Project description:This study compared the genome of Streptomyces rimosus rimosus against that of Streptomyces coelicolor. It also compared 4 strains with changes in oxytetracycline production and derived from G7, the type strain, against G7. Keywords: Comparative genomic hybridization
Project description:We identified genome-wide binding regions of NdgR in Streptomyces coelicolor using chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq). We constructed 6×myc-tagged NdgR strain using homologous recombination with myc-tagging vector. Analysis of the sequencing data aligned to Streptomyces coelicolor genome database (NC_003888).
Project description:This project aims to discover novel bioactive compounds from Streptomyces isolated from the rhizosphere from wild medicinal plants from Hamedan province, Iran. Proteomics is used to assist in discovery and characterization of the compounds. Streptomyces isolates are grown on ISP-4 medium for three days, proteins were extracted and analysed by shotgun proteomics.
Project description:Two component sensor-response regulator systems (TCSs) are very common in the genomes of the Streptomyces species that have been fully sequenced to date. It has been suggested that this large number is an evolutionary response to the variable environment that Streptomyces encounter in soil. Notwithstanding this, TCSs are also more common in the sequenced genomes of other Actinomycetales when these are compared to the genomes of most other eubacteria. In this study, we have used DNA/DNA genome microarray analysis to compare fourteen Streptomyces species and one closely related genus to Streptomyces coelicolor in order to identify a core group of such systems. This core group is compared to the syntenous and non-syntenous TCSs present in the genome sequences of other Actinomycetales in order to separate the systems into those present in Actinomycetales in general, the Streptomyces specific systems and the species specific systems. Horizontal transfer does not seem to play a very important role in the evolution of the TCS complement analyzed in this study. However, cognate pairs do not necessarily seem to evolve at the same pace, which may indicate the evolutionary responses to environmental variation may be reflected differently in sequence changes within the two components of the TCSs. The overall analysis allowed subclassification of the orphan TCSs and the TCS cognate pairs and identification of possible targets for further study using gene knockouts, gene overexpression, reporter genes and yeast two hybrid analysis.
Project description:Alam2010 - Genome-scale metabolic network of
Streptomyces coelicolor
This model is described in the article:
Metabolic modeling and
analysis of the metabolic switch in Streptomyces
Alam MT, Merlo ME, STREAM
Consortium, Hodgson DA, Wellington EM, Takano E, Breitling
BMC Genomics 2010; 11: 202
BACKGROUND: The transition from exponential to stationary
phase in Streptomyces coelicolor is accompanied by a major
metabolic switch and results in a strong activation of
secondary metabolism. Here we have explored the underlying
reorganization of the metabolome by combining computational
predictions based on constraint-based modeling and detailed
transcriptomics time course observations. RESULTS: We
reconstructed the stoichiometric matrix of S. coelicolor,
including the major antibiotic biosynthesis pathways, and
performed flux balance analysis to predict flux changes that
occur when the cell switches from biomass to antibiotic
production. We defined the model input based on observed
fermenter culture data and used a dynamically varying objective
function to represent the metabolic switch. The predicted
fluxes of many genes show highly significant correlation to the
time series of the corresponding gene expression data.
Individual mispredictions identify novel links between
antibiotic production and primary metabolism. CONCLUSION: Our
results show the usefulness of constraint-based modeling for
providing a detailed interpretation of time course gene
expression data.
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