Project description:We performed a single-shot DIA-MS proteome analysis of dried saliva spots (DSS) to investigate whether it provides a platform to complement the dried blood spot (DBS) data.
Project description:We performed a single-shot DIA-MS proteome analysis of dried saliva spots (DSS) to investigate whether it provides a platform to complement the dried blood spot (DBS) data.
Project description:Comparison of transcript abundance estimates derived from DBS vs saliva vs gold standard peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) samples.
Project description:Comparison of transcript abundance estimates derived from DBS vs saliva vs gold standard peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) samples. Gene expression profiling was conducted using parallel collection and assay of venipuncture blood samples (PBMC), DBS samples, and saliva. Data come from 58 community dwelling adults recruited from the Los Angeles metropolitan area. Analyzed data include basic demographic characteristics (age, sex, race/ethnicity) and body mass index (BMI) as well as RNA indicators of major leukocyte subset prevalence (i.e., estimated abundance of mRNA for CD3, CD4, CD8, CD19, FCGR3A/CD16, NCAM1/CD56, and CD14; all provided here as log2-transformed values of normalized gene expression data). Categorial variables were coded 0=no/absent and 1=yes/present.
Project description:Genome wide DNA methylation profiling of human samples from dried neonatal blood spots taken at birth from a cohort of pregnant people and their infants in Michigan. The Illumina MethylationEPIC Beadchip array was used to obtain DNA methylation profiles across over 850,000 CpGs in dried neonatal blood spot samples. Samples were collected from 166 infants at birth.
Project description:Dried Blood Spots samples are a rich source of proteins and have therefore great potential for proteomics biomarker discovery studies. Only a few articles have used DBS samples for non-targeted bottom-up protein analysis, probably due to the complexity of the DBS samples. Gas-phase separation by ion mobility spectrometry such as Field Asymmetric Waveform Ion Mobility (FAIMS) could be useful in analysis of DBS samples as FAIMS has previously shown to be advantageous for bottom-up protein analysis of complex samples. The aim of this project was therefore to evaluate FAIMS in non-targeted analysis of Dried Blood Spots.
Project description:The Guthrie 903 card archived dried blood spots (DBS) are a unique but terminal resource amenable for individual and population wide genomic profiling. The limited amounts of DBS-derived genomic DNA (gDNA) can be whole-genome amplified (WGA) producing sufficient gDNA for genomic applications, albeit with variable success, and optimizing the isolation of high-quality DNA from these finite, low-yield specimens is essential. Visual automated fluorescence electrophoresis (VAFE) is a novel QC technology affording precise quality, quantity and molecular weight of double-stranded DNA from a single microliter of sample. The VAFE QC data were correlated with subsequent sample performance in PCR, sequencing, and high-density comparative genome hybridization array. The Swedish Repository of DBS samples collected on Guthrie 903 cards for neonatal screening of inborn diseases provided deidentified 3mm blood spot punches. There were total of eight (8) samples representing two (2) decades; 1970s: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978; 1980s: 1980, 1982, 1984, 1986. gDNA was extracted and whole genome amplified prior to aCGH experiments using control female reference genomic DNA. The objective was to show that large rearrangements (e.g. loss of chrX in male samples) can be detected in WGA gDNA from blood spots >30 years old.
Project description:The Guthrie 903 card archived dried blood spots (DBS) are a unique but terminal resource amenable for individual and population wide genomic profiling. The limited amounts of DBS-derived genomic DNA (gDNA) can be whole-genome amplified (WGA) producing sufficient gDNA for genomic applications, albeit with variable success, and optimizing the isolation of high-quality DNA from these finite, low-yield specimens is essential. Visual automated fluorescence electrophoresis (VAFE) is a novel QC technology affording precise quality, quantity and molecular weight of double-stranded DNA from a single microliter of sample. The VAFE QC data were correlated with subsequent sample performance in PCR, sequencing, and high-density comparative genome hybridization array.