Project description:Germline RUNX1 mutations are found in familial platelet disorders with predisposition to acute myelogenous leukemia (FPD/AML). This very rare disease is characterized by thrombocytopenia, platelet dysfunction and a 35% lifetime risk of developing MDS/AML and in rare cases also T-ALL. Here, we focus on a case of a man with a familial history of RUNX1 R174Q mutation who developed at the age of 42 years an EGIL T2-ALL and, two years after remission, an AML-M0. To investigate whether initial and relapsed leukemic blasts originated from the same clone, we performed CGH array and WES on both blasts populations. In both T2-ALL and AML-M0 samples, CGH array revealed loss of 1p36.32-23 and 17q11.2 and nine other small deletions. Both AML-M0 and T2-ALL blasts demonstrated clonal rearrangements of both TCRγ (Vγ9-Jγ1-1) and TCRδ (Dδ2-Jδ1 and Dδ2-Jδ3). 18 genes were found by WES to be mutated in both blasts at a frequency of more than 40%. Additional variants were identified only in T2-ALL or in AML-M0 evoking the existence of a common original clone, which gave rise to subclonal populations. MiSeq technology performed on peripheral blood-derived CD34+ cells five years prior T2-ALL development revealed only missense TET2 P1962T mutation at a frequency of 1% (which reaches a frequency of 50 % in fully transformed leukemic clone) suggesting that this mutation in association with germline RUNX1 R174Q mutation led to amplification of a hematopoietic clone susceptible to acquire other transforming alterations. Identification of clonal hematopoiesis with acquired mutations at low frequency in hematopoietic progenitors before leukemia development could clearly serve as a marker of pre-leukemic state and be helpful in patient care.
Project description:Germline RUNX1 mutations are found in familial platelet disorders with predisposition to acute myelogenous leukemia (FPD/AML). This very rare disease is characterized by thrombocytopenia, platelet dysfunction and a 35% lifetime risk of developing MDS/AML and in rare cases also T-ALL. Here, we focus on a case of a man with a familial history of RUNX1 R174Q mutation who developed at the age of 42 years an EGIL T2-ALL and two years after remission an AML-M0. To investigate whether initial and relapsed leukemic blasts originated from the same clone, we performed CGH array and WES on both blasts populations. In both T2-ALL and AML-M0 samples, CGH array revealed loss of 1p36.32-23 and 17q11.2 and nine other small deletions. Both AML-M0 and T2-ALL demonstrated clonal rearrangements of both TCR (V9-J1-1) and TCR (D2-J1 and D2-J3). 18 genes were found by WES to be mutated in the original clone at a frequency of more than 40%. Additional variants were identified only in T2-ALL or in AML-M0 evoking the existence of a common original clone. MiSeq technology performed on peripheral blood-derived CD34+ cells five years prior T2-ALL development revealed only missense TET2 P1962T mutation at a frequency of 1% suggesting that this mutation in association with germline RUNX1 R174Q mutation led to amplification of a hematopoietic clone susceptible to acquire other transforming alterations. Identification of clonal hematopoiesis with acquired mutations at low frequency in hematopoietic progenitors before leukemia development could clearly serve as a marker of pre-leukemic state and might be helpful in patient care.
Project description:Disease relapse remains common following treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and is due to chemoresistance of leukemia cells with disease repopulating potential. To date, attempts to define the characteristics of in vivo resistant blasts have focused on comparisons between leukemic cells at presentation and relapse. However, further treatment responses are often seen following relapse, suggesting that most blasts remain chemosensitive. Here we characterize in vivo chemoresistant blasts by studying the transcriptional and genetic features of blasts from before and after induction chemotherapy using paired samples from 6 patients with primary refractory AML.
Project description:Notch pathway antagonists such as gamma-secretase inhibitors (GSI) are being tested in diverse cancers, but exceptional responses have yet to be reported. We describe the case of a patient with relapsed/refractory early-T-cell progenitor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ETP-ALL) who achieved a complete hematologic response following treatment with the GSI BMS-906024. Whole exome sequencing of leukemic blasts revealed heterozygous gain-of-function driver mutations in NOTCH1, CSF3R, and PTPN11, and a homozygous/hemizygous loss-of-function mutation in DNMT3A. The three gain-of-function mutations were absent from remission marrow cells, but the DNMT3A mutation persisted in heterozygous form in remission marrow, consistent with an origin for the patient’s ETP-ALL from clonal hematopoiesis. Ex vivo culture of ETP-ALL blasts confirmed high levels of activated NOTCH1 that were repressed by GSI treatment, and RNA-Seq documented that GSI downregulated multiple known Notch target genes. Surprisingly, one potential target gene that was unaffected by GSI was MYC, a key Notch target in GSI-sensitive T-ALL of cortical T cell type. H3K27ac superenhancer landscapes near MYC showed a pattern previously reported in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) that is sensitive to BRD4 inhibitors, and in line with this ETP-ALL blasts downregulated MYC in response to the BRD4 inhibitor JQ1. To our knowledge, this is the first example of complete response of a Notch-mutated ETP-ALL to a Notch antagonist and is also the first description of chromatin landscapes associated with ETP-ALL. Our experience suggests that additional attempts to target Notch in Notch-mutated ETP-ALL are merited. RNAseq and H3K27Ac ChIP seq of primary leukemic blasts treated in vitro with vehicle control or gamma-secretase inhibitor BMS-096024
Project description:Except for the well-known association with Down syndrome, there is little information on the genetic factors predisposing to acute myeloid leukemia. Germinal gene copy-number variations may represent risk factors for the disease. To identify copy number variants present in both normal and leukemic cells, we compared the Comparative Genomic Hybridization profiles of the blasts and healthy cells (CD3+ cells or peripheral lymphocytes during remission) of 13 patients (SET-A) and the blasts of a further 12 normal-karyotype acute myeloid leukemia patients (SET-B) for which only blasts DNA were available.
Project description:The origin of aberrant DNA methylation in cancer remains largely unknown. In this study, we elucidated the DNA methylome in primary Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL) and the role of PML-RARa in establishing these patterns. APL patients showed increased genome-wide DNA methylation with higher variability than healthy CD34+ cells, promyelocytes and remission bone marrow. A core set of differentially methylated regions in APL was identified. Age at diagnosis, Sanz score and Flt3-mutation status characterized methylation subtypes. Transcription factor binding sites, e.g. c-myc binding sites were associated with low methylation. SUZ12 and REST binding sites identified in embryonic stem cells were, however, preferentially DNA hypermethylated in APL. Unexpectedly, PML-RARa binding sites were also protected from aberrant DNA methylation in APL. In line, myeloid cells from pre-leukemic PML-RARa knock-in mice did not show altered DNA methylation and expression of PML-RARa in hematopoietic progenitor cells prevented differentiation without affecting DNA methylation. ATRA treatment of APL blasts did also not result in DNA methylation changes. These results suggest that aberrant DNA methylation is associated with leukemia phenotype but not required for PML-RARa-mediated initiation of leukemogenesis. We used Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing (RRBS) to determine the genome-wide methylation signature of 18 primary APL patient samples. We then compared the APL methylation signature with methylation patterns found in CD34+ progenitor cells (n=4), promyelocytes (n=4) and remission bone marrow samples (n=8). Differentially methylated regions found in all three comparisons (APL vs. all three control specimens) were then further analyzed for genomic localization, variability and association with clinical parameters. Finally, the relationship between differentially methylated regions in APL and specific transcription factor binding sites was analyzed. For this purpose, ChiP-Sequencing of SUZ12 and REST was performed in primary APL patient blasts. To further determine the contribution of the leukemogenic transcription factor PML-RARa to methylation in APL, we also performed RRBS in pre-leukemic PML-RARa knock-in mice and hematopoetic progenitor cells retrovirally transduced with PML-RARa.
Project description:Pediatric acute myeloid leukemia (AML) bone marrow (BM) samples from diagnosis (Dx), end of induction (EOI), and relapse timepoints were analyzed by single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq). Analysis of matched Dx, EOI scRNA-seq datasets and TARGET AML RNA-seq datasets revealed a novel AML blasts-associated 7-gene signature (CLEC11A, PRAME, AZU1, NREP, ARMH1, C1QBP, TRH) that was validated in two independent datasets. Distinct clusters of relapse- and continuous complete remission (CCR)-associated AML-blasts were observed at Dx, with differential expression of genes associated with survival. At Dx, relapse-associated samples had more exhausted T cells while CCR-associated samples had more inflammatory M1 macrophages. Post-therapy EOI residual blasts overexpressed fatty acid oxidation, tumor growth, and stemness genes. Also, a post-therapy T-cells cluster present in relapse-associated samples exhibited downregulation of MHC Class I and T-cell regulatory genes. Altogether, this study deeply characterizes pediatric AML relapse- and CCR-associated samples to provide novel insights into BM microenvironment landscape.
Project description:Chimeric antigen receptor T cell (CAR-T) targeting the CD19 antigen represents an innovative therapeutic approach to improve the outcome of relapsed or refractory B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL). Yet, despite a high initial remission rate, CAR-T therapy ultimately fails for some patients. Notably, around half of relapsing patients develop CD19 negative (CD19neg) B-ALL allowing leukemic cells to evade CD19-targeted therapy. Herein, we investigate leukemic cells of a relapsing B-ALL patient, at two-time points: before (T1) and after (T2) anti-CD19 CAR-T treatment. We show that at T2, the B-ALL relapse is CD19 negative due to the expression of a non-functional CD19 transcript retaining intron 2. Then, using single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) approach, we demonstrate that CD19neg leukemic cells were present before CAR-T cell therapy and thus that the relapse results from the selection of these rare CD19neg B-ALL clones. In conclusion, our study shows that scRNAseq profiling can reveal pre-existing CD19neg subclones, raising the possibility to assess the risk of targeted therapy failure.
Project description:Mixed phenotype acute leukemia (MPAL) is a rare, poor prognosis disease. In this study we analyzed the gene expression profile of 12 primary MPALs. We addressed the question whether gene expression profile can provide useful information about the lineage of origin (myeloid or lymphoid) of the leukemic blasts.