Project description:ChIP-seq of H3K27me3 in rat peripheral nerve was used to identify sites of polycomb repression associated with genes in Schwann cells, which constitute the majority of cells in peripheral nerve. H3K27me3 ChIP samples were prepared from rat sciatic nerve and then sequenced. Inputs for these ChIP samples have previously been submitted as samples GSM1541282 and GSM1541283 in Series GSE63103
Project description:ChIP-seq of H3K27me3 in rat peripheral nerve was used to identify sites of polycomb repression associated with genes in Schwann cells, which constitute the majority of cells in peripheral nerve.
Project description:We provide ChIP-Seq analysis of Egr2 and Sox10 transcription factor binding in Schwann cells of rat peripheral nerve ChIP-Seq analysis of Egr2 and Sox10 binding in P15 rat sciatic nerve. Wiggle files of negative log of posterior probability determined by Mosaics.