Project description:We have developed a 60-mer oligonucleotide multibacterial microarray for detection and expression profiling of biodegradative genes and bacterial diversity (16S rRNA gene) in different habitats contaminated with varieties of hazardous chemicals. The genes selected were involved in biodegradation and biotransformation of various groups of compounds viz. nitroaromatic compounds (148 genes), chloroaromatic compounds (75 genes), monoaromatic compounds (373 genes), polyaromatic hydrocarbons (174 genes), pesticides/ herbicides (34 genes), alkanes/aliphatics (185 genes) and heavy metals (68 genes), which covered a total number of 133 chemicals. The efficiency (specificity, detection sensitivity) of the developed array was evaluated using the labeled genomic DNA of pure bacterial strains, Escherichia coli DH5M-NM-1 and Sphingomonas sp. strain NM-05 (involved in the biodegradation of M-NM-3-hexachlorohexane isolated from IPL, Lucknow) at different concentrations of 300ng, 500ng, 800ng, 1000ng and 1250ng. The specificity of the developed array was further validated using mixed cultures containing three strains (Sphingomonas sp. strain NM-05, Rhodococcus sp. strain RHA1 and Bordetella sp. strain IITR-02) involved in biodegradation of M-NM-3-hexachlorohexane, biphenyl and chlorobenzenes respectively. The mixed culture also contained non-target/non-degrader strains (E. coli DHM-NM-1, E.coli BL21 and E.coli K12 NCTC50192). The developed array was applied for profiling using the total soil DNA in five contaminated habitats of north India, viz. chloroaromatic chemicals contaminated site (India Pesticide Limited, Chinhat, Lucknow), a river sediments (Gomti river sediment, Lucknow), heavy metal industry dump site (Jajmau industrial area Kanpur), a effluent treatment plant (CETP along Ganges river near Kanpur), and an oil refinery (Mathura oil refinery). Hybridization of 16S rRNA probes revealed the presence of bacteria similar to well characterized genera involved in biodegradation of pollutants. Genes involved in complete degradation pathways for hexachlorocyclohexane (lin), 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene (tcb), naphthalene (nah), phenol (mph), biphenyl (bph), benzene (ben), toluene (tbm), xylene (xyl), phthalate (pht), Salicylate (sal) and resistance to mercury (mer) were detected with highest intensity. The most abundant genes belonged to hydroxylases, monooxygenases and dehydrogenases which were present in all the five samples. Many compound specific genes which initiate the degradation pathway were also detected. Thus, the array developed and validated here may be useful in assessing the biodegradative potential and composition of environmentally useful bacteria in hazardous ecosystems. Agilent one-color CGH experiment,Organism: Genotypic designed Agilent-17159 Genotypic designed Agilent Multibacterial 8x15k Array , Labeling kit: Agilent Genomic DNA labeling Kit (Part Number: 5190-0453)
Project description:We have developed a 60-mer oligonucleotide multibacterial microarray for detection and expression profiling of biodegradative genes and bacterial diversity (16S rRNA gene) in different habitats contaminated with varieties of hazardous chemicals. The genes selected were involved in biodegradation and biotransformation of various groups of compounds viz. nitroaromatic compounds (148 genes), chloroaromatic compounds (75 genes), monoaromatic compounds (373 genes), polyaromatic hydrocarbons (174 genes), pesticides/ herbicides (34 genes), alkanes/aliphatics (185 genes) and heavy metals (68 genes), which covered a total number of 133 chemicals. The efficiency (specificity, detection sensitivity) of the developed array was evaluated using the labeled genomic DNA of pure bacterial strains, Escherichia coli DH5α and Sphingomonas sp. strain NM-05 (involved in the biodegradation of γ-hexachlorohexane isolated from IPL, Lucknow) at different concentrations of 300ng, 500ng, 800ng, 1000ng and 1250ng. The specificity of the developed array was further validated using mixed cultures containing three strains (Sphingomonas sp. strain NM-05, Rhodococcus sp. strain RHA1 and Bordetella sp. strain IITR-02) involved in biodegradation of γ-hexachlorohexane, biphenyl and chlorobenzenes respectively. The mixed culture also contained non-target/non-degrader strains (E. coli DHα, E.coli BL21 and E.coli K12 NCTC50192). The developed array was applied for profiling using the total soil DNA in five contaminated habitats of north India, viz. chloroaromatic chemicals contaminated site (India Pesticide Limited, Chinhat, Lucknow), a river sediments (Gomti river sediment, Lucknow), heavy metal industry dump site (Jajmau industrial area Kanpur), a effluent treatment plant (CETP along Ganges river near Kanpur), and an oil refinery (Mathura oil refinery). Hybridization of 16S rRNA probes revealed the presence of bacteria similar to well characterized genera involved in biodegradation of pollutants. Genes involved in complete degradation pathways for hexachlorocyclohexane (lin), 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene (tcb), naphthalene (nah), phenol (mph), biphenyl (bph), benzene (ben), toluene (tbm), xylene (xyl), phthalate (pht), Salicylate (sal) and resistance to mercury (mer) were detected with highest intensity. The most abundant genes belonged to hydroxylases, monooxygenases and dehydrogenases which were present in all the five samples. Many compound specific genes which initiate the degradation pathway were also detected. Thus, the array developed and validated here may be useful in assessing the biodegradative potential and composition of environmentally useful bacteria in hazardous ecosystems.
Project description:A three-stage continuous fermentative system was developed to simulate and control physicochemical factors of the gut biology. Inoculation was of each reactor was performed from a human fecal sample which was initially amplified with a batch procedure. Samples from the initial feces, the batch and from the bioreactors media were collected to extract bacterial DNA. 16S PCR amplification was performed to assess the microbial diversity at the family level using the HuGChip. Amplified DNA was purified and labelled with either Cy3 or Cy5 dye and hybridized on the microarray. A 5 chip study was realized, each corresponding to hybridization with 250ng of labelled 16S rRNA gene amplicons from either the initial stool, the batch inoculum or fermentative medium different compartments of the simulated colon (Proximal, Transversal and Distal). Each probe (4441) was synthetized in three replicates.
Project description:An Easy Operating Pathogen Microarray (EOPM) was designed to detect almost all known pathogens and related species based on their genomic sequences. For effective identification of pathogens from EOPM data, a statistical enrichment algorithm has been proposed and further implemented in a user-friendly interface. A microarray was designed with probes for vertebrate-infecting virus sequences in EMBL, 18S rRNA fungi and parasite sequences from EMBL, and 16S rRNA sequences of bacteria from RDP, synthesized on the Agilent platform. The array was tested using 2 color dyes on cultured microbes and on clinical samples from sick and healthy people, looking for differences in clinically ill people compared to a number of healthy "controls".
Project description:LC-MS/MS data of crude extracts produced by isolated bacteria recovered from Brazilian Rocas Atoll. The bacteria whose extracts were cytotoxic on tumor cell lines were identified by 16S rRNA.
Project description:Given the criticle role of gut bacteria involve in number of diseases, the gut microbiota from young and aged people were estimated using 16s rRNA next-generation sequencing. This study will benefit to identify the role of gut bacteria on the pathegenic mechasim of aging relative diseases.