Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes in a resistance susceptible and LeHT1-silenced resistance tomato plants, infected with TYLCV and compared to the non infected control. Two inbred tomato lines (named R and S) were used issued from a breeding program describe by Vidavsky and Czosnek, 1998, and Silencing of the hexose transporter gene LeHT1 and the properties of these plants have been described by Eybishtz et al., 2010. The array was designed to include all the known tomato genes retrieved from TIGR and Sol Genomics public databases. Following filtration for redundancies, 25,591 known genes and 7,335 uncertain or unknown genes were retrieved The data were transferred to Roche NimblGen company ( who has generated a 60-mer oligonucleotide array where each of the ~30,000 tomato genes is represented by at least two specific probes, and unrelated controls. Each slide contains four arrays of ~70,000 oligos. TYLCV resistant and susceptible lines infection with TYLCV and LeHT1 silenced TYLCV resistant line infected with TYLCV
Project description:A cDNA library was constructed by Novogene (CA, USA) using a Small RNA Sample Pre Kit, and Illumina sequencing was conducted according to company workflow, using 20 million reads. Raw data were filtered for quality as determined by reads with a quality score > 5, reads containing N < 10%, no 5' primer contaminants, and reads with a 3' primer and insert tag. The 3' primer sequence was trimmed and reads with a poly A/T/G/C were removed
Project description:Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare transcriptome profiling (RNA-seq) of rice leaf tissue infected with M.oryzae of resistant and suceptible line. The results were validated using real time PCR. Methods: Rice leaves were collected 24 hours after M. Oryza (Mo-nwi-53) infection from resistant and suceptible line, frozen on liquid nitrogen, and RNA was extracted using Spectrum™ Plant Total RNA Kit (Sigma). RNA libraries were prepared for sequencing using standard Illumina protocols. Results: Around 30 million pairs of filtered 101 base paired reads were obtained for each biological replicate. These reads were mapped against RGAP7 using Tophat and approximately 90% aligned to the RGAP 7 while 10% reads were unaligned. Approximately 1-2 million reads returned multiple hits to the RGAP7. After alignment mapped reads were assembled using Cufflink and differentially expressed locus (DEL) were called using Cuffdiff. Statistical test was applied to find significant differentially expressed locus id after multiple corrections (FDR adjusted p value ≤0.05). We obtained 8,418 and 3336 significant (FDR adjusted p value ≤0.05) differentially expressed locus id in the resistant and susceptible rice line, respectively . The number of significant DEL with fold change value greater and les than 2.0 were 1254 (850 upregulated 404 downregulated) and 781 (466 upregulated & 313 downregulated)in in resistance and susceptible lines, respectively. The final data represents the transcriptome of both resistant and susceptible line after mock and M.oryzae infection. The pathway and gene set enrichment analysis was performed to find changes in biological process and molecular function in resistant (PB1+ Pi9) and susceptible (PB1) rice line upon M.oryzae infection. The qRT PCR was performed to validate selected candidate genes playing important role in rice defense upon M.oryzae infection. Conclusions: Our study represents the first detailed transcriptome analysis of resistant near isogenic line (PB1+ Pi9) and its susceptible control (PB1) with biological replicates upon M.oryzae infection, generated by RNA-seq technology. This transcriptome analysis helps to expedite protein network analyses and dissection of complex biological functions. In summary we found that a single functional blast resistant gene Pi9 present in resistant NIL in the background of susceptible line (PB1) activates a cascade of defense response genes, leading to incompatible interaction.
Project description:Purpose: The goal of this study is to compare endothelial small RNA transcriptome to identify the target of OASL under basal or stimulated conditions by utilizing miRNA-seq. Methods: Endothelial miRNA profilies of siCTL or siOASL transfected HUVECs were generated by illumina sequencing method, in duplicate. After sequencing, the raw sequence reads are filtered based on quality. The adapter sequences are also trimmed off the raw sequence reads. rRNA removed reads are sequentially aligned to reference genome (GRCh38) and miRNA prediction is performed by miRDeep2. Results: We identified known miRNA in species (miRDeep2) in the HUVECs transfected with siCTL or siOASL. The expression profile of mature miRNA is used to analyze differentially expressed miRNA(DE miRNA). Conclusions: Our study represents the first analysis of endothelial miRNA profiles affected by OASL knockdown with biologic replicates.
Project description:HDMYZ cells were treated with 2ug/ml ActD for 0, 4 and 12 hours. Small RNAs of 15-40 bases were gel-purified from 10 ug total RNA, and subjected to multiplex Illumina small RNA library preparation. Small RNA libraries were sequenced on a HiSeq2000 (Illumina) with 3 samples per lane. To quantify miRNA and isoform abundance, sequence reads were processed by the miRDeep2 package, with the following modifications. First, to remove adaptor sequence, we removed both the main adaptor sequence present in the sequencing reads, as well as the second most abundant adaptor variant. In addition, we did not restrict the size of small RNAs during adaptor removal. Second, we used miRBase v18 for mapping the reads. Third, for quantifying miRNA and isoform frequency, we limited reads to more or equal to 15 bases in length with zero mis-match during mapping. The number of reads that were mapped to known miRNAs was used to normalize read frequencies for each miRNA or each miRNA isoform. For quantification purposes, we only considered miRNAs or isoforms that had frequency >= 1x10e-6 in samples without ActD treatment, which correspond to ~21-30 reads in raw count. These miRNAs or isoforms were referred to as reliably quantifiable.To analyze mapping to the genome, we removed reads that mapped to miRNA precursors. The rest of the reads were then mapped to the genome with Bowtie.
Project description:High-throughput sequence analysis of small RNAs of TYLCV-tolerant (containing tolerance gene Ty-1) and susceptible varieties indicated that miRNA-like vsRNAs and secondary vsiRNAs are mainly contributed to hotpots. Interestingly, various characteristics of vsRNAs among each sample are consistent, but in different number of expression; Deep sequencing of degradome provided evidence for the function of vsRNAs-mediated viral transcripts slicing; And bisulfite sequencing PCR suggested the geminivirus DNA methylation induced by vsRNAs. Comparison of the expression quantity and trend of viral DNA, mRNA and vsRNA inferred that the quantity of vsRNAs is significantly corresponding to the expression level of viral mRNA. Nevertheless, vsRNAs had finite effect on inhibition of virus replication and expression. Here, we also speculated that by RDR catalysis of vsRNAs amplification, the tolerance gene Ty-1 may take an effective inhibition of viral transcription at the beginning of TYLCV infection. Examination of 6 different sRNA and 4 degradome library in 2 tomato material. The main result of our paper is distinguish the host plant sRNA and viral-derived sRNA from the .fa files (MMS_21dpi, 30dpi and TY1S_21dpi, 30dpi).
Project description:High-throughput sequence analysis of small RNAs of TYLCV-tolerant (containing tolerance gene Ty-1) and susceptible varieties indicated that miRNA-like vsRNAs and secondary vsiRNAs are mainly contributed to hotpots. Interestingly, various characteristics of vsRNAs among each sample are consistent, but in different number of expression; Deep sequencing of degradome provided evidence for the function of vsRNAs-mediated viral transcripts slicing; And bisulfite sequencing PCR suggested the geminivirus DNA methylation induced by vsRNAs. Comparison of the expression quantity and trend of viral DNA, mRNA and vsRNA inferred that the quantity of vsRNAs is significantly corresponding to the expression level of viral mRNA. Nevertheless, vsRNAs had finite effect on inhibition of virus replication and expression. Here, we also speculated that by RDR catalysis of vsRNAs amplification, the tolerance gene Ty-1 may take an effective inhibition of viral transcription at the beginning of TYLCV infection.