Project description:H3K27Ac ChIP-seq in wild type and cohesin-deficient thymocytes Rad21 was deleted in CD4+ CD8+ double positive (DP) thymocytes by crossing a Rad21 floxed allele with a Cd4-driven Cre transgene. DP positive thymocytes were FACS-sorted from control and Rad21-/- littermates, which were then used to perform chromatin immunoprecipitation for histone H3 acetylated on lysine 27 (H3K27Ac).
Project description:We performed ChIP-Seq for hallmark TFs (Ets1, Runx1), histone modification marks (H3K4me1, H3K4me2, H3K4me3, H3K27me3, H3K36me3), total RNA Pol II, short RNA-Seq as well as nucleosome mapping mainly in murine Rag2 -/- thymocytes. We also performed ChIP-Seq for E47 as well as nucleosome mapping, gene expression microarray analysis in CD4+ CD8+ WT and Ets1-/- DP thymocytes. Overall, we find a key role for the transcription factor Ets1, contributing towards alpha beta T cell lineage commitment via differential transactivation of stage-specific genes orchestrated by dynamic, co-association -mediated chromatin remodeling, as well as transcription dependent generation of a specialized chromatin structure at the TCR beta locus. Genome-wide analysis via ChIP-Seq for Ets1, Runx1, total RNA Pol II binding, H3K4me1, H3K4me2, H3K4me3, H3K27me3, H3K36me3, short RNA-Seq, Mnase-Seq in murine Rag2 -/- thymocytes, ChIP-Seq for E47, Mnase-Seq and gene expression microarray analysis in DP thymocytes Gene expression analysis of Ets1-/- CD4+ CD8+ thymocytes
Project description:CD4 and CD8 T cells are vital components of the immune system. According to the kinetic signaling model, commitment to the CD4 or CD8 lineage is determined by whether persistent TCR signaling or cytokine signaling predominates, respectively. We found histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) is critical for the development of CD4 T cells, as its deletion leads to the generation of only CD8SP thymocytes. In the absence of HDAC3, MHC Class II-restricted OT-II thymocytes are redirected to the CD8 cytotoxic lineage. Analysis of histone acetylation and RNA-seq reveals HDAC3-deficient DP thymocytes are biased towards the CD8 lineage prior to positive selection. In addition, HDAC3-deficient DP thymocytes have increased IL-21R expression and STAT5 activation. As a result, HDAC3 is required to restrain cytokine signaling in DP thymocytes and is required for the generation of CD4 T cells.
Project description:Comparative gene expression profiling of thymocytes at the DP, CD4 SP and CD8 SP stage derived from FoxN1-Gpr177 mice (FoxN1-Cre mediated deletion of (Exon3 of) Gpr177/Wtls) or C57Bl/6N mice as comparison. Objective was to test the influence of TEC-secreted Wnt ligands on the transcriptome of thymocytes at the respective developmental stages. Total RNA extracted from FACS-sorted primary mouse thymocytes. CD4/8 double positive (DP) thymocytes, CD4 single positive (CD4 SP) thymocytes and CD8 single positive (CD8 SP) thymocytes were FACS-sorted from conditional knock-out mice (FoxN1-Gpr177) and C57Bl/6N mice as comparison.
Project description:We performed ChIP-Seq for hallmark TFs (Ets1, Runx1), histone modification marks (H3K4me1, H3K4me2, H3K4me3, H3K27me3, H3K36me3), total RNA Pol II, short RNA-Seq as well as nucleosome mapping mainly in murine Rag2 -/- thymocytes. We also performed ChIP-Seq for E47 as well as nucleosome mapping, gene expression microarray analysis in CD4+ CD8+ DP thymocytes. Overall, we find a key role for the transcription factor Ets1, contributing towards alpha beta T cell lineage commitment via differential transactivation of stage-specific genes orchestrated by dynamic, co-association -mediated chromatin remodeling, as well as transcription dependent generation of a specialized chromatin structure at the TCR beta locus. Genome-wide analysis via ChIP-Seq for Ets1, Runx1, total RNA Pol II binding, H3K4me1, H3K4me2, H3K4me3, H3K27me3, H3K36me3, short RNA-Seq, Mnase-Seq in murine Rag2 -/- thymocytes, ChIP-Seq for E47, Mnase-Seq and gene expression microarray analysis in DP thymocytes This Series represents ChIP-Seq data.
Project description:We performed ChIP-Seq for hallmark TFs (Ets1, Runx1), histone modification marks (H3K4me1, H3K4me2, H3K4me3, H3K27me3, H3K36me3), total RNA Pol II, short RNA-Seq as well as nucleosome mapping mainly in murine Rag2 -/- thymocytes. We also performed ChIP-Seq for E47 as well as nucleosome mapping, gene expression microarray analysis in CD4+ CD8+ DP thymocytes. Overall, we find a key role for the transcription factor Ets1, contributing towards alpha beta T cell lineage commitment via differential transactivation of stage-specific genes orchestrated by dynamic, co-association -mediated chromatin remodeling, as well as transcription dependent generation of a specialized chromatin structure at the TCR beta locus. Genome-wide analysis via ChIP-Seq for Ets1, Runx1, total RNA Pol II binding, H3K4me1, H3K4me2, H3K4me3, H3K27me3, H3K36me3, short RNA-Seq, Mnase-Seq in murine Rag2 -/- thymocytes, ChIP-Seq for E47, Mnase-Seq and gene expression microarray analysis in DP thymocytes This Series represents Mnase-Seq data.
Project description:CD4 and CD8 T cells are vital components of the immune system. According to the kinetic signaling model, commitment to the CD4 or CD8 lineage is determined by whether persistent TCR signaling or cytokine signaling predominates, respectively. We found histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) is critical for the development of CD4 T cells, as its deletion leads to the generation of only CD8SP thymocytes. In the absence of HDAC3, MHC Class II-restricted OT-II thymocytes are redirected to the CD8 cytotoxic lineage. Analysis of histone acetylation and RNA-seq reveals HDAC3-deficient DP thymocytes are biased towards the CD8 lineage prior to positive selection. In addition, HDAC3-deficient DP thymocytes have increased IL-21R expression and STAT5 activation. As a result, HDAC3 is required to restrain cytokine signaling in DP thymocytes and is required for the generation of CD4 T cells.
Project description:Subpopulations of human fetal thymocyte and circulating naïve T cells were obtained through FACS sorting, including CD3-CD4+CD8- intrathymic T progenitor cells (ITTP), CD3intCD4+CD8+ "double positive" thymocytes (DP), CD3highCD4+CD8- "single positive" thymocytes (SP4), CD3+CD4+CD8-CD45RA+CD62L+ naïve T cells from cord blood (CB4+), and CD3+CD4+CD8-CD45RA+CD62L+ naïve T cells from adult blood (AB4+).
Project description:In this study, to investigate the pathogenic role of transcriptional regulator LMO2 during T lineage development, we isolated DN1, DN3, DP, CD4SP, CD8SP thymocytes, splenic CD4+ T cells and splenic CD8+ T cells from wild type and LMO2 over-expressing C57BL/6J mice for RNA-seq, and DN3 (CD25+), DP thymocytes, splenic CD4+/CD8+ T cells from transgenic mice and wild type DN3 (CD25+) thymocytes for ChIP-seq.