Project description:Apple pedicel vascular development array Twelvet apple samples. Biological replicates: 2 for each sample, independently grown and harvested.
Project description:V. inaequalis causes apple scab disease, the most economically important disease of apples. In this study, we generated a comprehensive RNA-seq transcriptome of V. inaequalis during host colonization of apple, with six in planta time points (12hpi, 24hpi, 2dpi, 3dpi, 5dpi, 7dpi) and one in culture reference (fungus grown on cellophane membranes overlaying potato dextrose agar). Analysis of this transcriptome identified five in planta gene expression clusters or waves corresponding to three specific infection stages: early, mid and mid-late infection of subcuticular biotrophic host-colonization. In our analysis we focus on general fungal nutrition (plant cell wall degrading enzymes and transporters) as well as effectors (proteinaceous effectors and secondary metabolites). Early infection was characterized by the expression of genes that encode plant cell wall-degrading enzymes (PCWDEs) and proteins associated with oxidative stress responses. Mid-late infection was characterized by genes that encode PCWDEs and effector candidates (ECs).
Project description:Purpose: The aim of this study was to identify the specific transcriptomic changes in apple root tissue in response to infection by F. Proliferatum.The characterized transcriptome changes during apple root defense responses to F. Proliferatum inoculation should facilitate the identification of the key molecular components, which may differentiate the resistance and susceptibility among apple rootstock germplasm.
Project description:Apple pedicel vascular development array Eight apple samples. Biological replicates: 2 for each sample, independently grown and harvested.
Project description:Apple leaf spot caused by the Alternaria alternata f. sp. mali (ALT1) fungus is one of the most devastating diseases of apple (Malus × domestica). We identified a hairpin RNA (hpRNA)-mediated small RNAs, MdhpRNA277, from apple (cv. ‘Golden Delicious’) that is induced by infection with ALT1. MdhpRNA277 produces mdm-siR277-1 and mdm-siR277-2, which target five R genes, MdRNL1, MdRNL2, MdRNL3, MdRNL4, and MdRNL5, that are expressed at high levels in the resistant apple variety ‘Hanfu’ and at low levels in the susceptible variety ‘Golden Delicious’ following ALT1 infection. MdhpRNA277 is strongly induced in ‘Golden Delicious’ but was not induced in ‘Hanfu’ following ALT1 inoculation. The promoter activity of MdhpRNA277 was much stronger in ‘Golden Delicious’ than in ‘Hanfu’ after ALT1 inoculation. We identified a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the MdhpRNA277 promoter region between the susceptible variety ‘Golden Delicious’ (pMdhpRNA277-GD) and resistant variety ‘Hanfu’ (pMdhpRNA277-HF). The transcription factor MdWHy binds to pMdhpRNA277-GD, but not to pMdhpRNA277-HF. Transgenic ‘GL-3’ apple lines expressing pMdhpRNA277-GD: MdhpRNA277 were more susceptible to ALT1 infection than were those expressing pMdhpRNA277-HF:MdhpRNA277 due to induced mdm-siR277 accumulation and low levels of expression of the five target R genes. The failure of MdWHy to bind to pMdhpRNA277-HF might contribute to the low levels of MdhpRNA277 and mdm-siR277-1/-2 expression and the high levels of R gene expression and resistance to Alternaria leaf spot in resistant apple varieties. We confirmed that the SNP in pMdhpRNA277 is associated with Alternaria leaf spot resistance by analyzing the progeny of three additional crosses. The SNP identified in this study could be used as a marker to distinguish between apple varieties that are resistant or susceptible to Alternaria leaf spot.
Project description:Effect of the presence of fruits on the expression of genes possibly involved in floral induction in the terminal meristem of spur bourse shoot. Investigation on mecanisms involved in Biennial Bearing in mature apple trees cultivar Royal Gala.
Project description:Effect of the presence of fruits on the expression of genes possibly involved in floral induction in the terminal meristem of spur bourse shoot. Investigation on mecanisms involved in Biennial Bearing in mature apple trees cultivar Royal Gala. Two-condition experiment : 'ON' trees (unthinned control) & 'OFF' trees (deflowered) for comparison. Three comparisons at sampling dates : 28, 48 and 119 days after full bloom (DAFB). Two dye switch biological replicates for each treatment and sampling date.
Project description:Apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.) is a model fruit species to study the metabolic changes occurring at the onset of ripening as well the physiological mechanism governed by the hormone ethylene. In this survey, to dissect the climacteric interplay in apple, a multidisciplinary approach was employed. To this end, a comprehensive analysis of gene expression together with the investigation of several physiological entities (texture, volatilome and polyphenolic compounds) was carried out throughout fruit development and ripening. The transcriptomic profiling was conducted with two microarray platforms, a custom array dedicated to fruit ripening pathways (iRIPE) and a whole genome array specifically enriched of ripening related genes for apple (WGAA). The transcriptomic and phenotypic changes following the application of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), an ethylene inhibitor, were also highlighted. The suppression of ethylene modified and delayed the ethylene receptors turnover, leading to important modifications in the overall fruit physiology. The integrative comparative network analysis showed both negative and positive correlations between ripening related transcripts and accumulation of specific metabolites or texture components. The ripening distortion caused by the inhibition of the ethylene perception besides affecting the ethylene and texture control, stimulated the de-repression of auxin related genes, transcription factors and photosynthethic genes. In the end, the comprehensive repertoire of results obtained here step forwards in the elucidation of the multi-layered control of ethylene, hypothesizing a possible hormonal cross-talk coupled with a transcriptional regulation. 48 samples analyzed; 8 stages have been identified over the fruit development and ripening (from flower to post harvest ripening) of apple fruit belonging to two apple cultivars (Golden Delicious and Granny Smith), ending with 16 samples (3 replacates for each sample)