Project description:Extrachromosomal circular DNA (eccDNA) is double-stranded circular DNA that is derived from but independent of chromosomal DNA. Owing to its nonchromosomal inheritance, eccDNA facilitates the amplification of oncogenes and expedites the process of genome evolution in tumor. However, the role of eccDNA in RB remains enigmatic. We combined Circle-Seq and RNA-Seq to identified crucial extrachromosomal circular oncogene amplicons. Herein, we revealed that extrachromosomal circular SUZ12 amplicon regulates H3K27me3 modification during the oncogenic progression of retinoblastoma. Conclusively, our study initially delineated an integrated picture of the eccDNA landscape in retinoblastoma and unveiled a novel SUZ12-containing eccDNA/H3K27me3 oncogenic mechanism where eccDNA dictates retinoblastoma progression through regulating transcription levels of linear DNA.
2023-07-02 | GSE235888 | GEO
Project description:Human extrachromosomal circular DNA is sequenced by circular sequencing