Project description:Genome-wide Analysis of Sp2 Occupancy and Expression Profiling Establish Sp2 as a Sequence-specific Transcription Factor Regulating Fundamental Cellular Processes - ChIPseq
Project description:We investigated the genomic binding profiles of the transcription factors Pbx1, Prep1, and Sp2 in mouse embryonic fibroblasts using ChIPseq and ChIPexo. Refer to E-MTAB-2970 and E-MTAB-994 for KO and IgG Controls.
Project description:The success of bottom-up proteomic analysis frequently depends on the efficient removal of contaminants from protein or peptide samples before LC-MS/MS. For a peptide clean-up workflow, the single-pot solid-phase-enhanced peptide sample preparation on carboxylate-modified paramagnetic beads (termed SP2) was evaluated for sodium dodecyl sulfate or polyethylene glycol removal from Arabidopsis thaliana tryptic peptides. The robust and efficient 40-min SP2 protocol, tested for a 10 ng, 250ng and 10µg peptide sample, was proposed and benchmarked thoroughly against the ethyl acetate extraction protocol. The SP2 protocol on carboxylated magnetic beads proved to be the robust approach even for simultaneous removal of massive sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) contaminations from AT peptide samples in respect of the LC-MS/MS data outperforming ethyl acetate extraction.