Project description:In this study we developed metaproteomics based methods for quantifying taxonomic composition of microbiomes (microbial communities). We also compared metaproteomics based quantification to other quantification methods, namely metagenomics and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. The metagenomic and 16S rRNA data can be found in the European Nucleotide Archive (Study number: PRJEB19901). For the method development and comparison of the methods we analyzed three types of mock communities with all three methods. The communities contain between 28 to 32 species and strains of bacteria, archaea, eukaryotes and bacteriophage. For each community type 4 biological replicate communities were generated. All four replicates were analyzed by 16S rRNA sequencing and metaproteomics. Three replicates of each community type were analyzed with metagenomics. The "C" type communities have same cell/phage particle number for all community members (C1 to C4). The "P" type communities have the same protein content for all community members (P1 to P4). The "U" (UNEVEN) type communities cover a large range of protein amounts and cell numbers (U1 to U4). We also generated proteomic data for four pure cultures to test the specificity of the protein inference method. This data is also included in this submission.
Project description:Chronic acid suppression by proton pump inhibitor (PPI) has been hypothesized to alter the gut microbiota via a change in intestinal pH. To evaluate the changes in gut microbiota composition by long-term PPI treatment. Twenty-four week old F344 rats were fed with (n = 5) or without (n = 6) lansoprazole (PPI) for 50 weeks. Then, profiles of luminal microbiota in the terminal ileum were analyzed. Pyrosequencing for 16S rRNA gene was performed by genome sequencer FLX (454 Life Sciences/Roche) and analyzed by metagenomic bioinformatics.
Project description:To explore the effects of gut microbiota of young (8 weeks) or old mice (18~20 months) on stroke, feces of young (Y1-Y9) and old mice (O6-O16) were collected and analyzed by 16s rRNA sequencing. Then stroke model was established on young mouse receive feces from old mouse (DOT1-15) and young mouse receive feces from young mouse (DYT1-15). 16s rRNA sequencing were also performed for those young mice received feces from young and old mice.
Project description:To address the role of gut microbiota in the development of paclitaxel-induced peripheral neuropathy (PIPN), we performed 16S rRNA sequencing analysis of feces samples at 14 days and 28 days after the initiation of paclitaxel or vehicle injections.
Project description:Investigation of the phylogenetic diversity of Acidobacteria taxa using PCR amplicons from positive control 16S rRNA templates and total genomic DNA extracted from soil and a soil clay fraction A ten chip study using PCR amplicons from cloned 16S rRNA genes and from diverse soil 16S rRNAs, with PCR primers specific to the Division Acidobacteria. Each chip measures the signal from 42,194 probes (in triplicate) targeting Acidobacteria division, subdivision, and subclades as well as other bacterial phyla. All samples except one (GSM464591) include 2.5 M betaine in the hybridization buffer. Pair files lost due to a computer crash.
Project description:Hypervariable regions V3-V5 of bacterial 16S rRNA genes. This data is part of a pre-publication release. For information on the proper use of pre-publication data shared by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (including details of any publication moratoria), please see
Project description:Cemetery soils most likely contain degradative bacteria which possibly have beneficial potencies. However, the bacterial exploration in these potencies is still limitedly conducted in Indonesia. The raw sequence data of total bacteria in the cemetery soils through metagenomic analysis have been revealed. The data were obtained by collecting soil samples from six spots of two major Cemetery areas, which were Pracimaloyo (P) and Bonoloyo (B), in Surakarta City, Central Java, Indonesia. The six sample spots consisted of two samples from P area with respectively 20 cm and 140 cm depths and four samples of each two samples from B area with 20 and 40 cm depths. The total DNA was subsequently extracted from the collected soils using ZymoBIOMICS DNA Miniprep Kit. The total DNA then was amplified using a couple of 16S rRNA primers through Illumina HiSeq 2500 PE250 (Novogen, Korea) environment system. The raw sequence data has been submitted to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) with project ID PRJNA997385. The archived sequence can be accessed in the NCBI website with the following URLs A brief analysis of the sequence data showed that the most common phyla in 20 cm-depths were Proteobacteria (29.5%), Actinobacteria (21.6%), and Firmicutes (19.2%), while Actinobacteria were the most found in 140 cm-depths with 34.2% followed by Proteobacteria (21.9%) and Firmicutes (16.6%). This data would be the first report of total bacterial sequence from cemetery soils in Indonesia.