Project description:We recently reported that an orthologue of STING regulates infection by picorna-like viruses in drosophila. Here, we show that injection of flies with 2’3’-cGAMP can induce expression of dSTING-regulated genes. Analysis of the transcriptome of 2’3’-cGAMP injected flies reveals a complex pattern of response, with early and late induced genes. Our results reveal that dSTING regulates an NF-κB -dependent antiviral program, which predates the emergence of Interferon Regulatory Factors and interferons in vertebrates.
Project description:dG9a-depletion decreases the starvation resistance in the adult stage of Drosophila melanogaster. To determine which genes are regulated by dG9a under starvation stress, we examined mRNA levels by performing RNA-sequence analysis using 0 h and 12 h starved dG9a null mutant and wild type as a control.