+/α-Esam-1+ITGA7+ pericytes. In re-aggregate organ grafts adult CD34+ adventitial cells gave rise to multiple thymic and lymph node mesenchymal subsets including pericytes, FRC-, MRC- and FDC-like cells, the development of which was lymphoid environment dependent. During thymic ontogeny pericytes developed from a transient population of BP3-PDPN+PDGFRβ+/α+CD34-/lo anlage-seeding progenitors that subsequently up-regulated CD34 and we provide evidence suggesting that similar embryonic progenitors give rise to lymph node mesenchymal subsets. These findings extend the current understanding of lymphoid mesenchymal cell heterogeneity and highlight a role of the CD34+ vascular adventitia as a potential ubiquitous source of lymphoid stromal precursors in postnatal tissues. To comprehensively study the differences and similarities between mesenchymal stromal subsets in the thymus and lymph nodes, global gene expression analysis was performed on sorted PDPN-, BP-3-PDPN+ and BP-3+PDPN+ PDGFRb+ lymph node mesenchymal cells (LNMC) as well as PDPN- and BP-3-PDPN+ PDGFRb+ thymic mesenchymal cells (TMC) from 2 w old mice by microarray.
Project description:This study provides gene expression profiles of spleen and peripheral lymph node stromal cell subsets from a CXCR4 gain-of- function mouse model of WHIM syndrome at the population level.
Project description:The thymic microenvironment is essential for proper differentiation and selection of thymocytes.Thymic involution in aged mice results in decreased T cell output and immune function. Here we use gene expression profiling of FACS sorted thymic stromal subsets to identify molecular mediators of thymocyte: stromal cell interactions, as well as gene expression changes thymic stromal subsets during early stages of thymic involution . We used microarrays to analyze gene expression differences between thymic stromal subsets from male C57BL/6J mice 1, 3, and 6 months of age. Thymic stromal subsets (cTEC, mTEClo, mTEChi, Sirpa-DC, Sirpa+DC, and fibroblasts) were isolated from two 1-, 3-, and 6- month old male C57BL/6J mice. After enzymatic digestion of the thymi, the stromal cells were FACS purified, and RNA was extracted, amplified, labeled and hybridized to Affymetrix mouse 430 2.0 arraysarrays. Raw data were uploaded to Gene Expression Commons for normalization. Both raw CEL and normalized datasets from the 36 samples are included. A model within Gene Expression Commons has been created for analyses/comparisons of these datasets, along with previously reported thymocyte subset datasets. The model within Gene Expression Commons thus contains 6 thymic stromal populations, each from mice 1, 3, and 6 months of age, with duplicates for each datset.
Project description:Tissue structure of the lymph node (LN) is supported by the network of stromal cells of mesenchymal origin, which is suggested to contribute to various immunological processes. In order to identify stromal cell–derived factors that regulate immune function, we performed gene expression profiling of stromal cells freshly isolated from collagenase digested mouse LNs, cultured stromal cell lines, and embryonic fibroblasts as a mesenchymal control.