Project description:Cleome gynandra leaf development RNA-seq RNA-seq have been performed on developing (2mm length) and mature (10mm length) leaves of the C4 photosynthesis plant Cleome gynandra. 6 runs of Illumina 36-42 bp single end have been performed ArrayExpress Release Date: 2010-12-01 Publication Author List: Sylvain Aubry, Mali Salmon, Kim M Rutherford, Paul Bertone, Andrea Brautigam, Andreas PM Weber, Krystyna A Kelly, Julian M Hibberd Publication Title: De novo transcriptome assembly enables quantitative expression analysis in non-sequenced model organisms Person Roles: submitter Person Last Name: Aubry Person First Name: Sylvain Person Mid Initials: Person Email: Person Phone: +441223 330 220 Person Address: Department of Plant Sciences. University of Cambridge. Downing Street. CB2 3EA Cambridge Person Affiliation: University of Cambridge
Project description:RNA-seq have been performed on developing (2mm length) and mature (10mm length) leaves of the C4 photosynthesis plant Cleome gynandra. 6 runs of Illumina 36-42 bp single end have been performed
Project description:We have sequenced the whole genome of Cleome hassleriana by NGS [SRA accession number SRA058749] and build a reference sequence for this genome. In order to improve quality of gene models, a mix transcriptome sample extracted from the bud, leaf, petiole, stems and flowers of Cleome. A mixed RNA pool extracted from the tissues of bud, leaf, petiole, stems and flower is sequenced for Cleome hassleriana.
Project description:We have sequenced the whole genome of Cleome hassleriana by NGS [SRA accession number SRA058749] and build a reference sequence for this genome. In order to improve quality of gene models, a mix transcriptome sample extracted from the bud, leaf, petiole, stems and flowers of Cleome.
Project description:We isolated and compared transcriptomes of GC and M from C3 T. hassleriana and C4 G. gynandra. This was achieved using laser-capture microdissection of each cell type from fixed paradermal sections. At least 2,500 cells were isolated for each replicate. RNA was extracted, amplified and subjected to RNAseq.
Project description:In Cleomaceae species, NAD-malic enzyme (NAD-ME) was independently co-opted to participate in C4 photosynthesis. In C4 Cleome species, all NAD-ME genes (NAD-MEα, -ß1 and -ß2) were affected by C4 evolution and are expressed at higher levels than their C3 orthologs in Tarenaya hassleriana. In C3 Cleome, the NAD-ME housekeeping function is performed by two heteromers, NAD-MEα/ß1 and NAD-MEα/ß2, with similar biochemical properties and tissue occurrence. In the C4 species, Gynandropsis gynandra and Cleome angustifolia, this role is performed only by the NAD-MEα/ß2 heteromer. In these C4 species NAD-MEα/ß1 is preferentially present in leaves of the C4 species where is the predominant isoform. GgNAD-MEα/ß1 exhibits high catalytic efficiency and is differentially activated by the C4 intermediate aspartate. In C4 Cleome NAD-MEα/ß1 represents thus the C4-decarboxylase. GgNAD-MEß1and CaNAD-MEß1 are non-catalytic subunits but impart a stabilizing effect on the associated α-subunit. We conclude that in C4 Cleome the functions of NAD-ME as a TCA cycle associated enzyme and as a C4 photosynthetic decarboxylase coexist in BSC mitochondria and are performed by isoforms originated through associations of differentially adapted subunits.
Project description:Overexpression of KlaxMUTE1 induced asymmetric, subsidiary-cell-like divisions. To determine the downstream target genes induced, an RNA-sequencing experiment of mature wild-type and mature leaves that overexpress KlaxMUTE1 and show many ectopic asymmetric cell divisions was performed.