Project description:To assess the impact of surface water across the Hun River, several sampling sites located in the mainstream and the tributary were selected representative of pollution gradient and different pollution source. Male adult zebrafish were exposed to surface water from seven sites for 4 days. The obiectives of the study was to evaluate the ability of transcriptomic profiles exposed to surface water to determine the potential biological effects, to differentiate different pollution source, and to identify the toxic components.
Project description:To assess the impact of surface water across the Hun River, several sampling sites located in the mainstream and the tributary were selected representative of pollution gradient and different pollution source. Male adult zebrafish were exposed to surface water from seven sites for 4 days. The obiectives of the study was to evaluate the ability of transcriptomic profiles exposed to surface water to determine the potential biological effects, to differentiate different pollution source, and to identify the toxic components.
Project description:Despite the global importance of forests, it is virtually unknown how their soil microbial communities adapt at the phylogenetic and functional level to long term metal pollution. Studying twelve sites located along two distinct gradients of metal pollution in Southern Poland revealed that both community composition (via MiSeq Illumina sequencing of 16S rRNA genes) and functional gene potential (using GeoChip 4.2) were highly similar across the gradients despite drastically diverging metal contamination levels. Metal pollution level significantly impacted microbial community structure (p = 0.037), but not bacterial taxon richness. Metal pollution altered the relative abundance of specific bacterial taxa, including Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Firmicutes, Planctomycetes and Proteobacteria. Also, a group of metal resistance genes showed significant correlations with metal concentrations in soil, although no clear impact of metal pollution levels on overall functional diversity and structure of microbial communities was observed. While screens of phylogenetic marker genes, such as 16S rRNA, provided only limited insight into resilience mechanisms, analysis of specific functional genes, e.g. involved in metal resistance, appeared to be a more promising strategy. This study showed that the effect of metal pollution on soil microbial communities was not straightforward, but could be filtered out from natural variation and habitat factors by multivariate statistical analysis and spatial sampling involving separate pollution gradients.
Project description:Despite the global importance of forests, it is virtually unknown how their soil microbial communities adapt at the phylogenetic and functional level to long term metal pollution. Studying twelve sites located along two distinct gradients of metal pollution in Southern Poland revealed that both community composition (via MiSeq Illumina sequencing of 16S rRNA genes) and functional gene potential (using GeoChip 4.2) were highly similar across the gradients despite drastically diverging metal contamination levels. Metal pollution level significantly impacted microbial community structure (p = 0.037), but not bacterial taxon richness. Metal pollution altered the relative abundance of specific bacterial taxa, including Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Firmicutes, Planctomycetes and Proteobacteria. Also, a group of metal resistance genes showed significant correlations with metal concentrations in soil, although no clear impact of metal pollution levels on overall functional diversity and structure of microbial communities was observed. While screens of phylogenetic marker genes, such as 16S rRNA, provided only limited insight into resilience mechanisms, analysis of specific functional genes, e.g. involved in metal resistance, appeared to be a more promising strategy. This study showed that the effect of metal pollution on soil microbial communities was not straightforward, but could be filtered out from natural variation and habitat factors by multivariate statistical analysis and spatial sampling involving separate pollution gradients. 12 samples were collected from two long-term polluted areas (Olkusz and Miasteczko M-EM-^ZlM-DM-^Eskie) in Southern Poland. In the study presented here, a consecutively operated, well-defined cohort of 50 NSCLC cases, followed up more than five years, was used to acquire expression profiles of a total of 8,644 unique genes, leading to the successful construction of supervised
Project description:The exploration of scale-down models to imitate the influence of large scale bioreactor inhomogeneities on cellular metabolism is a topic with increasing relevance. While gradients of substrates, pH, or dissolved oxygen are often investigated, oscillating CO2/HCO3- levels, a typical scenario in large industrial bioreactors, is rarely addressed. Hereby, we investigate the metabolic and transcriptional response in Corynebacterium glutamicum wild type as well as the impact on L-lysine production in a model strain exposed to pCO2 gradients of (75-315) mbar. A novel three-compartment cascade bioreactor system was developed and characterized that offers high flexibility for installing gradients and residence times to mimic industrial-relevant conditions, and provides the potential of accurate carbon balancing. The phenomenological analysis of cascade fermentations imposed to the pCO2 gradients at industry-relevant residence times of about 3.55 min did not significantly impair the process performance, with growth and product formation being similar to control conditions. However, transcriptional analysis disclosed up to 66 differentially expressed genes already after 3.55min under stimulus exposure, with the overall change in gene expression directly correlateable to the pCO2 gradient intensity and the residence time of the cells.
Project description:Tissue-resident macrophages comprise heterogeneous populations with unique functions and distinct gene expression signatures. While it has been established that they mostly originate from embryonic progenitors, the signals inducing a characteristic tissue-specific differentiation program remain unknown. Here we identify PPARγ as the crucial transcription factor determining perinatal alveolar macrophage (AM) development and identity. Development of the fetal monocyte derived AM precursor was largely abrogated in CD11c-Cre/Ppargfl/fl mice. To reveal the underlying changes in gene expression, we performed microarray analysis of sorted WT and KO AM and pre-AM from 3 different timepoints. Part2: adult sorts & array
Project description:arsenic and antimony co-contamination on sedimentary microbial communities in rivers with different pollution gradients Raw sequence reads