Project description:Triple-negative primary breast cancer tumors, rich in inflammatory stroma, were laser microdissected and global mRNA expression was analyzed in stroma compartment, cancer cell compartment, and in total tumor tissue. Three FFPE breast cancer tumors wer laser microdissected and the cancer cell and stroma compartments were collected. A piece of t
Project description:Triple-negative primary breast cancer tumors, rich in inflammatory stroma, were laser microdissected and global mRNA expression was analyzed in stroma compartment, cancer cell compartment, and in total tumor tissue.
Project description:Tumor-associated breast stroma was laser-capture microdissected from IDC breast cancer cases. The goal of the study was to characterize the heterogeneity of breast tumor-assocaited stroma and identify gene expression signatures predictive of clinical outcome. Keywords: disease state analysis
Project description:Tumor-associated breast stroma was laser-capture microdissected from IDC breast cancer cases. The goal of the study was to characterize the heterogeneity of breast tumor-assocaited stroma and identify gene expression signatures predictive of clinical outcome. Experiment Overall Design: Common reference design, 53 samples, with dye-swap replicates. Some samples replicated three or four times, a total of 111 arrays.
Project description:LCM was perfomed on adjacent tumor and stromal cells to identify differentially expressed genes in triple negative breast cancer. To determine differences in tumor and adjacent stromal tissue, laser-capture microdissction was perfomed on 10 triple negative breast cancer specimans to isolate tumor and stromal cells for gene expression analysis. RNA was isolated from captured cells and hybridized to affymetrix gene expression microarrays.
Project description:Here we describe the development of a robust method for RNA extraction and exome-capture RNA-sequencing of laser-capture microdissected (LCM) tumor cells (TC) and stromal immune cells (TIL) based on their morphology. We applied this method on seven tumor specimens and microbiopsies of triple-negative breast cancers (TNBC) stored in FFPE blocks. Together, we showed that combining LCM and RNA-sequencing on archived FFPE blocks is feasible and allows spatial transcriptional characterization of the tumor microenvironment.
Project description:Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is a precursor lesion that can give rise to invasive breast cancer (IBC). It has been proposed that both the nature of the lesion and the tumor microenvironment play key roles in progression to IBC. Here, laser capture microdissected tissue samples from epithelium and stroma in normal breast, pure DCIS, and pure IBC were employed to define key gene expression profiles associated with disease progression. Tumor and matching stroma were profiled for 9 DCIS patients, 10 IBC patients, and 3 normal breast. Differential gene expression was evaluated for paired normal stroma versus normal epitelium samples, paired DCIS stroma versus DCIS epitelium samples, paired IBC stroma versus IBC epitelium, IBC stroma versus DCIS stroma, and IBC epithelium versus DCIS epithelium.
Project description:Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is a precursor lesion that can give rise to invasive breast cancer (IBC). It has been proposed that both the nature of the lesion and the tumor microenvironment play key roles in progression to IBC. Here, laser capture microdissected tissue samples from epithelium and stroma in normal breast, pure DCIS, and pure IBC were employed to define key gene expression profiles associated with disease progression.
Project description:Histologically normal breast epithelium and stroma were laser capture microdissected from breast reduction specimens and from specimens of invasive ductal carcinoma. The objective of the study was to compare normal reduction tissues to tissues adjacent to I.D.C. to determine whether adjacent normal tissues contained expression profiles correlated with characteristics of the primary tumor and to identify markers of normal epithelium and stroma. Keywords: disease state analysis
Project description:Stratification of breast cancers into subtypes are generally based on immune assays on tumor cells and/or mRNA expression of tumor cell enriched tissues. Here, we have laser microdissected tumor epithelium and tumor stroma from 24 breast cancer biopsies (12 luminal-like and 12 basal-like). We hypothesized that the stromal proteome would separate patients with breast into groups independently of the traditional epithelial based subtypes.