Project description:Transcriptomic analysis of LaeA-deletion and overexpression LaeB in LaeA deletion strains in fungus Beauveria bassiana Examination of differential gene expressions by Beauveria bassiana wild type, LaeA-deletion and overexpression LaeB in LaeA deletion strains in fungus Beauveria bassiana
Project description:Beauveria basiana is a well-known filamentous entomopathogenic fungus. Oxidation tolerance is an important determinant to fungal pathogenicity and biocontrol potential. B. bassiana transcriptional co-activator multiprotein bridging factor 1 (BbMBF1) contributes to fungal resistance to the oxidative stress. The interactome of BbMBF1 was revealed by the qualitative proteomic analysis integrated with the immuno-precipitation. This study is sought to unveil the comprehensive protein interaction of BbMBF1 and isolate the BbMBF1-mediated transcription factor under oxidative stress.
Project description:We investigated the transcriptional response of invasive Mediterranean (MED) species of the whitefly B. tabaci complex (commonly referred to as Q biotype) to entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana using Illumina sequencing technology.
Project description:Lysine acetylation emerging as a ubiquitous and conserved posttranslational modification plays an important regulatory role in almost every aspect of eukaryotes and prokaryotes. To gain insight into the nature, extent and biological function of lysine acetylation in Beauveria bassiana, a filamentous entomopathogenic fungus, we used immunoaffinity-based acetyl-lysine peptide enrichment integrated with high resolution mass spectrometry to comprehensively characterize lysine acetylated proteins in this fungus. Here we identified a total of 283 proteins with 464 acetylated sites, representing the first acetylproteome reported to date in filamentous fungi. Bioinformatics analysis of this acetylome showed that the acetylated proteins are involved in a wide range of cellular functions, such as metabolism, transcription, and exhibit diverse subcellular localizations. Enrichment of molecular function, biological process, and KEGG pathway implied that identified acetylated proteins of B. bassiana were very important in chromatin organization, ribosome, nucleosome assembly, carbon metabolism, and biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. Moreover, we matched five conserved lysine acetylated motifs containing of KacY, KacH, KacF, FxKac, KacxxxxK and one specific motif KacW in B. bassiana. Taken together, our acetylome analysis revealed a surprising breadth of cellular processes affected by lysine acetylation and also furnishes some fresh intervention nodes for the rational improvement of the friednly entomopathogenic fungus.
Project description:We investigated the transcriptional response of invasive Mediterranean (MED) species of the whitefly B. tabaci complex (commonly referred to as Q biotype) to entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana using Illumina sequencing technology. Nearly 1,000 of control whiteflies, 48h fungal-induced whiteflies and 72h fungal-induced whiteflies were collected, respectively.
Project description:Culturing the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana under high glucose concentrations coupled with high aeration results in a fungal developmental shift from hyphae growth to mostly blastospores (yeast-like cells). The underlying molecular mechanisms involved in this shift remains elusive. Therefore, this has motivated us to realize a systematic analysis of the differential gene expression to uncover the fungal transcriptomic response to osmotic and oxidative stresses associated with the resulting high blastospores yield. Differential gene expression was compared under moderate glucose concentration (10% w/v) and high glucose concentration (20% w/v) daily for the three-day culturing. The RNAseq-based transcriptomic results underpinned a higher proportion of down- than up-regulated genes when the fungus was grown under 20% glucose than at 10%. A follow-up study explored a broader glucose range (4, 8, 12, 16, 20% w/v) with phenotype assessment and qRT-PCR of selected genes. Antioxidant, calcium transport, conidiation, and osmosensor related genes were highly up-regulated in higher glucose titers (18-20%) than at lower titers. These findings improved the knowledge of the molecular mechanisms during blastospore development and may help the large scale blastospores industrial production.
Project description:The ascomycete fungus Beauveria bassiana is a pathogen of hundreds of insect species and is commercially produced as an environmentally friendly mycoinsecticide. Genome-wide insight into the infection of the fungi is critical for genetic improvement of fungal insecticides but has been poorly explored. We constructed three transcriptomes of Beauveria bassiana at 24, 48 and 72 hours post treatment of infection (BbI) and of control (Bbc).