Project description:The newly described green-pigmented bacterium Pseudoalteromonas tunicata (D2) produces target-specific inhibitory compounds against bacteria, algae, fungi, and invertebrate larvae and is frequently found in association with living surfaces in the marine environment. As part of our studies on the ecology of P. tunicata and its interaction with marine surfaces, we examined the ability of P. tunicata to form biofilms under continuous culture conditions within the laboratory. P. tunicata biofilms exhibited a characteristic architecture consisting of differentiated microcolonies surrounded by water channels. Remarkably, we observed a repeatable pattern of cell death during biofilm development of P. tunicata, similar to that recently reported for biofilms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (J. S. Webb et al., J. Bacteriol. 185:4585-4595, 2003). Killing and lysis occurred inside microcolonies, apparently resulting in the formation of voids within these structures. A subpopulation of viable cells was always observed within the regions of killing in the biofilm. Moreover, extensive killing in mature biofilms appeared to result in detachment of the biofilm from the substratum. A novel 190-kDa autotoxic protein produced by P. tunicata, designated AlpP, was found to be involved in this biofilm killing and detachment. A Delta alpP mutant derivative of P. tunicata was generated, and this mutant did not show cell death during biofilm development. We propose that AlpP-mediated cell death plays an important role in the multicellular biofilm development of P. tunicata and subsequent dispersal of surviving cells within the marine environment.
Project description:Genome mining and identification of natural product gene clusters typically relies on the presence of canonical nonribosomal polypeptide synthetase (NRPS) or polyketide synthase (PKS) domains. Recently, other condensation enzymes, such as the ATP-grasp ligases, have been recognized as important players in natural product biosynthesis. In this study, sequence based searching for homologues of DdaF, the ATP-grasp amide ligase from dapdiamide biosynthesis, led to the identification of a previously unannotated biosynthetic gene cluster in Pseudoalteromonas tunicata. Heterologous expression of the cluster in Escherichia coli allowed for the production and structure determination of two new 3-formyl tyrosine metabolites.
Project description:The marine epiphytic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas tunicata produces a range of extracellular secondary metabolites that inhibit an array of common fouling organisms, including fungi. In this study, we test the hypothesis that the ability to inhibit fungi provides P. tunicata with an advantage during colonization of a surface. Studies on a transposon-generated antifungal-deficient mutant of P. tunicata, FM3, indicated that a long-chain fatty acid-coenzyme A ligase is involved in the production of a broad-range antifungal compound by P. tunicata. Flow cell experiments demonstrated that production of an antifungal compound provided P. tunicata with a competitive advantage against a marine yeast isolate during surface colonization. This compound enabled P. tunicata to disrupt an already established fungal biofilm by decreasing the number of yeast cells attached to the surface by 66% +/- 9%. For in vivo experiments, the wild-type and FM3 strains of P. tunicata were used to inoculate the surface of the green alga Ulva australis. Double-gradient denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis revealed that after 48 h, the wild-type P. tunicata had outcompeted the surface-associated fungal community, whereas the antifungal-deficient mutant had no effect on the fungal community. Our data suggest that P. tunicata is an effective competitor against fungal surface communities in the marine environment.
Project description:Drug resistance among parasitic nematodes has resulted in an urgent need for the development of new therapies. However, the high re-discovery rate of anti-nematode compounds from terrestrial environments necessitates a new repository for future drug research. Marine epiphytes are hypothesised to produce nematicidal compounds as a defence against bacterivorous predators, thus representing a promising yet underexplored source for anti-nematode drug discovery. The marine epiphytic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas tunicata is known to produce several bioactive compounds. Screening heterologously expressed genomic libraries of P. tunicata against the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, identified as an E. coli clone (HG8), shows fast-killing activity. Here we show that clone HG8 produces a novel nematode-killing protein-1 (Nkp-1) harbouring a predicted carbohydrate-binding domain with weak homology to known bacterial pore-forming toxins. We found bacteria expressing Nkp-1 were able to colonise the C. elegans intestine, with exposure to both live bacteria and protein extracts resulting in physical damage and necrosis, leading to nematode death within 24 h of exposure. Furthermore, this study revealed C. elegans dar (deformed anal region) and internal hatching may act as a nematode defence strategy against Nkp-1 toxicity. The characterisation of this novel protein and putative mode of action not only contributes to the development of novel anti-nematode applications in the future but reaffirms the potential of marine epiphytic bacteria as a new source of novel biomolecules.
Project description:The dark green pigmented marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas tunicata colonizes living surfaces and produces a range of extracellular compounds that inhibit common fouling organisms, including marine invertebrate larvae, algae, bacteria, and fungi. We have observed a positive correlation between the antifouling activity of P. tunicata strain D2 and the expression of pigmentation. To address the hypothesis that pigmentation and antifouling may be jointly regulated in this organism and to begin to identify potential regulatory elements, we used transposon mutagenesis to generate a strain of P. tunicata deficient in antifouling activity. The data presented here describe the phenotypic and molecular characterization of a nonpigmented transposon mutant strain of P. tunicata (D2W2). Analyses of the antifouling capabilities of D2W2 demonstrate that this strain is deficient in the ability to inhibit each of the target fouling organisms. Genetic analysis of D2W2 identified a gene, designated wmpR (white mutant phenotype), with high sequence similarity to transcriptional regulators ToxR from Vibrio cholerae and CadC from Escherichia coli. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis revealed that WmpR is essential for the expression of a significant subset of stationary-phase-induced proteins likely to be important for the synthesis of fouling inhibitors. The identification of a gene involved in the regulation of expression of antifouling phenotypes will contribute to the understanding of the interactions between bacteria and other surface-colonizing organisms in the marine environment.
Project description:We investigated a novel, simple approach to induce the production of cryptic secondary metabolites in actinomycetes by stimulating the organism with high-intensity monochromatic green light (180 radiation unit). Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) produces blue antibiotic actinorhodin (ACT) and red antibiotic undecylprodigiosin (RED). Using these two pigment antibiotics as indicators, we found that sporulation acceleration and regulation of the antibiotic production pathways can be induced by using high-intensity monochromatic green LEDs. Therefore, we investigated the immediate response of S. coelicolor A3(2) gene expression to the strong green LED stimulation.