Project description:The Global Panzootic Lineage (GPL) of the pathogenic fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) has caused severe amphibian population declines, yet the drivers underlying the high frequency of GPL in regions of amphibian decline are unclear. Using publicly available Bd genome sequences, we identified multiple non-GPL Bd isolates that contain a circular Rep-encoding single stranded DNA-like virus which we named BdDV-1. We further sequenced and constructed genome assemblies with long read sequences to find that the virus is integrated into the nuclear genome in some strains. Attempts to cure virus positive isolates were unsuccessful, however, phenotypic differences between naturally virus positive and virus negative Bd isolates suggested that BdDV-1 decreases the growth of its host in vitro but increases the virulence of its host in vivo. BdDV-1 is the first described CRESS DNA mycovirus associated with hypervirulence with a distribution inversely associated with the emergence of the panzootic lineage.
Project description:Potato yellow vein virus (PYVV) was detected by RT-PCR in potatoes grown in the Central Colombian highlands, north of Bogotá (~3000 mt height). At this altitude viral whitefly vectors are largely absent, but infection persists because of the use of uncertified tubers. Plants with typical PYVV-induced yellowing symptoms, as well as with atypical yellowing or non-symptomatic were sampled at three separate geographical locations. And five of them were subjected to Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) of their small RNA (sRNA) populations. Contigs to any virus were assembled, and complete or almost complete sequences of four PYVV isolates were thus re-constructed, all from symptomatic plants. Three viral isolates infected plants singly, while the fourth one co-infected the plant together with a potyvirus (potato virus Y, PVY). Relative proportions of sRNAs to each of the three viral genomic RNAs were assessed and found to remain comparable between the four infections. Genomic regions were identified as hotspots to sRNA formation, or as regions that induced poorly sRNAs. Furthermore, PYVV titers in the mixed vs. the single infections were found to be remained comparable, indicating absence of synergistic/antagonistic effect of the potyvirus on the accumulation of PYVV.
2021-03-03 | GSE157752 | GEO
Project description:Complete Genome Sequences of five dengue virus type 2 isolates from Venezuela
| PRJNA434058 | ENA
Project description:Complete genome sequences of four new isolates
Project description:With the aid of a biochip, carrying representative sequences from approximately 2200 sequences from the genome of isolate 9a5c from X. fastidiosa (Xf), microarray-based comparisons have been performed with 8 different Xf isolates obtained from coffee plants.
Project description:A comparative genomic approach was used to identify large sequence polymorphisms among Mycobacterium avium isolates obtained from a variety of host species. DNA microarrays were used as a platform for comparing mycobacteria field isolates with the sequenced bovine isolate Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) K10. ORFs were classified as present or divergent based on the relative fluorescent intensities of the experimental samples compared to Map K10 DNA. Map isolates cultured from cattle, bison, sheep, goat, avian, and human sources were hybridized to the Map microarray. Three large deletions were observed in the genomes of four Map isolates obtained from sheep and four clusters of ORFs homologous to sequences in the Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium (Maa) 104 genome were identified as being present in these isolates. One of these clusters encodes glycopeptidolipid biosynthesis enzymes. One of the Map sheep isolates had a genome profile similar to a group of Mycobacterium avium subsp. silvaticum (Mas) isolates which included four independent laboratory stocks of the organism traditionally identified as Maa strain 18. Genome diversity in Map appears to be mostly restricted to large sequence polymorphisms that are often associated with mobile genetic elements. Keywords: Comparative genomic hybridization
Project description:Using DNA-microarrays analysis 39 differentially expressed genes were identified in 200 vs. 100 microns biofilms, which might be associated with thickness of S. mutans biofilm. Using DNA-microarrays analysis 29 differentially expressed genes were identified in 400 vs. 100 microns biofilms of S. mutans. 200 vs. 100 microns in depth: The arrays consisted of 1948 70-mer oligonucleotides representing 1960 ORFs from S. mutans UA159 and additional control sequences. The results represent the findings of two independent biological replicate arrays performed with two different RNA samples. In one of the arrays the 100-microns biofilm RNA sample was labeled with Cy5 and the 200-microns biofilm RNA with Cy3, while the second array was reversibly labeled. 400 vs. 100 microns in depth The arrays consisted of 1948 70-mer oligonucleotides representing 1960 ORFs from S. mutans UA159 and additional control sequences. The results represent the findings of three independent biological replicate arrays. In two of the arrays the RNA sample from 100-microns depths biofilm was labeled with Cy5 and the 400-micron - with Cy3, while the third array was reversibly labeled.
Project description:We performed whole genome single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) based analysis of all available Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) virus antigenic complex genomes and developed a high resolution genome-wide SNP microarray. We used the SNP microarray to analyze a broad panel of VEEV isolates, found excellent concordance between array and sequence based genotypes for previously sequenced strains, and genotyped unsequenced strains.