Project description:Genomic copy number aberrations of 11 gastric cancer cell lines were analyzed by 244k CGH array from Agilent Technologies. Based on this results, we separated the 11 cell lines into 2 groups, with and without copy number increase at chromosome 20q13
Project description:167 Ull-samples 244k array Tumor tissue from a series of 212 primary breast cancers were sequentially collected at Ullevål University Hospital, Oslo, Norway between 1990 and 1994. Tissues were collected at the time of primary surgery and snap frozen. We performed aCGH on 167 of these samples. DNA was isolated using chloroform/phenol extraction, followed by ethanol precipitation. The aCGH-platform was the Agilent Human genome CGH Microarray 244k. The aim of this study was to investigate the genome wide genomic copy number alterations in a cohort of primary breast cancer patients.
Project description:DNA samples were extracted from peripheral blood lymphocytes using commercially available kit (Puregene Core Kit A, Qiagen) according to manufacturer's protocol. Agilent SurePrint G3 Human CGH Microarray 180K platform was used for screening of copy number aberrations (CNAs) using array-CGH protocol recommended by manufacturer (Agilent Technologies), data mining and interpretation of array-CGH results was performed in same manner as in our previously published results.
Project description:Copy number analysis of primary esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) from 40 patients in Japan. Integrative analysis of gene expression profiles and genomic alterations obtained from array-CGH and NGS provided us new insight into the pathogenesis of ESCC. 40 tumor samples were prepared for aCGH analysis. For genome profiling, labeling and hybridization of genomic DNA onto the Agilent-014693 Human Genome Microarray Kit 244K (Agilent Technologies) was performed according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Project description:Genomic copy number aberrations of 11 gastric cancer cell lines were analyzed by 244k CGH array from Agilent Technologies. Based on this results, we separated the 11 cell lines into 2 groups, with and without copy number increase at chromosome 20q13 We performed array comparative genomic hybridization to detect genomic copy number aberrations in 11 gastric cancer cell lines. Microarray images were analyzed by using Feature Extraction and DNA analytics softwares.