Project description:16S rRNA genes of Bacteria in fermentative enrichment isolated from heavy oil reservoir
| PRJNA454816 | ENA
Project description:16S rRNA amplicon reads of sulfamethoxazole-transforming nitrate-reducing and sulfate-reducing microbial enrichments with different electron donor treatments.
Project description:The effect of nitrate reduction (anaerobic cultivation in the presence of heme, vitamin K2 and nitrate) was compared with anaerobic cultivation supplemented with citrate (Lactobacillus plantarum). The medium was chemically defined medium with mannitol as main carbon source Two-condition experiment, nitrate vs citrate reducing cells. Biological replicates: 4 nitrate reducing cultures, 4 citrate reducing cultures, independently grown and harvested. Two slides were used, each slide contained 8 Arrays. Citrate reducing cultures are called reactor 1-4, Nitrate reducing cultures are called reactor A-D