Project description:Proper decidualization is vital in preparation for a potential embryo receptivity, placentation, menstrual health and subsequent endometrial regeneration. Given the importance of extracellular vesicles (EVs) in intercellular communication, and recently in embryo implantation and indicators of menstrual cycle and fertility, we investigated their role during decidualization. Overall, this study provides an insight into distinct variation in sEV composition depending upon the level of decidualization of endometrial stromal cells, with the signaling potential to coordinate endometrial health ranging from embryo implantation, facilitating placentation and subsequent endometrial regeneration.
Project description:There are three well-established mouse models of decidualization: natural pregnancy decidualization (NPD), artificial decidualization (AD) and in vitro decidualization (IVD). In the present study, we analyzed global gene expression changes by using RNA-seq.
Project description:Uterine glands and, by inference, their secretions impact uterine receptivity, blastocyst implantation, stromal cell decidualization, and placental development. Changes in gland function across the menstrual cycle are impacted by steroid hormones, estrogen and progesterone, as well as stroma-derived factors. Using an endometrial epithelial organoid (EEO) system, transcriptome and proteome analyses identified distinct responses of the EEO to steroid hormones and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). Notably, steroid hormones and PGE2 modulated the basolateral secretion of EEO proteins, where cystatin C (CST3) was significantly increased by progesterone and PGE2. CST3 treatment of decidualizing stromal cells significantly decreased the decidualization markers PRL and IGFBP1. The attenuation of stromal cell decidualization via CST3 suggests a role for uterine gland-derived proteins in controlling the extent of decidualization. These findings provide evidence that uterine gland-derived factors directly impact stromal cell decidualization, which has strong implications for better understanding pregnancy establishment and female fertility in humans.
Project description:Analysis of differences in gene expression in the mouse uterus during decidualization in the presence and absence of a conceptus. A deciduomal model previously shown to better mimick natural decidualization was used. The results reveal some, but very few, genes that are differentially expressed, which is unlike previous reports using other deciduomal models shown previously to not mimick natural decidualization. Total RNA obtained from isolated uterine segment tissue undergoing decidualization from pregnant or pseudopregnant mice. Three replicates per condition.
Project description:To improve the understanding of PGRMC1 during decidualization, different in vitro decidualization protocols and global gene expression of endometrial stromal cells analysis were assessed.
Project description:To explore the potential mechanism responsible for the role of H4K12la during decidualization, we performed Cleavage Under Targets & Tagmentation (CUT&Tag) analysis using in vitro decidualization model to identify candidate genes regulated by H4K12la.
Project description:Decidualization is a progesterone-initiated differentiation concerning the endometrium and is dedicated to supporting the placenta and embryo development. During the process, cAMP signaling is widely known to be indispensable, but the details are not fully understood. In this study, we show that cAMP signaling promotes AKT deactivation in endometrial stromal cells, which favors their decidualization. The deactivation of AKT is found to be a consequence of the reduced expression of several inhibitors of PP2A, the major phosphatase of AKT, with CIP2A being the most prominent. To show that CIP2A loss is obligatory for decidualization, we performed this ATAC-seq analysis. Persistent CIP2A expression impairs the chromatin accesibility remodeling during decidualization.
Project description:Uterine receptivity implies a dialogue between the hormonally primed maternal endometrium and the free-floating blastocyst. Endometrial stromal cells proliferate, avert apoptosis, and undergo decidualization in preparation for implantation; however, the molecular mechanisms that underlie differentiation into the decidual phenotype remain largely undefined. The Notch family of transmembrane receptors transduce extracellular signals responsible for cell survival, cell-to-cell communication, and trans-differentiation, all fundamental processes for decidualization and pregnancy. Using a murine artificial decidualization model, pharmacological inhibition of Notch signaling by gamma-secretase inhibition resulted in significantly decreased deciduoma. Furthermore, a progesterone receptor (PR)-Cre Notch1 bigenic (Notch1d/d) confirmed a Notch1-dependant hypomorphic decidual phenotype. Microarray and pathway analysis, following Notch1 ablation, demonstrated significantly altered signaling repertoire. Concomitantly, hierarchical clustering demonstrated Notch1-dependent differences in gene expression. Uteri deprived of Notch1 signaling demonstrated decreased cellular proliferation; namely, reduced proliferation-specific antigen, Ki67, altered p21, cdk6, and cyclinD activity, and increased apoptotic-profile, augmented cleaved caspase-3, Bad, and attenuated Bcl2. Demonstrated here, the pre-implantation uterus relies on Notch signaling to inhibit apoptosis of stromal fibroblasts and regulate cell cycle progression, which together promotes successful decidualization. In summary, Notch1 signaling modulates multiple signaling mechanisms crucial for decidualization and we provide greater perspective to the coordination of multiple signaling modalities required during decidualization RNA samples from 3-5 separate mice were extracted. All mRNA quantities were normalized against 18S gene expression. Gene expression levels were measured by real-time RT-PCR SYBR Green analysis using the ABI Prism 7700 Sequence Detector System according to manufacturer’s instructions (Applied Biosystems).
Project description:Uterine glands and, by inference, their secretions impact uterine receptivity, blastocyst implantation, stromal cell decidualization, and placental development. Changes in gland function across the menstrual cycle are impacted by steroid hormones, estrogen and progesterone, as well as stroma-derived factors. Using an endometrial epithelial organoid (EEO) system, transcriptome and proteome analyses identified distinct responses of the EEO to steroid hormones and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). Notably, steroid hormones and PGE2 modulated the basolateral secretion of EEO proteins, where cystatin C (CST3) was significantly increased by progesterone and PGE2. CST3 treatment of decidualizing stromal cells significantly decreased the decidualization markers PRL and IGFBP1. The attenuation of stromal cell decidualization via CST3 suggests a role for uterine gland-derived proteins in controlling the extent of decidualization. These findings provide evidence that uterine gland-derived factors directly impact stromal cell decidualization, which has strong implications for better understanding pregnancy establishment and female fertility in humans.