Project description:Telomere shortening in populations of human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) that survive early replicative arrest (M0) by the inactivation of p16INK4A during cell culture on plastic dishes leads to a state of permanent replicative arrest termed senescence. While culture of HMECs on feeder layers abrogates M0 and p16INK4A inactivation, progressive telomere attrition in these cells also eventually results in permanent replicative arrest. Expression of telomerase prevents both senescence on plastic (S-P) and senescence on feeder layers (S-FL) in HMECs, as it does also in cultured primary human fibroblasts. We report here that the gene expression profiles of senescence in HMECs of the same lineage maintained under different culture conditions showed surprisingly little commonality. Moreover, neither of these senescence-associated profiles in HMECs resembles the profile for senescence in human fibroblasts. These results indicate that senescence-associated alterations in gene expression resulting from telomere attrition are affected by culture conditions as well as by cell origins, and argue that replicative senescence at the molecular level is a diverse rather than unique cellular process.
Project description:Telomere shortening in populations of human mammary epithelial cells (HMECs) that survive early replicative arrest (M0) by the inactivation of p16INK4A during cell culture on plastic dishes leads to a state of permanent replicative arrest termed senescence. While culture of HMECs on feeder layers abrogates M0 and p16INK4A inactivation, progressive telomere attrition in these cells also eventually results in permanent replicative arrest. Expression of telomerase prevents both senescence on plastic (S-P) and senescence on feeder layers (S-FL) in HMECs, as it does also in cultured primary human fibroblasts. We report here that the gene expression profiles of senescence in HMECs of the same lineage maintained under different culture conditions showed surprisingly little commonality. Moreover, neither of these senescence-associated profiles in HMECs resembles the profile for senescence in human fibroblasts. These results indicate that senescence-associated alterations in gene expression resulting from telomere attrition are affected by culture conditions as well as by cell origins, and argue that replicative senescence at the molecular level is a diverse rather than unique cellular process.
Project description:Cellular replicative senescence, a state of permanent cell-cycle arrest that occurs following an extended period of cell division in culture, has been linked to organismal aging, tissue repair and tumorigenesis. In this study, we comparatively investigated the global lipid profiles and mRNA content of proliferating and senescent-state BJ fibroblast cells. We found that both the expression levels of lipid-regulating genes, as well as the abundance of specific lipid families, are actively regulated. We further found that 19 polyunsaturated triacylglycerol species showed the most prominent changes during replicative senescence. We argue that diversion of polyunsaturated fatty acids to glycerolipid biosynthesis could be responsible for the accumulation of specific triacylglycerols. This, in turn, could be one of the cellular mechanisms to prevent lipotoxicity under increased oxidative stress conditions observed during replicative senescence. Collectively, our results place regulation of specific lipid species to a central role during replicative senescence.
Project description:Although senescence has long been implicated in aging-associated pathologies, it is not clearly understood how senescent cells are linked to these diseases. To address this knowledge gap, we profiled cellular senescence phenotypes and mRNA expression patterns during replicative senescence in human diploid fibroblasts. We identified a sequential order of gain-of-senescence phenotypes: low levels of reactive oxygen species, cell mass/size increases with delayed cell growth, high levels of reactive oxygen species with increases in senescence-associated M-NM-2-galactosidase activity (SA-M-NM-2-gal), and high levels of SA-M-NM-2-gal activity. Gene expression profiling revealed four distinct modules in which genes were prominently expressed at certain stages of senescence, allowing us to divide the process into four stages: early, middle, advanced, and very advanced. Interestingly, the gene expression modules governing each stage supported the development of the associated senescence phenotypes. Senescence-associated secretory phenotype-related genes also displayed a stage-specific expression pattern with three unique features during senescence: differential expression of interleukin isoforms, differential expression of interleukins and their receptors, and differential expression of matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitory proteins. The analysis of time series gene expression level during replicaive senescence.
Project description:MicroRNAs regulate various cellular processes. While several genes associated with replicative senescence have been described in endothelial cells, miRNAs that regulate these genes remain largely unknown. The present study was designed to identify miRNAs associated with replicative senescence and their target genes in HUVECs. We have employed Agilent Human MicroRNAs microarray platform to evaluate the expressions of 866 human miRNAs and 89 human viral miRNAs, based on Sanger miRNA database release 12.0 miRNA expression profiles were established for young and replicative senescent HUVECs
Project description:Although senescence has long been implicated in aging-associated pathologies, it is not clearly understood how senescent cells are linked to these diseases. To address this knowledge gap, we profiled cellular senescence phenotypes and mRNA expression patterns during replicative senescence in human diploid fibroblasts. We identified a sequential order of gain-of-senescence phenotypes: low levels of reactive oxygen species, cell mass/size increases with delayed cell growth, high levels of reactive oxygen species with increases in senescence-associated β-galactosidase activity (SA-β-gal), and high levels of SA-β-gal activity. Gene expression profiling revealed four distinct modules in which genes were prominently expressed at certain stages of senescence, allowing us to divide the process into four stages: early, middle, advanced, and very advanced. Interestingly, the gene expression modules governing each stage supported the development of the associated senescence phenotypes. Senescence-associated secretory phenotype-related genes also displayed a stage-specific expression pattern with three unique features during senescence: differential expression of interleukin isoforms, differential expression of interleukins and their receptors, and differential expression of matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitory proteins.
Project description:<p><strong>BACKGROUND:</strong> Periodontal ligament mesenchymal stem cells (PDLSCs) are a promising cell resource for cell-based regenerative medicine in dentistry. PDLSCs inevitably acquire a senescent phenotype after prolonged in vitro expansion, and the key regulators of cells during replicative senescence remain unclear.</p><p><strong>METHODS:</strong> We cultured periodontal ligament stem cells to passages 4, 10 and 20 (P4, P10, P20). The senescent phenotypes, proliferation and migration ability of PDLSCs (P4, P10, P20) were detected, and non-targeted metabonomic sequencing was performed. We treated PDLSCs with AICAR and detected the expression of FOXO1, FOXO3a, FOXO6 and AMPK phosphorylation (p-AMPK) levels of replicating senescent PDLSCs to explore the correlation between the metabolic changes and the AMPK pathway.</p><p><strong>RESULTS:</strong> Immunofluorescence staining of γ-H2AX, β-galactosidase staining, cell scratch test and qPCR were performed to confirm the occurrence of replicative senescence in PDLSCs during passaging. Three groups of cells at passage 4 (P4), passage 10 (P10) and passage 20 (P20) were collected for non-targeted metabolomics analysis. Metabonomic sequencing showed that the metabolism of replicative senescence in PDLSCs varied significantly. In particular, the content of fatty acid metabolites decreased with senescence, including capric acid, stearic acid, myristic acid and dodecanoic acid. KEGG pathway analysis showed that the AMPK signaling pathway was closely related to AMP levels. The AMP:ATP ratio increased in senescent PDLSCs; however, the levels of p-AMPK and the profile of FOXO1 and FOXO3a, which are downstream of the AMPK signaling pathway, decreased with senescence. We treated PDLSCs with AICAR, an activator of the AMPK pathway, and the phosphorylated AMPK level at P20 PDLSCs was partially restored. </p><p><strong>CONCLUSION:</strong> In summary, our study suggests that the metabolic process of PDLSCs is active in the early stage of senescence, prefers to consume fatty acids, and is attenuated in the later stages of senescence. AMP accumulates in replicative senescent PDLSCs; however, the sensitivity of AMPK phosphorylation sites is impaired, causing senescent PDLSCs to fail to respond to changes in energy metabolism. Our findings provide a new basis for the clinical application of periodontal ligament stem cells.</p>