Project description:Postoperative insulin resistance refers to the phenomenon that the body’s glucose uptake stimulated by insulin is reduced due to stress effects such as trauma or the inhibitory effect of insulin on liver glucose output is weakened after surgery.
There is a clear link between postoperative insulin resistance and poor perioperative prognosis. Therefore, exploring interventions to reduce postoperative stress insulin resistance, stabilize postoperative blood glucose, and reduce postoperative complications are clinical problems that need to be solved urgently. In recent years, research on branched-chain amino acids and metabolic diseases has become a hot spot. Studies have found that in the rat model, preoperatively given a high branched-chain amino acid diet can inhibit postoperative insulin resistance and stabilize blood glucose levels. This research plan is to try to add branched-chain amino acids before surgery to observe the occurrence of postoperative insulin resistance in patients.
Project description:We investigated the isolated working rat heart as a model to study early transcriptional remodeling induced by cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Because the mechanisms linking stress hyperglycemia and insulin resistance to increased peri-operative morbidity and mortality in the setting of open-heart surgery are still unclear, we also used this model to determine the transcriptional effects of exogenous glucose supply in absence or in presence of a preexisting state of myocardial insulin resistance. Male Sprague Dawley rats (200-224g) were kept on chow diet for 8 to 10 weeks, or fed a high-sucrose diet to induce myocardial insulin resistance. Following the feeding period, hearts were recovered, arrested in ice-cold Krebs-Henseleit (KH) buffer and subjected to 60 minutes normothermic reperfusion in the working mode with KH buffer supplemented with non-carbohydrate substrates plus glucose (25 mM) or mannitol (25 mM; osmotic control). Compared to non-perfused hearts, perfused hearts from chow-fed rats displayed a more than twofold increased expression for 71 genes (mannitol group) and 103 genes (glucose group) connected to inflammation, cell proliferation, and apoptosis. The same biological pathways were activated in hearts from insulin resistant rats, with 109 genes (mannitol group) and 70 genes (glucose group) up-regulated more than twofold when compared to the non-perfused hearts from high-sucrose diet-fed rats. The changes were highly similar to gene alterations occurring in the right atrium and left ventricle of open heart surgery patients, and included the up-regulation of the three master regulators of metabolic reprogramming MYC, NR4A1 and NR4A2. Targeted pathway analysis revealed an up-regulation of metabolic processes associated with the proliferation and activation of tissue-resident macrophages and fibroblasts. Although the remodeling occurred independently from glucose, glucose further increased the expression of a subset of genes associated with polarization of tissue reparative M2 macrophages. However, glucose failed to enhance the expression of M2-related markers in the isolated heart from rats rendered insulin resistant by high-sucrose feeding. These results expose the cellular components of the heart as a significant source of proinflammatory mediators released in response to stress associated with cardiac surgery with CPB, and suggest a major role for glucose as a signal in the determination of resident cardiac macrophage polarization.
Project description:In order to establish a rat embryonic stem cell transcriptome, mRNA from rESC cell line DAc8, the first male germline competent rat ESC line to be described and the first to be used to generate a knockout rat model was characterized using RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) analysis.
Project description:Analysis of hormone effects on irradiated LBNF1 rat testes, which contain only somatic cells except for a few type A spermatgogonia. Rats were treated for 2 weeks with either sham treatment (group X), hormonal ablation (GnRH antagonist and the androgen receptor antagonist flutamide, group XAF), testosterone supplementation (GnRH antagonist and testosterone, group XAT), and FSH supplementation ((GnRH antagonist, androgen receptor antagonist, and FSH, group XAFF). Results provide insight into identifying genes in the somatic testis cells regulated by testosterone, LH, or FSH.