Project description:A fundamental question in developmental biology is whether there are mechanisms to detect stem cells with mutations that, although not adversely affecting viability, would compromise their ability to contribute to further development. Here, we show that cell competition is a mechanism regulating the fitness of embryonic stem cells (ESCs). We find that ESCs displaying defective bone morphogenetic protein signaling or defective autophagy or that are tetraploid are eliminated at the onset of differentiation by wild-type cells. This elimination occurs in an apoptosis-dependent manner and is mediated by secreted factors. Furthermore, during this process, we find that establishment of differential c-Myc levels is critical and that c-Myc overexpression is sufficient to induce competitive behavior in ESCs. Cell competition is, therefore, a process that allows recognition and elimination of defective cells during the early stages of development and is likely to play important roles in tissue homeostasis and stem cell maintenance.
Project description:A fundamental question in developmental biology is whether there are mechanisms to detect stem cells with mutations that although do not adversely affect their viability, would compromise their ability to contribute to further development. Here we show that cell competition is a novel mechanism regulating the fitness of embryonic stem cells (ESCs). We find that ESCs displaying defective BMP signalling, defective autophagy or are tetraploid are eliminated at the onset of differentiation by wild-type cells. This elimination occurs in an apoptotic dependent manner and is mediated by secreted factors. Furthermore, during this process we find that establishment of differential cMyc levels is critical and that cMyc over-expression is sufficient to induce competitive behaviour in ESCs. Cell competition is therefore a process that allows recognition and elimination of defective cells during the early stages of development and is likely to play important roles in tissue homeostasis and stem cell maintenance. We used microarrays to compare the gene expression profiles of Bmpr1a-/- and control embryonic stem cells (ESCs) in the ESC state and after differentiation in N2B27 Microarray profiles of control and Bmpr1a-/- mouse embryonic stem cells in embryonic stem cell culture media and in N2B27
Project description:Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) have emerged as crucial regulators of gene expression during embryonic stem cell (ESC) self-renewal and differentiation. Here, we systemically analyzed the differentially regulated lncRNAs during ESC-derived cardiomyocyte (CM) differentiation. We established a perspicuous profile of lncRNA expression at four critical developmental stages and found that the differentially expressed lncRNAs were grouped into six distinct clusters. The cluster with specific expression in ESC enriches the largest number of lncRNAs. Investigation of lncRNA-protein interaction network revealed that they are not only controlled by classic key transcription factors, but also modulated by epigenetic and epitranscriptomic factors including N6-methyladenosine (m6A) effector machineries.
Project description:Cell competition promotes the elimination of weaker cells from a growing population. Here we investigate how cells of Drosophila wing imaginal discs distinguish “winners” from “losers” during cell competition. Using genomic and functional assays we have identified Maxwell`s Demon (Mwd), a cell membrane protein conserved in multicellular animals. Our results suggest that the membrane protein Mwd is a dedicated component of the cell competition response that is required and sufficient to label cells as “winners” or “losers”. In Drosophila, the mwd locus produces three isoforms, mwdubi, mwdLose-A and mwdLose-B. Basal levels of mwdubi are constantly produced. During competition the mwdLose isoforms are upregulated in prospective loser cells. Cell-cell comparison of relative mwdLose and mwdubi levels ultimately determine which cell undergoes apoptosis. This “extracellular code” may constitute an ancient mechanism to terminate competitive conflicts among cells. Two samples have been analysed: tub>dmyc>Gal4 transgene cells (competitor) and tub>cd2>Gal4 control cells (non competitor) at different time points (0, 12, 24 and 48 hours). Each experiment was replicated 6 times, three of them by dye swap.
Project description:A fundamental question in developmental biology is whether there are mechanisms to detect stem cells with mutations that although do not adversely affect their viability, would compromise their ability to contribute to further development. Here we show that cell competition is a novel mechanism regulating the fitness of embryonic stem cells (ESCs). We find that ESCs displaying defective BMP signalling, defective autophagy or are tetraploid are eliminated at the onset of differentiation by wild-type cells. This elimination occurs in an apoptotic dependent manner and is mediated by secreted factors. Furthermore, during this process we find that establishment of differential cMyc levels is critical and that cMyc over-expression is sufficient to induce competitive behaviour in ESCs. Cell competition is therefore a process that allows recognition and elimination of defective cells during the early stages of development and is likely to play important roles in tissue homeostasis and stem cell maintenance. We used microarrays to compare the gene expression profiles of Bmpr1a-/- and control embryonic stem cells (ESCs) in the ESC state and after differentiation in N2B27