Project description:The microarray experiments were carried out using a long oligonucleotide DNA microarray that represent all 5363 P. falciparum genes with one oligonucleotide per 1.9kb of coding sequence on average (Hu et al. 2007). Total 247 microarray experiments were carried out including 29-drug treatment time courses with 20 compounds and corresponding untreated controls from different drug or inhibitor treatment. Data of each drug/inhibitor experiment were normalized using a linear normalization and background filtering as implemented by the NOMAD database (
2009-12-16 | GSE19468 | GEO
Project description:Airborne biodiversity in Sweden 2006 and 2007
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of transgenic Plasmodium falciparum blood stage parasites expressing the telomere repeat-binding factor PfTRF as a C-terminal GFP-DD fusion (3D7/TRFGFP-ON). The DD (FKBP destabilisation domain) allows for the conditional depletion of fusion proteins in absence of the stabilising ligand Shield-1 (Banaszynski LA, Chen LC, Maynard-Smith LA, Ooi AG, Wandless TJ. A rapid, reversible, and tunable method to regulate protein function in living cells using synthetic small molecules.Cell. 2006 Sep 8;126(5):995-1004). The goal of this experiment was to identify genes differentially expressed in response to PfTRF depletion.