Project description:MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short non-coding RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate expression of mRNAs in many biological pathways. Here we report comprehensive miRNAs profiles by next-gen deep sequencing in Angus cattle divergently selected for residual feed intake (RFI) and identify miRNAs related to feed efficiency in beef cattle Results: Two microRNA libraries were constructed from pooled RNA extracted from livers of low and high RFI cattle, and sequenced by Illumina genome analyser. In total, 23,628,103 high quality short sequence reads were obtained and more than half of these reads were matched to the bovine genome (UMD 3.1). We identified 305 known bovine miRNAs (miRBase v.19). Bta-miR-143, bta-miR-30, bta-miR-122, bta-miR-378 and bta-let-7 were the top five most abundant miRNAs families expressed in liver, representing more than 63% of expressed miRNAs. We also identified 52 homologous miRNAs and 10 novel putative bovine-specific miRNAs, based on precursor sequence and the secondary structure and utilizing the miRBase (version 19). We compared the miRNAs profile between high and low RFI animals and ranked the most differentially expressed bovine known miRNAs. Bovine miR-143 was the most abundant miRNA in the bovine liver and comprised 20% of total expressed mapped miRNAs. The most highly expressed miRNA in liver of mice and humans, miR-122, was the third most abundant in our cattle liver samples. We also identified 10 putative novel bovine-specific miRNA candidates. Differentially expressed miRNAs between high and low RFI cattle were identified with 18 miRNAs being up-regulated and 7 other miRNAs down-regulated in low RFI cattle Conclusions: Our study has identified comprehensive miRNAs expressed in bovine liver. Some of the expressed miRNAs are novel in cattle. The differentially expressed miRNAs between high and low RFI give some insights into liver miRNAs regulating physiological pathways underlying residual feed intake in bovine
Project description:Bovine preadipocytes were isolated from subcutaneous fatty tissue and induced differentiation into adipocytes and RNAs were extracted from preadipocytes and adipocytes respectively. Small RNA-seq was performed by Beijing Genomics Institute biotechnology. A total of 250 differential expression miRNAs were screened, while 131 miRNAs were highly expressed in bovine adipocytes and 119 miRNAs were highly expressed in bovine preadipocytes. KEGG pathway analysis presented that 4.76% (p-value<0.001) differently expression genes enriched in lipid metabolism. GO analysis showed the target genes were mainly associated with cell process, cell and binding. Together these results provided important insights into the research of miRNAs for bovine preadipocytes differentiation.
Project description:In this study, we determined the miRNA expression profile of bovine alveolar macrophages, using next-generation sequencing strategy. On an Illumina HiSeq 2000 machine, we sequenced 8 miRNA libraries, prepared from small RNA fractions of alveolar macrophages isolated from 8 different healthy animals (Bos taurus). From the data, the potential novel miRNAs were predicted, and the expression levels of the known miRNAs were determined. We report that 80 known bovine miRNAs are expressed in bovine alveolar macrophages with >100 reads per million. The most highly expressed miRNA was bta-miR-21, followed by bta-miR-27a. Additionally, one putatively novel bovine miRNA was identified. To our knowledge, this is the first RNA-seq study to profile miRNA expression in bovine alveolar macrophages and provides an important reference dataset for investigating the regulatory roles miRNAs play in this important immune cell type.
Project description:MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs found to regulate several biological processes including adipogenesis. Understanding adipose tissue regulation is critical for beef cattle as fat is an important determinant of beef quality and nutrient value . This study analyzed the association between genomic context characteristics of miRNAs with their expression and function in bovine adipose tissue. Twenty-four subcutaneous adipose tissue biopsies were obtained from eight British-continental crossbred steers at 3 different time points . Total RNA was extracted and miRNAs were profiled using a miRNA microarray with expression further validated by qRT-PCR. A total of 224 miRNAs were detected of which 155 were expressed in all steers (n=8), and defined as the core miRNAs of bovine subcutaneous adipose tissue. Core adipose miRNAs varied in terms of genomic location (59.5% intergenic, 38.7% intronic, 1.2% exonic, and 0.6% mirtron), organization (55.5% non-clustered and 44.5% clustered), and conservation (49% highly conserved, 14% conserved and 37% poorly conserved). Clustered miRNAs and highly conserved miRNAs were more highly expressed (p<0.05) and had more predicted targets than non-clustered or less conserved miRNAs (p<0.001). A total of 34 miRNAs were coordinately expressed, being part of six identified relevant networks. Two intronic miRNAs (miR-33a and miR-1281) were shown to have coordinated expression with their host genes which are involved in lipid metabolism, suggesting these miRNAs may also play a role in regulation of lipid metabolism/adipogenesis of bovine adipose tissue. Furthermore, a total of 17 bovine specific miRNAs were predicted to be involved in the regulation of energy balance in adipose tissue. These findings improve our understanding on the behavior of miRNAs in the regulation of bovine adipogenesis and fat metabolism as it reveals that miRNA expression patterns and functions are associated with miRNA genomic organization and conservation in bovine adipose tissue.
Project description:The effects of different diets on bovine serum extracellular vesicle (EV)-miRNAs are explored by small RNA Solexa sequencing. We partly replaced alfalfa hay with whole cotton seed and soybean hull in the feed formula of treat cows. Small RNAs are enriched in bovine serum EVs, including miRNAs, snRNAs, tiRNAs, Cis-regulatory elements, piRNAs, etc. Totally 359 bos taurus miRNAs are identified by sequencing. There are 15 immune-related miRNAs in the top 20 serum EV-miRNAs, accounting for about 80% of the total. Seven differently expressed known miRNAs were detected in responding to different diets. KEGG analysis showed differently expressed miRNAs are related to hormone signal pathways and protein metabolism.
Project description:We have reported that microRNAs are present in human, bovine, and rat milk whey. Milk whey miRNAs were resistant to acidic condition and to RNase. Thus, milk miRNAs were thought to be present packaged into membrane vesicles like exosome. However, body fluid miRNAs have been reported that there are in different forms. To clarify which miRNAs species are exist in exosome and which species are exist in another form, we used bovine raw milk and purified total RNA from exosome fraction and ultracentrifugated supernatant fraction, and analyzed by miRNA microarray.
Project description:The study aimed to uncover the release of miRNAs via EVs and the differential release of these miRNAs from bovine granulosa cells in response to heat stress
Project description:Non-canonical microRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of short endogenous RNA molecules with the ability to control development, autophagy, apoptosis and the stress response in eukaryotes by pairing with partially complementary sites in the 3' untranslated regions (UTRs) of targeted genes. Recent studies have demonstrated that miRNAs serve as critical effectors in intricate networks of host-pathogen interactions. Thereforce, the differential expression of miRNAs were evaluated in Madin-Darby bovine kidney (MDBK) cells infected with bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) NADL (100 TCID50/ 0.1 ml) for 6 h compared to normal MDBK cells using Solexa high-throughput sequencing technology (BGI, China).
Project description:In this study, We proposed a reprogramming-derived bovine model of NRDS based on typical phenotypes of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (NRDS) and high reproducibility and replication rates as well as a steerable background of neonatal cloned cows suffering from NRDS. With the aid of miRNA sequencing, construction of the miRNA–gene network and functional enrichment of target genes, the effects of specific miRNAs on lung development and surfactant homeostasis were determined in this model. We identified 12 miRNAs targeting SFTPB, SFTPC and NKX2-1 genes, demonstrated repression effects of three miRNAs on NKX2-1 and SFTPC expression in vivo and through which miRNAs disturbed lung development and surfactant homeostasis in the NRDS bovine model.